Did you know that “House Hunters” is currently the highest rated show on HGTV? It’s so crazy popular they now have an international version and all sorts of different spin-offs to keep us watching.
People seem to either love it or hate it, but a lot of them watch it. And we all roll our eyes at the home buyers who balk at moving into a house that’s decorated in colors they don’t like (haven’t heard of paint?).
Now to mention when they insist– everyone say it all together, now — they need space for entertaining. 🙂
“House Hunters” Ratings on HGTV
The first episode of “House Hunters” aired in 2000, and it quickly became HGTV’s hottest show.
Until recently, they didn’t tell viewers how much the featured houses cost. Viewers were simply given a vague idea of the buyer’s price range.
As soon as “House Hunters” started revealing the prices of the homes in 2005, the ratings shot even higher. Producers began creating entire shows built around the concept of house prices, such as “National Open House” and “What You Get for the Money.”
The “House Hunters be like…” meme sums up what a lot of us are thinking when we watch:
Here’s a graph that shows how “House Hunters'” ratings have skyrocketed over the years:
Pretty incredible! And explains why it seems like it’s on HGTV every time we turn it on.
“House Hunters” host Suzanne Whang is an actress who played Moseby’s secretary in “Housesitter” (a fave of mine — love that yellow house, which I featured here). She’s also had parts in “Brothers and Sisters and “Boston Legal.”
Here’s some more trivia for you. Did you know when Star Jones guest-hosted for five episodes in NYC, the series pulled its highest ratings ever?
“House Hunters” is so popular that both it and “House Hunters International” can now be seen almost every day of the week on HGTV.
Here’s a House Hunters Drinking Game for anyone brave enough to give it a shot:
via House of Prince
The “House Hunters” ratings continued to soar, but a year after I wrote this article, Suzanne Whang was replaced by a narrator in a cost-cutting move by the network.
It did not go unnoticed by you guys! I found out where she went and wrote about it here: What Happened to Suzanne Whang on “House Hunters”?
In 2010 I learned The Truth About House Hunters and wrote about it here.
Then in 2012 I interviewed a reader named Bobi who confirmed the stories I’d reported two years earlier.
It kind of blew the lid off “House Hunters” and the way it’s filmed. The post went viral and I still hear from people who are mad I “ruined their favorite show for them.” (Please don’t shoot the messenger!) You can read that article here.
Finally, HGTV responded to my story by coming clean and admitting it was all true.
You can read what they had to say about it here.
Visit my HGTV page to get the scoop on more shows, including “Fixer Upper.”
Tracey says
Did you know you can watch “House Hunter” in ten minutes if you DVR it and fast forward through commercials? No kidding!
Amy says
I love House Hunters- I don’t really know why- maybe it’s because I love houses.
I’ve seen Suzanne Whang on Las Vegas too- as a crazy nail tech or hair dresser in the hotel. She was very funny and very convincing. I haven’t seen her in the other things.
Amy says
Thanks! I’ve had the flu so I’ve been catching up on all the stuff I’ve missed.
I’m totally on a losing streak as far as guessing correctly. I think they can’t really convey the buyers desire for a specific area, etc. But it’s fun trying- even my 6 year old guesses. She doesn’t like to be wrong though.
Lana Hall says
I love it!!!! Suzanne Whang is so darling, but I was very disappointed to see Star Jones tonight. I do not like her and I’m so worried that she has replaced Suzanee. Say it isn’t so
hookedonhouses says
I assume that’s a repeat from 2006 when Star Jones hosted for a week from NYC. As far as I know, they have no plans to replace Suzanne with her or anyone else. But if anyone has heard differently, let us know! -Julia
Suzanne Borrego says
Are all the house hunters international reruns? I know that years ago there would be new epsoides run for a week around the first of September.
House Hunters and House Hunters International are my favorite shows on HGTV.
Thank You,
Suzanne Borrego
Frank says
“House Hunters” is one of the shows that always seems to be on television. Unfortunately new episodes seems few and far between. I would like to know if they will be showing new episodes in the near future. I’ve seen many more than once.
hookedonhouses says
I haven’t seen a new House Hunters International in what seems like a long time.
The key is to watch “House Hunters” on Sunday nights at 8:00 when they air the new episodes. The rest of the week they are airing repeats. I have a TiVo that records only the new episodes, so I know they’re still airing them. It has another one scheduled for tomorrow night at 8. -Julia
June says
How is Myles of Styles doing in the ratings? I was soooo disappointed in DS 2 when Kim was the winner. She may be talented, but NOT in interior design. DS 1 winner, David Bronstad is a REAL star, and deserves his fabulous show, Color Splash.
Let’s see more of Splash…..and less of Myles of S.
Flo says
I’ve been catching a few of what I think are the newer House Hunters shows, and there was someone elses voice other than Suzanne’s narrating! They never showed the lady and I’m wondering if Suzanne will be coming back, or was this Suzanne wannabe just temporary??
Marlene Orr says
I am considering moving to Trinity, Fl. within six months. My friend watches HGTV House Hunters and told me you did a piece on Trinity, Fl. homes in the last few weeks or couple of months. Is there any way I can buy that viewing on DVD or watch it on your website?
Thank You,
Marlene Orr
John says
Beside the homes asking price, I would like to know what the property taxes are for the properties
Deedee says
To answer Marlene’s question, the Trinity episode of House Hunters will be on again on November 29th.
Brenda says
Does anyone know how to find out the colors used in the houses being shown? I just watched Episode 46 of 2008. More room in Austin. There was a greenish color on the walls in House #1 that I loved.
betson says
House Hunters—what is with that fake, irritating voice that pretends to be Suzanne Whang? I can’t stand it…and turn the show off immediately.
joan gentz says
When will the episode 33 “The Atkins are dreaming of a second home in Maine” air again. I have a summer place in the area and would love to see it. Thanks Joan
Jerry says
If HGTV would only stop using the “Swinging Camera” and keep the camera’s still so the audience can
see what is the subject matter, their viewer numbers would go back up to the good-old -days. We can’t watch because it
makes the us dizzy.
Same for DIY
What’s wrong with these people?
jennifer says
FINALLY saw name of new narrator – Colette Whitaker is her name. Her voice sounds familiar, but I can’t picture her face. Apparently she has done a lot work as just a voice. I imdb’d her and she was an “additional voice” in Disney’s Cars and Wall-E. I wonder why hgtv hasn’t taken Suzanne Whang’s name off their website. Perhaps she is just on temporary leave hopefully?
scherazade anderson says
what happens to previous guests that havce purchased homes on your show. have you thought about doing a updates on previous guests
Lisa says
Yikes! Does anyone have any info yet on if Suzanne Whang is to return? It personalized the show sooooo much more when she narrated.
d says
If you email Suzanne Whang on her official website, she will tell you that HGTV let her go last year. She’s doing other stuff now, and that is why she was replaced with this Colette Whitaker fakewannabe voice-over person. This is what she sent me: ” i left the show almost a year ago, after hosting it for almost a decade. they’ll still show my reruns for eternity, i imagine. feel free to post your comments or send an email to hgtv.com.
i am now headlining at stand-up comedy clubs, i’m guest hosting on the Game Show Network, writing my 2nd book, developing several television series to star in, doing professional keynote speaking, guest sermons, political activism, and charity work. life is good!
thanks for your email. have a blissful night ~”
Miller says
The only true way to send a message to HGTV about the horrid, horrid, fake, sing song, voice on House Hunters, is to boycott the show. I won’t watch it. HGTV doesn’t have respect for its loyal audience to “come clean” on their website re Suzanne Whang.
Replacing her with another “voice” is one thing, to try to pass off a fake, and still run Whang’s picture. Forget them…turn off the TV or switch the channel
Gale O'Neal says
I have been in real estate for over 21 years and in interior design for over 30 – would love to have a chance to work on some HGTV show. I
teach real estate and staging to agents and
am a consultant to builders and investors. I
take a lot of buyers around in my car, and the
latest group commented that I should be on
House Hunter. I’m in the Cary, NC, area.
Renee says
I would like to voice my displeasure at the loss of Suzanne Whang as host for House Hunters. I also turn off the show when she is not hosting it. I have tried to watch when she is not on or when they have the fake voice on. The show is definitely suffering from her loss. I am not sure what it would take to get her back but I would suggest that HGTV look into it!
Kip Lawrence says
How can I get on House Hunters.
Agnes says
I just love this program but I have to admit,, my favorite show is the one where those two boys from Spain are looking to get a house with fewer stairs. Is there anyway we can find out how their house looks now? I don’t know what it is about that episode but I feel like they are my boys!
Trinity House Hunters says
The Trinity House Hunters will be on again on October 13. 2009 at 7:30 pm
janet obrien says
love love the show but can’t receive any more, have cablevision. dropping cablev. unless you guys go back on the air.
Charles says
My gawd people, I liked Suzanne too, but if you can’t bear to watch the show with her not on it anymore, then you never really watched the show for the fun of seeing the different houses in the first place….you watched it for the host! Why is poor Colette a Suzanne “wannabe?” Cuz she sounds kinda like her. Oh my, how could she?! My wife and I have watched HH for YEARS and just recently noticed no Suzanne anymore. I was curious what happened to her, but happily still watch the show for the same reasons I’ve watched for years, the fun of seeing all the diff properties that come in diff zip codes for various prices (and of course trying to guess which one the buyer will choose.) Give Colette a freakin’ break.
Melonie says
Thank you Charles ! I happen to know the gal who was doing the voice for House Hunters, after Suzanne. She’s actually a very versatile Voice-Over artist. But she was directed to do the VO for the show in that style. She had auditioned for the role as narrator and was chosen because she fit the direction they wanted for the show. She was never supposed to be a “wannabe” or “soundalike” – but she got the job because they liked her delivery. And yes, to be sure, she sounds a lot like Suzanne. But thanks for sticking up for her. And I’m with you – I watch the show to see the houses anyway.
lionel says
hello my name is Lionel ,i just want you to know you have a beautiful angel voice
Gary D says
Well, at least I know who to complain about. That lady has the most annoying voice I’ve ever heard. If the’ve told her to use that voice, then they’ve screwed up because I, and a lot of other people have stopped watching House Hunters because even though the program is fun to watch, it’s to agonizing to hear that terrible sing-song voice.
Roy says
Agree about the new narrator. I never liked Suzanne’s sing-song and I like the new one’s even less. The lifting at the end of every sentence is horrendous.
Also realized the new voice does the Hidden Valley Ranch commercial–“there’s a place where kids not only eat vegetables, but love them . . .” or however it goes.
S says
I agree this narrator’s voice is totally devoid of personality and un-natural. I wonder if she practices sounding this way. The producers deserve the blame for ignoring their audience’s preferences and stubbornly going in their own direction regardless of merit.