Last week I featured Steve Martin’s traditional white house from Father of the Bride, so today I thought it would be fun to take a look at how it changed for the sequel, Father of the Bride Part II.
In this movie, the camera spent more time lavishing attention on the house and giving us a better look into some of the rooms, like the kitchen.
Oh, and the baby’s nursery was a wonderful addition — literally.
Take a look!
The House from “Father of the Bride Part II”
In the movie the Banks live at 24 Maple Drive in San Marino.
The real house is located at 843 South El Molino Avenue in Pasadena.
According to Zillow, it last sold for $950,000 in 1999. It’s reportedly worth $3 million today.
Annie and her mom are both hugely pregnant in the sequel.
In one scene they both looked like they had beach balls under their shirts and Steve Martin narrates that they were only in their second trimester. Yikes. Those are big babies!
Nina’s (Diane Keaton’s) pregnancy was a little hard to believe.
She was 50 at the time and reportedly refused to play pregnant after reading the screenplay. She thought it was a little too ridiculous.
Nancy Meyers (who co-wrote the script with Charles Shyer) and Keaton’s co-stars had to talk her into it.
The Dining Room:
George & Nina’s Bedroom:
The Kitchen:
We didn’t get to see nearly enough of the kitchen in the original film.
More time was spent in it this time around, and I was able to get all sorts of angles.
I noticed the main thing that changed from the last movie to this one is the tile backsplash. It’s now neutral and beige.
Remember how it looked before?
This is the only (blurry) shot I could get of the back stairs off the kitchen,
but I was excited to catch a glimpse of it:
From what I’ve heard, the interiors were all sets built on a
separate soundstage. These aren’t the rooms inside the real house.
George says his house is the “Leave It to Beaver house that everybody wants.” Truth!
Here they are, saying a weepy farewell to “this run-down old shack,” as George calls it.
They pan up, the music soars, and the place looks as gorgeous as ever. There’s even a rainbow!
Then he walks back by it a few days later and sees this:
George stops the wrecking ball and pays to get his house back.
They move back in and start building an addition for the baby’s room.
I’m not sure why they were so short on space that they needed an entirely new wing for one little baby (couldn’t they use Annie’s old room?), but let’s just go with it.
Franck (Martin Short) greets George when he walks in the door and says the nursery is ready for the Big Reveal:
The set design on these two films is pretty impressive when you consider this was the early 1990s (the first movie premiered in 1991 and the second in 1995).
The movie was actually filmed at two houses.
The other one, located at 500 N. Almansor Street in Alhambra, was used for some of the scenes:
See more photos in my post about the first Father of the Bride movie.
Update: The Other Father of the Bride House Hits the Market.
See what the FOTB house looks like today on Streetview and Trulia.
Visit my Houses Onscreen page to see the others I’ve featured, listed from A-Z.
Loving the house, I would love to be swinging on that hammock & I will definetly be having a picket fence one I start building its so cute.
Elaine’s last blog post..
HOW TRUE!! -“If the world saw photos of the way I was decorating in 1995, I can just imagine all the snickers.” It is difficult to be ‘timeless.’
TheOld PostRoad’s last blog post..Everything Etsy!!
Just lovely. Everything about it is homey – even the messy mud room. I was thinking about that leaky kitchen problem & I’ve decided that it must have been built off of the back of the house & isn’t actually under the second story. That’s my story & I’m stickin’ to it.;)
Thanks for the tour.
duchess’s last blog post..If you’re ever in Greenville, SC
I’ve probably seen both of these movies at LEAST 100 times, as it was always my “feel good” movie to pop in. I suffered from post partum depression after both Annie (named after Anne Elizabeth in the movie) and George (Hunter) were born. The movies kept me sane I tell you! Thank you for featuring this!
tricia’s last blog post..Fluffing up the bedroom…
This movie influenced my HUGE desire for a white picket fence. You can imagine my frustration after closing on my first home when the town told me that due to codes our corner lot CAN’T have a fence…even though my neighbors seem to have them. No variance…nada. Waaaaah!!!! Next time, I’ll get a house that already HAS everything. Oh well, it’s a funny starter home story. 😉 I love this post. It made me laugh xox MBM
Melissa’s last blog post..Reese in Bloom
That hammock – oh, so peaceful
I would move into that house today if I could. I agree with Melissa – a white picket fence is my dream as well (that and a front porch!)
Have a great week!
Ann-Kristin’s last blog post..Country Living Giveaway!
I actually watched both those movies last night. What was with Annie’s eyebrows in the original?? They looked like she rubbed them with charcoal, lol. Love that house and still crave butcher block countertops!!
Janet’s last blog post..FOR YOU, MY PRETTIES
Sigh. Love it all. I noticed that George and Nina’s bed is surprisingly un-plush and plain looking compared to everything else. But in that same photo you can catch a peek at the clawfoot tub in the master bath. Drool.
Holly’s last blog post..Thrift Store Thursday 06/18
That was some serious attention to detail. Awesome.
I loved that movie so much, and I love that house. Thank you for showcasing it today!
christy’s last blog post..The week of the NON-COMPLAINING CHRISTY
I always loved that house, inside and out! Thanks for all the information!
Hi Julia 🙂
(sigh) I love that house and those movies. My mom decorated like that back then, so maybe that’s why it feels so homey to me.
I hope your Father’s Day was wonderful 🙂
rue’s last blog post..Picking
This house is so amazing! Could you imagine having that nursery?? Total eye candy, thanks for a great post!
Michelle’s last blog post..Yard Sale Cabinet Redo and….100!!!
I. love. that. house. 🙂 It’s funny b/c whenever I watch a movie now, I’ll think “I wonder if Julia has done a post on this one.” 😉
Amanda @ Serenity Now’s last blog post..Weekend Update
That nursery is so pretty! You are right, that is great decorating for the 90’s!
Jenny’s last blog post..I ? Faces Week 24: "Let’s Hear It For The Boys!"
Hi Julia! This is probably my favorite movie house of all time, so I was thrilled when I saw these features on it. Loved all of the shots, and yea, we did the math the first time we saw with Nina’s pregnancy and it really doesn’t add up, but it did make for a great story~I remember especially loving the workout they did with Fronk. 🙂 I have the soundtrack to both of these~love those too…
melissa’s last blog post..summer chore cards
I absolutely loved this house and watched the movie several times because I loved it so much. Thank you for the stills, it lets me look more closely and yes, I love it even more now.
Puna’s last blog post..Best Shot Monday, Yellow Rose
We watched the original Father of the Bride and Father’s Little Dividend, last night. It’s interesting to see the similarities in the houses and the differences.
That nursery has always been swoon-inducing for me, moreso than the rest of the house, simply because I’m not a fan of Colonials. I do agree that they had plenty of room for the baby without adding on!
Annie’s place, on the other, hand, is just my style!
I loved that hammock in the movie and I still do!
I also loved this house from the beginning. The 1st movie came out when I got married, and the 2nd one was when a was first pregnant. So this movie has a soft spot in my heart…..
Suzy’s last blog post..The Great Gift for a Great Teacher!
Great house. I can’t believe this movie was from that long ago! This was one of my favorite movies:-)
Amy @ Living Locurto’s last blog post..Happy 1st Blog Birthday
Love this house, love this movie, love diane!!! lovely post!
sunny greetings from germany, geisslein
geisslein’s last blog post..This sunny wednesday I love seaside living
This movie has long been a favorite, but the house has been an even longer favorite! THANK YOU for doing such awesome shots of it! And the lit-up glass-front cabinets in the kitchen? Never noticed, but I love it! Thanks for pointing it out.
What I thought was funny is that when Annie and Nina are almost ready to deliver, they only weigh in at 128 and 132, respectively. I would like to know who only weighs that much when you’re 9 months pregnant – I know I sure didn’t!
I adore this post, as I do all of your posts! But with the movie houses, I realized about 10 years ago that I watch movies so often to be “tickled with joy” by the houses…I watch them over and over and over…the movie Bewitched, I paused a dozen times trying to see everything in her adorable little cottage…thank you for doing this. I always leave here with a tickle!
All Things Heart and Home
Robin All Things Heart and Home’s last blog post..Squash-Vidalia Onion Casserole
Hi Julia — I love your movie house posts! I’m so glad to find out that I am not the only person who looks at the decor of movie and TV houses; maybe now my girls can stop teasing me about it!
I was watching “The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood” the other night, and had to back up the DVD — in one scene was an exact table lamp that I had bought for 9-bucks on Ebay and my Dad rewired. Stuff like that just tickles me no end.
House dorks. Hey we could have worse vices. … Cass
Cass @ That Old House’s last blog post..Late to the Gate, with Three Or More and Tasty Tuesday!
I am so glad I found this website. I have been in love with this house from the very second the opening credits rolled on the first movie, and I would love to build one exactly like the interior. However, I have a few questions:
1. The architectural plans that you posted are not the same as the interior shots. Were the interior scenes a set or were they done in a real house? Are the plans only for the house that was used for the exterior shots (excluding the basketball scenes)?
2. Where did they add the “Baby Suite”?
Is that really an AC unit on the 2nd floor to the right? No central air in that gorgeous house? Love the details though!!
Julia… I just left a comment and I forgot to mention…can I pay you for the use of the photo??? xxxx me
.-= domestic diva´s last blog ..We HEART Tory Burch!! =-.
There are three dormers on the third story in the last photo on this page, on the original house they are not there? Did they just add fake ones during filming or do you know?
Good question! I’m assuming it was part of the “movie magic,” but I don’t know for sure. -Julia
My interior design teacher was working for the company that provided all the decor for the nusery, and was on set to help dress it! I about died when I found that out! I am so jelous…this is one movie set that I wish I could live in permanently! 🙂 Thanks for this post!
.-= Amanda´s last blog ..Five! =-.
I love that babyroom. That is the one I want for our first baby. I wish we could afford it. I can always dream and pray:)
Does anyone know where Annie’s house was filmed?
I had this same question too! It was filmed in pasadena on east california. See this link to someone else who did the dirty work for us!
That’s great! Very helpful. Thanks for the link, Jaymi!! -Julia
OMG!!!! We found two bar stools for sale on ebay in South Florida….and they are the exact stools used in the movie that Annie is sitting on when she has the job transfer talk with George…WOW, so cool.
This is not the same house as was in the first film the front view of this house is different than the one in the first film you can tell by the the three windows on the roof
the first house doesn’t have any windows on the roof.
Thanks so much… I have always loved that house! It’s hard to tell with the differences in the lighting of the scenes, but it seems that all the rooms are painted the same color, what color would you say it is is?
Anyone, please feel free to answer…
It’s for sale for $1.35m, a price that really doesn’t seem that bad for a house that size in Southern California.
Well, it’s kind of for sale. Two houses were used for it. Here’s my post about it if you want all the details:
I love the picket fence too! Maybe when I finally get a house. I love the sitting area in the nursery. The windows next to the fire place. Has a cottage feeling!
Any chance you may know who made the patina colored floor clock in the living room or where one could be purchased?
Sorry, I don’t.