I haven’t gotten too excited about any of the HGTV Dream Homes over the past few years, but this is one I’d love to win. When I learned it was designed by architect Patrick Ahearn, I realized that’s probably why. I’ve admired his work for years.
Here’s how they describe it: “Built in the style of Cape Cod architecture, this home offers an elegant twist on the traditional, coastal vacation house.”
From the press release:
The HGTV Dream Home 2015 is designed by architect Patrick Ahearn in original Cape house style with cottage vernacular, taking ideas from historic structures of the area such as its white clapboard front and dark green shutters. The home also features two stove chimneys that replicate the Katama Plains “shacks” of the area and has six dormers, creating natural light throughout. The approximately 3,200-square-foot, three-bedroom, three-and-a-half bath home is intimate in scale, but open and airy.
The heart of the home is the central double-height great room and large gourmet kitchen with vintage solid beam trusses and large windows for generous views. In addition, three sets of French doors open to a blue stone terrace, with a spacious outdoor grilling area.
To enter and take the tour, visit HGTV.com.
Since I am a huge fan of all things New England, I really love this house! All the woodwork + paneling had me swooning AND pushing for said-same in our kitchen project. I think we’ll “cheat” + opt for some of that paintable bead board wallpaper everybody loves so much. Yum!
it will be nice if some one in Alabama to win this most pretty home wow it 15 year to enter on the dream home.
I was disappointed in HGTVs showon this house on New Years Day… they showed so much about the area that the house is in, which is nice, but SO little of the actual house and the details within.
I am dying to know about the Chaise in the Dressing room, and the point of Ethan Allen furnishing it, I assume, is to sell items… and yet I can not find any information on the Chaise. Frustrating.
It is a fabulous house, I love it [though I could do with more bedrooms].
I don’t see a chaise in the dressing room. Do you mean the ottoman?
There is a chaise AND an ottoman in the dressing room. If you go directly to the Ethan Allan website, click “dressing room” and there it is- in stock for $1,700. The entire dream house contents is there to buy! Of course, wait until you win it- then you won’t have to!
Beautiful! Only one thing I would change….it’s not on the water. IMO, it’s not coastal living if you don’t have waterfront. Otherwise, it’s perfect. 🙂
This is by far my most favorite HGTV dream home. I went to Sherwin Williams over the weekend to pick up color samples used in the house. Love the bead board, my need to use this in a bathroom. Love the house, furnishings, and colors!!
This is so beautiful ! I wish I could win it.
Beautiful house; amazing location! But I sure wouldn’t love to pay the taxes on that unit!
That’s what I was thinking. Anyone have a guess of what they would be?
I always enter the contest, but always think…how could I possibly pay for the taxes and upkeap????and then there is the issue of relocating, Im curious how previous winners are doing with their homes…..
From what I’ve heard, most people sell it or take the money because of those issues you mentioned. I remember one winner saying his family spent a summer in their Dream Home before selling it, at least!
I’m entering on a daily basis. Before I even started asked my husband if we could afford it. Lol talk about POSITIVE thinking! He mumbled something but I wasn’t listening.
Here’s our plan for if we won. 😉
-Mortgage some of the property to pay for the remaining income taxes due after using the $250,000 towards taxes. ha
– Rent the house out weekly to vacationers saving a couple weeks each year for us to spend in it. Use the rental income to pay the mortgage and taxes on the house.
Could work. ha
I researched the property taxes some by looking at similar homes for sale in the area, and they do not appear to be all that high. 🙂 Perhaps they only tax on the land itself and that is why?
I love that you thought it through and have a plan to make it work, Jessica! Sounds good to me. 🙂
I love Martha’s Vineyard, and the exterior of the house is very pretty. The inside’s a bit stark for me, though – that’s a lotta white! Also, am I alone in disliking the oversized lantern-style pendant lighting everyone’s using now? I don’t get the appeal.
I agree! I don’t like the lantern style pendant lights (that seem to be everywhere right now), either!
Oh, I agree, I loved this one! It reminds me of the Something’s Gotta Give house! If I win, I’ve already called the one garage; the hubby and sons can park on the driveway! 🙂
As someone who has spent a lot of time on Cape Cod as well as a visit to Martha’s and Nantucket, I am a little excited to see a slice of New England as a giveaway. But Martha’s ain’t cheap so I cannot imagine what the taxes are LOL I am curious to see where it is actually located.
A little too much white, but that can be easily remedied.
I would take it in a heartbeat because for once an HGTV home is not too far of a drive away!
Okay never mind, saw it is in Edgartown. Very very nice!
If you look at the satellite version of google, you can see it in the construction phase…it’s just south of the Field Club and the pond.
That living room sure does scream “Something’s Gotta Give,” doesn’t it?! It’s okay, not the best, not the worst.
I agree, this is the first “dream home” that I have loved everything about! I would really want to keep this one if I won it. ha Would just have to try to figure out a way to afford all the taxes….:-/
Ya, I’d happily take that one. Though I adore the exteriors, the interiors are not that exciting, except for the bathroom, which is dreamy (and would look nice with my stuff in it!)
Heck, I’d be thrilled just to have the bike rack out front! In fact, I’m pinning that because I think it’s just what I need.
Happy New Year, Julia. I hope you had a good break. I’m glad you are back.
I’m lovin’ that bike rack, too. 🙂
Thanks, Wendy! Happy to be back!
Love it! So beautiful, and Martha’s Vineyard is gorgeous. I’ll be entering to win. I will say overall the decorating is tasteful and very pretty, but nothing that gives me a WOW jolt — except the pendant lights over the mirrors in the master bathroom! Really love them, and wish I had seen them before I built our new house. (I looked on the HGTV website and they are from Ethan Allen, and reasonably priced). I also love the claw foot bathtub, reminds me of one I had in my tiny condo back in an old building in Boston! Basically I’d live in that bathroom if I won the home.
If you’re going to live in the bathroom, does that mean you won’t mind if I camp out in the rest of the house if you win, Carrie? You’ll never even know I’m there! 😉
SURE, no problem. You got it.
Okay. This one is near perfect I’d say. The HGTV dream homes within the last few years haven’t really been all that inciting (but who would complain about winning a house, right?!). This one is beautiful. I was surprised at the smaller sized kitchen – it’s still a good size, but I’m used to seeing cavernous kitchens as a trend these days, so this was a nice change.
….they need some nautical images on those blank white walls 😉
I was surprised by the smaller kitchen, too, but I like it! Just needs a little more color for me and I’ll happily cook in it. 🙂
Another wonderful HGTV Dream Home! I especially love the ceilings, walls, beautiful windows and french doors, wood floors and kitchen. The only changes I would make are different area rugs, paint colors in bedroom/bath, some light fixtures and replace all of the living room furniture in front of fireplace with a dark leather. The houses are always too big for me to actually want to live in and it would have to be some place warmer to tempt me to move out of the Pacific Northwest. I enter every day, hoping and dreaming to win big! I would take the cash prize option, pay off my home and do some traveling:)
All that painted woodwork on the walls and ceiling just oozes character and ambiance, warmth and coziness!
Best HGTV Dream House ever!
I love the Cape Cod traditional style, and I like the floor plan, too, though I’d probably change up a few things if it were mine. A few things that struck me: I think it’s interesting that it’s only a one car garage, unless I missed a separate garage somewhere (?). It certainly makes the elevation better, and more traditionally, scaled. I wouldn’t put French doors in children’s rooms (especially teens!), and I really don’t see much reason for them here to open to tiny patios flanking the driveway, where you’ll have your car(s) parked, as there is only one space in the actual garage. I think I would put in windows instead which would allow for more furniture placement, at least with one bed as in the guest room. The laundry room is small, and I think I would have reversed its location with the half bath to be on the hallway from the garage. I don’t mind the relatively small kitchen, but I would have liked some open shelves, perhaps where the one cabinet is hung beside the window and door. I think the master bath is bigger than the kitchen, and it’s a bit of a hike in the middle of the night from the bed. All the white is fine for a coastal cottage – and seems required now for beach houses – but I would have loved more natural wood. I’m probably the rare one who prefers it, though. All that being said, I really like this house.
I think the reason behind the one car garage is that anyone who can truly afford this house would only be using it seasonally.
Re the one car garage: You have to book months in advance to bring a car on the island by ferry in season. I know that many people, especially those who fly into a resort location, keep a car at their second homes. Also it is common to get around by bicycle on the island.
I agree with many of your thoughtful assessments. I adore this house.
Like you Julia, I haven’t really cared for many of the past HGTV houses, but this one I love. I especially love the style. My favorite part is the great room. The high ceiling is gorgeous and it reminds me of a church chapel.
I love it! And I could actually drive to it in about 5 hours, so this is the year I must win!
I love it….would love to win it……
This one is definitely my favorite. What a beautiful home. Going to enter now! That would be some lucky dog!
Ditto!! I haven’t been this excited over an HGTV Dream Home in years! I knew it was going to be amazing when I heard that Ahearn was the architect. Take a look at their website to see more beautiful, classic Martha’s Vineyard-type homes.
But, seriously though, the bike rack and beach cruisers…Wowza! What a way to set the stage!
Love his work — thanks for the link, Lindsey!
thing is .. i love his houses.. but i was slightly disappointed in the Dream house style. im more a fan of his houses like these- https://www.patrickahearn.com/property/fuller_street_cape/ or https://www.patrickahearn.com/property/atlantic_drive_3/ or https://www.patrickahearn.com/property/country_estate1/ or https://www.patrickahearn.com/property/tower_hill/ .. i love the style on many of these.. i dont even want a huge house i just love the swooping roofs. The majority of those also found in Edgarton. I couldn’t help but notice most of those had a pool as well.. i wonder why they opted out of the pool – and why they decided not to put a grilling area on the big porch – at least i didnt see one looking at the pictures. i would think that would be ideal, go catch fresh seafood and grill it up with family/friends on the patio. now.. if i won this thing.. id have to live on the mainland somewhere.. rent it out all summer so i could live on it during the winter… and be able to afford taxes… id probably sell the car and get something more usefull cheaper and lower on gas costs – than an suv… and id definitely want something i can put a kayak on.. id love to keep it.. but hell between the taxes and disability telling me they want their money back.. and trying to figure out how to live… i think one can only eat so much free seafood.. and i doubt the field club rules would let me keep a goat or two and some chickens on the land.. to feed myself.. and im pretty sure the whole island would frown on me panhandling for food money.. doubt they have a food pantry either.. im probably better off taking the money buying myself a cheap fixer upper and investing the rest somehow.. whether a start up business or something i can get returns on annually like CDS or whatnot… i wonder if i get to keep the car with the money… hmmm
Julia – Glad to see you posting again after the ‘long’ holiday. Does anyone recognize the similarities between this house and the Michigan “Lake House Love” house that you posted maybe 6 months ago. The main cores of the two houses are almost identical, meaning the kitchen, living and dining area. I LOVED that one and have kept it for occasional inspiration. There are things in each house that I would like better. The master bath in this house is absolutely gorgeous – so peaceful. The Michigan house had that walk-in china closet in the kitchen that you and I both drooled over. And of course the lake-view. As recently as a year ago, I never thought I’d be interested in a house that just had one central living area, including kitchen, dining and living. Now , it’s a style I absolutely LOVE and could see living in sooooo easily. Thanks, Julia for posting.
You’re right, Kim, there are definitely some similarities between the two. I loved that Lake house, too! 🙂
Wow…I took your quiz…honestly I thought I was long over my fascination with houses, but it seems I too am hooked. Love your blog…just read your top ten posts for 2014. Excellent!
Hooray for kindred spirits! Nice to hear from you — thanks, Beemie! 🙂
Love the house but it really reminds me of the house in the movie, can’t remember it’s name, with Goldie hawn and Steve Martin where she house sits for him , sort of. That house had this vibe with windowed hallways too. Loved that house but I imagine it wasn’t likely real ????
Housesitter! I loved that one. It was built just for the movie and torn down after. You can see my post about it if you click over to my Movie Houses page. 🙂
Loveliest one I’ve seen in a long time…it’s wonderful!
Happy New Year Julia…
xo J~
I love that the exterior is a true traditional New England shingled Cape Cod. I am not sure I could afford to even live in the dog house but maybe I would enjoy it for one summer season before selling it.
Great post, I really like it, its very nice home, Thank you for sharing to us.
God Bless!!!
I’m with ya, Julia! 110%