A new season of “Love It or List It” started airing in January and you may have noticed a few changes. For one thing, they’re taping in the States for the first time instead of Canada.
That’s right, they left Toronto and its narrow duplexes with dodgy basements behind and headed south to North Carolina in search of some different types of houses that might appeal more to their ever-growing audience in the States.
It seems like a good idea to branch out a bit after 9 seasons, but it left a lot of viewers wondering what happened to the usual crew that helps Hilary Farr with her renovations.
What Happened to Desta and the Old Crew on “Love It or List It”?
Desta, Eddie, and Fergus were replaced for the Raleigh/Durham season by contractor-designer Eric Eremita, who hails from Staten Island.
He got HGTV’s attention when he competed on “Brother vs. Brother” hosted by Jonathan and Drew Scott.
He didn’t win the $50,000 prize, but he got a new gig as the contractor who has to deliver bad news to Hillary each week about which of their planned projects is going to cost more money than expected.
If you visit the Love It or List It Facebook page, you’ll see viewers asking what happened to the original crew.
Readers have been asking me about it, too, and I found some answers on designer Desta Ostapyk’s Facebook page.
She answers readers’ questions each week with “5 Fact Fridays.” Here’s what she had to say about her participation with the show.
Q: Are you going to appear on the US filmed episodes? I miss you!
A: Now that Love It or List It is in full production in the States, not likely. 🙁 I’ve read a lot of the viewer feedback this week and feel very loved. I want to thank everyone for that. I do miss my girl Hilary, the crew and even David lol.
I had assumed this was kind of a one-off special season, but this sounds like it might have been a permanent move. So unless they decide to film in Toronto again, she may be finished with the show.
I also read an interview with Hilary Farr in the Detroit News, and here’s what she said about the move:
Q. “Love It or List It” is finally filming in the United States. Why North Carolina?
A. There were a few reasons. One is Toronto is a very specific city in how it looks and the issues that it has, and I feel like we’ve kind of beaten that to death. I honestly don’t think I could do another basement without faking my suicide and running away.
I think the other thing that was important was to be able to come up with properties that resonate with the American fans, and we weren’t really able to do that with Toronto. Our price points are insanely high by most standards.
But I think it was equally to try and find different houses to do and different design challenges. I think that was what really what drove it the most.
“Love It or List It” still seems to be going strong. I know whenever it’s airing on HGTV because my blog gets thousands of searches from viewers asking “Is Love It or List It Fake?”
People clearly aren’t buying that all that “drama” is real. But they’re tuning in anyway!
What do you think of the new season?
2019 Update: Learn Why Eric Eremita Left the Show.
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I’m glad they moved south. The show was becoming tedious and predictable. And with the cost of those homes I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t move. Having them in the States will provide a fresh new perspective that many of us who watch can identify with.
I enjoyed watching the show. Particularly with my wife, who is a Realtor and me, as a DIYer. We compete with each other during the show.
I appreciated the change, too, Larry. It’s nice to see houses that we can relate to a little more, and with more realistic price points! 🙂
Thank God! I always turn that show off…I’ve had my fill of “aboats” and the bleak and cold setting. yuck.
Hopefully it can rally with this move down south!
Linsey, just FYI, there are plenty of states that have “bleak and cold” winter months as well, and there are plenty of American accents that Canadians find unappealing too, only we’re tactful and polite enough not to mention them most of the time. To all the readers who can’t understand why anyone would want to live in Toronto: perhaps you should travel there. It’s a very large, vital, and culturally diverse city, similar in vibe to NYC.
Alie, FYI, I live in a state that has “bleak and cold” winters in the U.S. which is why I prefer not to see it and find joy in other settings where I can, for lack of a better word, ‘escape’…furthermore, there are plenty of regional accents in the States that are grating to many. I’m sorry you took my comment so personally.
Julia, Im glad you did a full investigation & got all the info lol lol . Great job. I knew the houses were different but I didn’t know they were in the USA. About time is right. I was very bored too with the same old basement stories every show. While I do miss the old crew, David is funnier than ever. Great job!! A++++++++++
(remember Ralphie”s teacher)
Points for a “Christmas Story” reference, Joy! Ha. 🙂
I love that they picked NC, since it’s so close to home. 🙂 Adore the stuff, but yeah, the Canada version was getting predictable. It’ll be nice to see homes I can actually afford.
It is nice they’re coming to the states but I have to admit this isn’t my favorite design show. The fake drama and suspense is kinda lame. In my opinion! But clearly they have a huge following.
Fixer Upper is definitely my favorite on HGTV right now.
Fixer Upper is my must-see HGTV show right now, too. Love that one!
Julia, I just wanted to say I think it’s very cool that you reply to all the comments you get. I know your blog is pretty big-time and so I’m impressed that you take the time to do that. 🙂
Thanks, Lisa! I try to keep up with all of it, but it can be a challenge to get back to everyone (email, Twitter, FB, etc.). Chatting with my readers is one of my favorite things about blogging, though! 🙂
I love the concept of this show, but it feels so scripted. And the way everyone agues with each other makes me feel uncomfortable!
I agree! I watch it with the sound off, I don’t like all the bickering. Like the fix ups though.
I wonder if the homes in NC will have 2nd levels floating in the air, not held together by joists! I bet the weather helps also as there are more temperate months in NC.
I will watch it because I like the show. It wouldnt be my top 8 shows I like on HGTV, but it is something I enjoy watching on a Saturday late afternoon as a re-run. I certainly would not DVR it as I do House Hunter’s and House Hunter’s Renovation. I was sick of her basements too…
I’ve never cared for LIOLI so I probably won’t watch it now either. No one has mentioned LIOLI 2 which was marginally better. Easier to relate to West Coast Canada. (just about 100 miles up the road).
It’s getting hard to watch House Hunters without being snarky. Especially when they walk into a room that looks perfectly fine to me and say this will have to be gutted. Oh please!
Fixer upper is the best!
I don’t watch this show. I love Hilary but I think David is a pompous ass and truly mean spirited. I can get that on the nightly news. Why would I want it on a show I watch.
I like that show but admit that I have not watched it in awhile. I guess the premise is pretty predictable and tired. But I like both of them, particularly Hilary.
She is great and I always rooted for her to win because she worked the hardest and always did a fabulous job. I hope that she continues to shine in her field and wish her much success.
I gave up on this show a long time ago. I might tune in to check it out since it’s a new location. But if it’s the same old predictable formula, I’ll pass. I so very rarely watch HGTV anymore.
Hilary has got to be the worst presenter on television. I cannot stand her. A few more like her and HGTV would have to give it up altogether.
What makes Hilary the worst presenter, in your opinion? I love her.
Too much drama….the homeowners, at least one of them, are mean!!! Tired of Property Brothers, too! HGTV needs some new shows!!! My favorite now is Fixer Upper….cute couple and family!
Meh… it’s okay. I’m always curious why the couples on it are even together in the first place, since none of them seem to agree on anything.
Honestly the only show I think is worth watching is Rehab Addict (Shocker, I know!). Fixer Upper is okay, but I wish they would stop with the open concept already. It’s getting OLD. Also, that whole spiel about the fact that she’s not trendy and she chooses designs that will last 20 years…. riiiiight lol
I agree with you on Fixer Upper who wants to look at the same stuff for 20 yrs? Plus she picks LARGE items for spacious rooms. We all don’t have that (especially me).Next generation will be adding walls cause they don’t like it so open. lol
Rehab addict if you notice, Nicole isn’t doing all the work she used to now that she hit the big time she can pay others to do it for her. But I do love her integrity to keeping these houses old & beautiful & nice that her dad helps too. Texas flip & Move is a good show on another channel Check that one out for something different.
Joanna Gaines on Fixer Upper does open up the kitchen area usually, because that is what the people want. She usually opens the casings and doesn’t knock walls down completely. I do find that the actual furniture she chooses is timeless. You can redesign the walls down the road if you don’t want to live with the same design for 20 years, but the rooms and furniture are pretty timeless. Only a few couples have asked for total open concept….so far. I do like the way they can take a green tag home and bring it back to life. Unfortunately they do have to do a lot of ranches because those seem to be big in Texas. I too like Rehab Addict because she gets to restore old homes to their former glory. Designers don’t always have that luxury because people don’t realize what they have and will gut a home to make it open concept and destroying the original beauty of the architecture. I see Chip get pale when clients want to destroy or paint over woodwork.
PD. Thank you for your comments. Rehab Addict is quite good due to the fact that houses are restored and she tries hard towards that goal if she possibly can. My favorite show is Fixer Upper. They are just such a grounded couple who have lots of fun. I was completely amazed to learn they have never bought a t.v. since they got married. Their children are going to have such awesome growing up memories. I forget that of course Joanna and Chip have no doubt already discussed with their clients what they desire in their bought fixer upper. I have cringed many a time at the choices of taking out wood or painting over original wood, painting over or redoing fireplaces, and the outside of the house was perfectly fine and they painted over something already beautiful and unique to the house. Eek what are people thinking.
Do you remember what episode of even what season this show was on. I watched 75% of the episode and someone came to the door by the time I go rid of them it was over.
I stopped watching Love It or List It a long time ago because I couldn’t stand the bickering and snarkiness, not to mention the totally predictable drama of a budget killing problem that had to be addressed, not allowing Hilary to complete her designs. (And I wondered sometimes if an experienced designer like her could really be so ignorant of structural requirements or how to assess existing construction.) I usually watch Fixer Upper (which also usually has budget blowing surprises, but those are typically easily dealt with, and/or the buyers don’t complain). It’s a much nicer atmosphere – everyone is happy! I also catch Rehab Addict from time to time. I just wish Nicole didn’t feel she had to wear false eyelashes for filming! They look so out of place with her casual work attire. Since I live in North Carolina, I might have to give LIOLI another try. I should at least be able to relate to the houses better. But will the homeowners still be overly critical or argumentative? Southerners know better than to air their dirty laundry! (But then there are a lot of folks in Raleigh/Cary/Durham who aren’t from there. No offense to the snowbirds and half-backs!)
Here in Canada, the newer Love it or List it Vancouver with Jillian Harris seems to be more popular than the original one filmed in Toronto. It’s not as awkwardly staged, the hosts have natural chemistry, and Jillian’s designs are much more stylish. I stopped watching the original long ago!
I stopped watching Love It or List It quite some time ago, all the “fake bickering” was a bit much….and the staged “bad news”… no thanks….
I go thru phases where I watch LIOLI and PB. My husband and I really like FLIP or FLOP because it takes place in SoCal where we live. I love HGTV, but as I’ve said to many, I think it’s too much “H” and not enough “G”. I’d like to see more garden stuff. Just MHO.
There aren’t a lot of gardening shows left, are there? Are they still airing “Yard Crashers”? I haven’t seen it for a while, but then I tend to just DVR the shows I don’t want to miss.
hate the 2015 season. Miss the Canadian gang!!
Show has lost its Canadian feel and like the Property Brothers who now shoot in Vegas is now geared for an American audience.????
I agree. I really dislike the idea of Americanizing this franchise. I love seeing Canada and all it’s glory. There are so many diverse neighbourhoods in Toronto to film in. I don’t buy the excuse from Hillary. I think it’s about the $$ America will pay for the show.
Oh well, at least we Canadians still have “Love It Or List It, Vancouver”!
I so agree with you. I miss Desa, Eddie, and Fergus. They just truly made the “team”. I never have minded that it was in Canada and enjoyed the accents. I always thought the “bickering” was just a part of the script for the show. I too as some others have mentioned there was never enough money to do all the projects. Property Brothers had already “Americanized” who would have thought that LIOLI would as well. Can’t they do both?
I think changing the location was a great idea. Many of the homes’ floor plans were starting to look alike. As for the Canadian accent, I like it . . . my husband is originally from Canada. 🙂
I think this is a great decision on their part. Because of Toronto’s plethora of row houses, it’s easy to spot the location right from the start. There seem to be so many shows filmed there that they all start to look alike. I guess I’m a little biased though, because I live in NC. 🙂
The show isn’t same without the old crew. Even though I live in the US Midatlantic region, it’s become unwatchable for me. Now that I know we’re up for a whole season of this, I’m taking it off my DVR list. And the Zillow ad placements in the show, are you kidding me? Get back Desta, Eddie and Fergus and I’ll tune in again. Guess HGTV didn’t learn a thing with the demise of Color Splash after it moved to Miami.
Agree with Amaryllis and others who don’t like the new format. The Canadian location was interesting to someone from the desert Southwest. and it was part of the character of the show, IMO. The main problem with the new location for me is that Eric affects me like fingernails on a blackboard, so as soon as I realize it’s one of the shows from NC, I turn it off rather than watch him. I’d rather see reruns with the old gang. If they’d bring Eddie, Fergus and Desta down to NC, it’d be watchable again, but as it is, I won’t be viewing any episodes with Eric in them, which means all the episodes filmed in the States, I guess.
Glad to see more reasonable homes and prices my question is how many people that list their homes actually sell them? Fixer Upper is my and my husband favorite show on hgtv
From what I’ve heard, most people stay put. They go on the show for the renos. That’s why the producers vary what the answers are at the end, so that they aren’t all saying “Love it.” I can’t verify that, though, so if anyone knows for sure, fill us in! 🙂
I can’t verify if they love it or list it either. I do know that David has a background in Real Estate and worked for his Dad’s firm. I just finished watching one of the old shows earlier today. A woman with three kids and her Korean cousin nanny was so rude and she ended up listing the house. The thing is, the show should have, in my opinion been a slam dunk win for Hilary. Hilary added an extra floor onto the house, could have finished off the basement for another $30,000 and gotten about $100,000 more in resale value. Sometimes I think the issues with the couples has more to do with their personal lives and the homes are just how they vent pent up anger. It’s interesting to see the dynamic between the couples, as well as what Hilary can do with space, or what David can find within their budgets. But I always wonder how easy it is when a family with 4 teenagers decides to list it and not have the kids revolt because they would have to be uprooted in High School. That’s why location is so important, plus the value is so much greater the closer you are to a city. I also hear the traffic in Toronto is horrendous. I’m enjoying the new North Carolina shows, but I miss the old crew. I like the Staten Island guy though, it reminds me of Manhattan, which I miss. Oops sorry for rambling.
I’m not sure if they’re fake or not, but I get annoyed at a couple who’s house has major problems and they blame Hillary for their lack of maintenance and expect her to fix everything aesthetically as well as structurally or what have you. Or give her a huge list to fix with a less than realistic budget and expect it all. But love the show anyway LOL So I guess all that drama as well as seeing the finished renovation and the prospective house to purchase. Though I must say, if my home was paid off and I put in $150,000 to reno I sure as heck wouldn’t move and gain a huge mortgage 🙂 Think Hillary is a better designer than Jillian, Jillian is good but I think Hillary has better vision.
I like Desta, Ferguson, and Eddie, so I was sorry to see them gone, but I might miss the basements. I live in a town on river bottom land, not much in the way of basements. My main problem with Hilary has always been her love of dark walls and floors. Black velvet wallpaper on a focus wall. That weird brown wallpaper with large flowers all over it. Ugh. I would think that with those nasty, cold winters in particular, Toronto people would like more light, less dark. I’m south Midwest, and I prefer it more light and airy, and I hardly ever see snow, not counting February 2015.
We stopped watching LIOLI once they got rid of the old crew. The new builder hasn’t added anything and some of his side comments are not funny and some seem out of place to us. Hilary and David are fun to watch but without Desta, Eddie, and Fergus it isn’t the same and it isn’t as good, at least to us.
Maybe now they work in better weather, these two sourpusses will cheer up a bit.
While I like that they moved to the States, I can’t stand the new contractor. I hate the dynamic between him and Hilary, it’s annoying. I love Desta, Eddie, and Fergus, and miss them. 🙁
Looks like I lost some comments on this post when my blog migrated to a new server last night. Sorry! Here’s one from Karen that I still had in my inbox, though, and can copy here. She wrote:
“I agree with everyone that Desta, Fergus, and Eddie were definitely more complimentary to the dynamics of the program. The new guy just doesn’t cut it personality wise. It will not keep me from watching but I do record so I can fast forward through some of those parts. I do appreciate though that the houses are more realistic in price.”
I agree, The new guy is rude and a bit smarmy. Is that what Canadian producers think Americans like? I’m so sorry!
Love It or List It should have moved to other Canadian cities before going to states. It is a Canadian show no longer.
Show is not the same without Eddie, Desta and Fergus – do not enjoy it nearly as much. The new fella is okay but it is just not the same.
I originally was not a fan of David’s from Love it or List it, but having watched for awhile now he has grown on me. I like the banter he and Hillary have, and notice they are much more relaxed and affectionate in the newer shows. I’m glad to see them take on North Carolina, because you do get to see some different houses. It also gives Hillary a chance to do homes that are over 1000 sq feet. She also benefits from the furniture and fixtures available. Fixer Upper is my favorite though. I love Chip and Joanna’s relationship, their kiddos, the kitties, puppies, goats, and when they get to rebuild the green tagged homes. The first season had some amazing homes, like her carpenter Clint’s place with the bullet holes, no windows, it did look like a crime scene. Chip and Jo Jo did an amazing job on that home. I love their back story, how they met and also how they include and work with businesses in their area. They not only restore homes, but care about the people they work with and the clients they work for.
I love this program, both this one and Vancouver!!! I’m actually disappointed Hilary and David went to the states, it’s a Canadian show and I think they should stay in Canada, they don’t have to stay in Toronto, but I prefer to see what they can do here! I prefer to watch Hilary and her whole team use their talents and complete amazing renos here, I prefer for David to show us what real estate and homes are like here since we live here. There are already plenty of shows based out of the U.S., we don’t need more! Also, I love Desta, Fergus, and Eddie, they were a whole team, like a family, they definitely added to the show, it’s disappointing ????.
Eventhough Hilary and David made this program one of my favourites, I probably won’t continue watching them if they stay in the U.S. and if the Hilary doesn’t have her whole team with her…it’s just not the same!
You’d better get the old team back together or I will stop watching. This new couple are terrible and so is Hillary’s new contractor. Don’t mess with things that are working!!!
I still like the show, though I liked it better when in Canada. The Toronto houses are very different from where I live and I enjoyed seeing them. Also, there are no basements where I live, so I just love seeing those spaces re-designed. However, there were a lot of unlikeable couples and I felt hostage to their carping and bickering.
I like the bantering and chemistry between Hillary and David. I think they are tops in their professions and very well-matched. I really miss Desta, Eddie, and Fergus. They all had such great personalities and Eddie was a hunk. The new contractor is uninteresting and sometimes interacts weirdly with Hillary. So far, I haven’t noticed too many bickering couples. The NC houses are blah.
Really enjoying ALL the changes on LIOLI . Keeping it FRESH and new. Also liking the new crew also. Change is good!
I was so appreciative to find the answer to my question of where Desa, Eddie, and Fergus had gone. I did not know the show had moved to the States just like the Property Brothers. I am sorry but the new contractor just does not “fit in” with Hillary or the show. I liked these shows to be in Canada since we have House Hunters, Fixer Upper, Rehab Addict, and Flip or Flop. Some of you have answered questions I had wondered about. Such as do the couples really buy the new house that David has found for them. Thank you very much for the diversified comments and your opinions.
well, I just hate the new season of Love it or List it. It has just become another U.S. Show. No longer has its Canadian feel. I hope the Women’s Network replaces it with a show with more Canadian content.
I do not like the new contractor at all. I watched him on brother vs brother and did not like him then. He was selfish and bombastic. That’s it for me!
If they wanted different types of houses with different issues, etc. why did A CVANADIAN show HAVE to move to the US when there are 9 other provinces and 2 territories with a whole slew of different types of housing with different issues. Hello – Toronto IS NOT ALL THERE IS TO CANADA!!!
I don’t get why the show had to move to the States either. There are plenty of programs that show the U.S. I want to see something different. I agree, the shoe should have just moved to another part of Canada. And as for the comments about the format getting stale. It always has been formulaic. And it’s still the same format. Moving the show to the U.S. didn’t change ANYthing about the show’s format. So those comments don’t even make sense. Changing filming locations has nothing to do with changing the premise of the show. Geez.