The 1995 romantic comedy Sabrina was filmed at a house known as Salutations, a Long Island mansion built in the 1920s.
The movie was a remake of the 1950s classic with Julia Ormond in Audrey Hepburn’s role and Harrison Ford in Humphrey Bogart’s.
As the story goes, Sabrina lives over the garage on the Larrabee estate with her father, who is the family chauffeur. She’s got a crush on David Larrabee, the younger son, but he doesn’t seem to know she exists.
Let’s take a look back at the houses and sets that were designed for Sabrina.
The Grand Mansion from the Movie “Sabrina”
Here’s what the movie was about:
While she was growing up, Sabrina Fairchild spent more time perched in a tree watching the Larrabee family than she ever did on solid ground. As the chauffeur’s daughter on their lavish Long Island estate, Sabrina was invisible behind the branches, but she knew them all below.
There is Maude Larrabee, the modern matriarch of the Larrabee Corporation; Linus Larrabee, the serious older son who expanded a successful family business into the world’s largest communications company; and David, the handsome, fun-loving Larrabee, who was the center of Sabrina’s world until she was shipped off to Paris.
After two years on the staff of Vogue magazine, Sabrina has returned to the Larrabee estate but now she has blossomed into a beautiful and sophisticated woman. And she’s standing in the way of a billion dollar deal.
There’s an Outdoor Pool
And an Indoor Pool
Indoor Tennis Courts, and Outdoor Tennis Courts
A Solarium
Salutations was designed by architect Roger H. Bullard in Georgian Colonial style.
It was built for Junius Spencer Morgan III, who was the son of JP Morgan Jr.
The Main Hall
Love the porthole window in the stairway:
When Linus greets Sabrina at the back door, you can see a view of the water in the distance:
The Library
The Kitchen
Paul Giamatti is sitting on the right in the photo above.
He had a role so small in “Sabrina” that if you blink, you miss him!
The Stone Cottage Above the Garage
Sabrina has lived with her father in the stone cottage above the garage her entire life.
Tom took the job as a chauffeur because it gave him plenty of time to read.
The reflecting pool in front of the coach house:
You can see an old black and white photo of Salutations on Gold Coast Mansions.
and a more recent photo of it on Big Old Houses.
Visit my Houses Onscreen page to see the others I’ve featured, listed from A-Z.
I would choose the home on Martha’s Vineyard. The view is beautiful.
Mary Beth’s last blog post..No Sew Window Valances
I love that big white kitchen and the solarium! I haven’t seen this movie in the longest time but if I remember correctly, it’s one that hubby liked when we saw it.
Emily@remodelingthislife’s last blog post..Link Love: Baby, It’s Cold Outside Edition
Full of eye candy, indeed – Harrison Ford! This is one remake which I think is even better than the original. The estate is gorgeous. Thanks for posting all the lovely stills.
Linda’s last blog post..Possession is nine-tenths of the law
I loved both Sabrinas. I often think of Audrey Hepburn when I’m cracking eggs. Remember the scene where she had to crack eggs over and over one-handed at the Parisian cooking school? In spite of that inspiration, I still use two hands when cracking open eggs and prying open the shell. Quel dommage!
Ann Kroeker’s last blog post..January 2009 MMM Monday Progress Report #4
That’s funny I just watched the original not too long ago. I enjoyed both versions, but I love the mansion’s kitchen. The great hallway is a bit ornate for me. But I could live with the grounds and the solarium. ~ Robyn
Robyn’s last blog post..It’s Pink Saturday!
Love this movie and the house is somewhere I would love to visit – but it’s so large it feels cold to me. I almost prefer the cottage instead!
Kristen @ More Than Mulberries’s last blog post..Where Are My Manners?
We adored this movie and watched the VIDEO over and over. I too loved the solarium and the beautiful kitchen and amusing conversations which took place among the staff. The mansion is beautiful. To think you would have to have a tree surgeon on retainer:-) We ate lots of pop corn watching this fun movie! Thanks for showing this.
Beth at Aunties’s last blog post..An Inspiring True Story / Super Bowl Sunday
I like the Vineyard house, and I could get into living in the big manor house, but the cottage over the garage wins it for me. I think its coziest, and I like the living room with all the books and comfy chairs for reading. Now, do you think you could give away the cottage itself instead of the DVD? 😉
Robin’s last blog post..The Year of the Ox
one word for this: WOW! What a glamor house! I wonder how hard the maid clean it up. Lol
Devita’s last blog post..What Is a Miracle?
I adore this movie! Thank you for sharing the stunning photographs, they are so inspiring. I just came across your site ~ perfectly lovely.
I really liked this movie! The kitchen and that lovely romantic table are perfect – makes me want to be there right now 🙂
Ms.Tee’s last blog post..Look What the Postman Brought
I loved the original version of this film the best. Can’t quite beat Ms. Hepburn, now can we?! 🙂 Oh, and why can’t Sabrina’s father just go around the pond instead of the stepping stones?? 🙂
Deanne’s last blog post..Career Choice
Such lovely pictures and a giveaway too. What more can I ask? Thank you. I loved all the pictures.
Annie’s last blog post..AMAZING CONTEST
Sabrina…a favorite! Both the old – with Audrey Hepburn…and the new! Happy movie!
Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs
Deborah’s last blog post..Enter With Me!
I’ve never seen either version but I’d die to cook in that kitchen. I love the glass cabinet doors.
Mmmmmm…Harrison Ford! Now that’s my idea of eye candy. Oh, the house is pretty too. I love the cottage over the garage (though I’d like it better if it were all cottage, and not a garage). The house is magnificent, but too big for me. Unless of course it comes with a Mr. Darcy (Colin Firth, Matthew McFadyen, either one). The Martha’s Vineyard house is quite lovely. I could definitely live there. Especially if it meant lunching on, I mean WITH, Harrison Ford. 😉
Mom in High Heels’s last blog post..Mom in High Heels: Red Hot Edition
Wow. This is a fairy tale for sure! I’ve never seen this movie but you’ve got me “hooked” now! I love the photo of the nurse!
Could be me! I had to wear a uniform like this while I was in nursing school! SOOO glad I don’t now! I really likes the shots of Sabrina’s room too. The princess phone, typewriter and wing chair – take me back! Great post. Can’t wait to see the movie!
One of my fav films for home decor (although Father of the Bride is a close second!)
Always wanted to live above the garage!
JanMary, N Ireland’s last blog post..His Laptop
Love that movie!!!
The house is amazing!!!
Krissa’s last blog post..Team Walters
Beautiful home. You are a favorite on Technorati and I follow you on Twitter. Please enter me.
Thanks for showing these great interiors, now if I could just figure out what to do with my living room…
I love Sabrina’s short hair. I wish that I could pull off hair like that!
LOVE love love this movie – the actors, the houses – total eye candy!!
Angela’s last blog post..The Beach
Love this movie…Harrison Ford and that house! Oh my!
Jeanette’s last blog post..Back to Basics: Chicken Stock
You’re also in my feed reader! Hope I win!
Jeanette’s last blog post..Back to Basics: Chicken Stock
Oh, how to choose! I think I would have to go for the gusto–I can’t get over that staircase and the fab kitchen. Yummy!
This post makes me want to watch the movie again…great post!
bungalow_bliss’s last blog post..Kitchen Inspiration and Advice
Don’t you just love the older movies?? What ever happened to art? The newer movies leave a lot to be desired.
Please enter me – I love and would love the cert.
I would definitely want to live in Martha’s Vineyard house. But I’d want to transport the indoor AND outdoor pools from Long Island, along with the reflecting pool. That would be fab. Love this post and great giveaway!!
christy’s last blog post..Our fabu guest bathroom
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christy’s last blog post..Our fabu guest bathroom
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christy’s last blog post..Our fabu guest bathroom
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christy’s last blog post..Our fabu guest bathroom
Love the cars in the garage, and I want to slide along the hall floor.
modernemama’s last blog post..We sat on it too long
Such lovely pictures and a giveaway too. What more can I ask? Thank you. I loved all the pictures.
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modernemama’s last blog post..We sat on it too long
I loved both versions!
Barbara H.’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaway Carnival: Sharon Hinck book
Julia, count me in for the giveaway! I already do all your extras, except for stumbling. Happy Monday!
Rhoda’s last blog post..The black architectural piece has landed
Wow, cool pictures!
hematopoiesis at hotmail dot com
strangely enough, I am currently giving away a copy of Sabrina as well but the original version which I like the best, I didn’t care for the new version
anyway, enter me but I probably prefer the gift certificate
lissa’s last blog post..Birthday Bash 2009
I *love* this movie, it’s one of my all time faves. I think I’d pick the Martha’s Vineyard cottage because it’s right on the ocean and is just the right size. I haven’t seen the original with Audrey Hepburn but I’ve been meaning to for a while since I just love her.
Amy’s last blog post..Of Bunkbeds and Ice Formations
I would choose the vacation home on Martha’s Vineyard…charming and the view is worth a million bucks!
Thornfield Hall i am a romantic what can i say
I love your Movie Mondays! They have been so much fun and you have picked great movies. I just rented Sabrina over the weekend but I haven’t had time to watch it yet. I had completely forgotten about the beach house until your post! I’m glad you picked Sabrina for this week now I really want to watch it after work.
I love the Martha’s Vineyard house. So adorable! Please count me in for the giveaway.
hmm… what fun! i love the sabrinas…
please enter me! i actually love both this remake and the original. anything with harrison ford. it would have been great to see him star with audrey hepburn
Deborah’s last blog post..This Week’s Book Giveaway and Winners List
I LOVE this movie!
Lauren@Baseballs&Bows’s last blog post..More Hodgepodge
Enter me, I love this flick!!
One of my favorite movies! I have to admit I am partial to the original with Audrey Hepburn though. I recently came across your blog through Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality and love it! I have actually just started being a ‘serious blogger’ and do a Movie Monday special as well – but I feature restaurants and meals from movies!
Again, love your blog & I will definitely add you to my following!
Kristen’s last blog post..Movie Monday
Wouldn’t you just love to live in a house like that? LOVE the movie and wonder what I would of done if I was Sabrina
I’d love to win the original Sabrina. This is one of my fave movies and I don’t have a DVD copy of either.
Michelle’s last blog post..April Showers 100th Post
Oh that’s one of my favs (and I actually like the remake more than the original)!
I love the original Sabrina. The remake was just okay. Thanks for the giveaway.
Gorgeous! I love that kitchen.
It is beautiful.
Who lives like this? Amazing, huh?
Wanda’s last blog post..Giveaway Time!
Absolutely love the remake. The original is good to, but the remake… Dreamy.
Jody’s last blog post..Janine King Wristlet Giveaway
It would surely be a dream to live in any of these beautiful homes!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Love the reflecting pond by the cottage
I LOVE that movie!!
I haven’t seen this movie in years, amazing estate. I need to see this movie again!
ArchitectDesign’s last blog post..Carolands, Part 4 – Dining
I have seen the movie once and would love to see it again.
Very nice givaway!
Sabrina is on of my favorite movies! If I had to choose, I would take the stone cottage…….hmmmm, or maybe the home on Martha’s Vineyard!
AnnieH’s last blog post..Please Pray….
I love Sabrina! What great pics, I’d love to go there!
I’ve only seen the more recent Sabrina. I’ll have to check out the other one.
I’ve never seen the newer version but I have watched the older one. that house is amazing. I would love to win the amazon gift cert.
wow! you are right – she looks a LOT like ugly betty!
i could definitely live there. 🙂
maya | springtree road’s last blog doesn’t matter what you say I just can’t stay here every yesterday
I LOVED that movie, too! What great pics. Thanks for sharing.
We love Sabrina in our house! Both of them!!
Casey H’s last blog post..Bloggy Carnival Time Again!! #1
I love this movie! So romantic.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I would love the gift card
I love the house on Martha’s Vineyard. I always say there is no way I could ever be in a bad mood if I lived directly on water.
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Janet F’s last blog post..Valentine’s Day Giveaway: Tiny Prints
Thanks for the giveaway!
angelacisco at
Sabrina is favorite movie! Living in the cottage on Martha’s Vineyard would be lovely!
love this movie
Janis Zettel’s last blog post..A GIVE AWAY & FOR SALE
Great movie…even better house! I have to say I prefer the Martha’s Vineyard cottage the best!
desiree’s last blog post..Updating from Girl Room to Tween Room
I would love this movie!
Shilo Beedy’s last blog post..The Magician’s Book: A Skeptic’s Adventure in Narnia book review
The house is simply stunning.
Oh yeah! This sounds like fun. Thanks so much…I would love to win, I’ve never seen the movie…
…only the houses are better than the original..nothing can touch audrey hepburn and bogey…
i saw both versions of this film and loved both lol that kitchen!!!!!
I love Sabrina and just watched it a few days ago!
I would love to win!
Monkey’s Momma’s last blog post..Need Your Template Advice Again, Readers
And I am already your friend on Hooked on Houses (Michaelle).
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Monkey’s Momma’s last blog post..Need Your Template Advice Again, Readers
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Monkey’s Momma’s last blog post..Need Your Template Advice Again, Readers
That house is absolutely gorgeous… I bet there are a lot of fun nooks and crannies to be found too!
Jennifer’s last blog post..Self Portrait Sunday 1/25/09
Gorgeous home! But I would feel so overwhelmed by a home of this size. I would rather live in the cottage.
asithi’s last blog post..Food Variety Might be the Reason We Fail at Diet Meal Plans
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I would like the stone cottage or the Martha Vineyard house (though not on/in(?) Martha’s Vineyard, a little to fancy shmancy for me. 🙂
Lovely pictures, I love the indoor pool! Gotta be a great show, havent seen either!
I love Sabrina.. both the old and new one.. haven’t seen them in years!
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I love the newer version because I am biased to everything with Dr. Jones in it!! 🙂
Grace @ Sandier Pastures’s last blog post..Perfect for Valentine’s Day: Penelope Poet Jewelry Giveaway
a great movie that i haven’t seen in a while…thanks for the giveaway!
How fun!! I loved that movie, but haven’t seen it in forever. I should watch the original again too!
Sarah at themommylogues’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaway Carnival
Thanks for the chance to win!
punkinmama’s last blog post..because i said so
I would choose this movie! I’ve never seen it, and it looks fascinating! Thanks!
I finally subscribed after procrastinating!! I love your blog.
Grace @ Sandier Pastures’s last blog post..Perfect for Valentine’s Day: Penelope Poet Jewelry Giveaway
Please enter me! I would love an amazon gift card.
I’d love to win!
I love both versions of Sabrina and I love that house.
d’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaways Carnival
I haven’t seen the new version of Sabrina- beautiful home!!!
What a great movie… as is anything Audrey huh?!? Thanks for sharing!
Love this movie!
Thanks for the chance! Beautiful house!!
I faved you! mom2anutball
I sent a friends request! SHeila H.
Im following on twitter, mom2anutball!
I really want to see this movie now!
Great movie and great pictures from it!
Lanie’s last blog post..Quote of the Week and a correction.
I forgot what a great movie this was.
Come enter my Target GC giveaway!
Mrs. Sprinkles’s last blog post..Living on $50 a week
Sabrina (either version) is one of my absolute favorite movies. Thank you for this post! Love it.
Maria’s last blog post..Drop in the Bucket
These houses make my little attic apartment look so dingy… Sigh.. Someday! Thanks for the giveaway!
Lisa D’s last blog post..It’s short
aw, that place is almost as grand as my fifth floor walkup apartment, RFLMAO – Have a great Monday everyone! 🙂
OMG gorgeous photos! I love Audrey Hepburn, she’s one of my favorites, great movie! Many thanks to you!
Oh how I wish I had an indoor pool like that.
I would love to win this movie!
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
Alyce’s last blog post..Weight Watchers Winner’s Circle Cookbook – Giveaway
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akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
Alyce’s last blog post..Weight Watchers Winner’s Circle Cookbook – Giveaway
I just love that movies! Both of them!
I’m following you on twitter (AtHomeWithBooks)
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
Alyce’s last blog post..Weight Watchers Winner’s Circle Cookbook – Giveaway
What a cool blog– I had never been here before today!
I thought I was the only who watched movies for home ideas!
This is a great giveaway! Thanks for hosting!
Renee Garcia’s last blog post..Bloggy Carnival Giveaway!!!!!
oh my gosh! Congrats on so many comments for this giveaway. I need to see the film for sure now!
Katie @’s last blog post..Inspired Giveaway: Recycled Painted Art
you’re on my RSS for sure!!
Katie @’s last blog post..Inspired Giveaway: Recycled Painted Art
twitter too 🙂
Katie @’s last blog post..Inspired Giveaway: Recycled Painted Art
I’ve seen the original Hepburn movie, but not the newest one. I’d love to win. 🙂 Thank you for offering this giveaway!
eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
Ooo, I love Harrison Ford in anything! 😉 Thanks for the giveaway!
Fresh Girl’s last blog post..(Mostly) Wordless Wednesday
now technorati. I’ve got you everywhere. I’m an official stalker!
Katie @’s last blog post..Inspired Giveaway: Recycled Painted Art
Oh…such a fun movie. Those houses…drool!
I’d choose Martha’s Vineyard.
Thanks for such a fab blog!
I’d love to be entered in the giveaway!
I’ve never seen the original version of this movie, although I did enjoy the remake with Harrison Ford – thanks for the chance!
Tammy’s last blog post..Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce Review, Recipe & Giveaway
I love the house on Martha’s Vineyard
All I can say is “You are amazing!” Everything you put up on the world wide web is interesting and fascinating. Now I have to watch this movie. You are one of the best things that has happened to me on Twitter. I feel like I’ve discovered a treasure.
(And now I can’t get off my computer because of you!!)
Pat Anderson’s last blog post..Let Passion Determine Your Life
I love your pictures! Now I know I have to see this movie (Both versions-since I haven’t seen either!)
WOW too much house for me though but if I had a staff then it would be OK.
I just LOVE your blog. Thanks for filling my addiction to houses! I’m now longing to see Sabrina again so would love to a winner! Keep up the great work.
Great movie. Love Harrison Ford. 🙂
Please count me in, thanks! I would like the Amazon gc!
I would love to win this! thank you for the awesome giveaway!!
Great movie — one of my favs!
I have watched Sabrina a million times, I love it. The homes are all beautiful in the movie…some people have it all (even if they are just characters in a movie.) thanks for the chance!
Catherine @ Evolving Mommy’s last blog post..Mexican Burgers
Wow, I haven’t thought about that movie in a long time.
Natalie’s last blog post..National Security Mom t-shirt winner
I stumbled this post.
I have the original with Audrey Hepburn, but have never seen the remake.
Love all of the stills, I would choose Harrison Ford haha!
I forgot how much I love this movie~making a note to rent it this weekend and watch the houses a bit closer. It would be even better to have in my permanent collection! Thanks, Julia!
I love both versions of this film!
Elizabeth’s last blog post..Blue Giveaway!
Geez my finger is killing me from scrolling down LOL
Who dosen’t have an indoor pool and outdoor pool ??
Pls. count me in….great post, hard to choose hmmmm, I can’t and its not your Love it or Hate it i don’t have to 🙂
Kathy 🙂
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Elizabeth’s last blog post..Blue Giveaway!
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Elizabeth’s last blog post..Blue Giveaway!
Wow, now that’s what I call a house! The pools alone amaze me.
Great giveaway.
TRigell at aol dot com
thanks for the giveaway!
wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com
Britt’s last blog post..Friday’s “Simple Find”!!
I only want a huge house if I can afford a maid to help clean it. 🙂
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Britt’s last blog post..Friday’s “Simple Find”!!
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Britt’s last blog post..Friday’s “Simple Find”!!
I love this movie so much. I have it on video but not DVD. The house is amazing. I was watching t.v. the other day and they were talking about Brad and Angalina moving to the North Shore of Long Island and I thought of Sabrina right away. My favorite room would have to be the kitchen.
Blakely’s last blog post..Funny
thanks ! hope i win 🙂 amazing houses !!
Luckymatt5 AT gmail DOT com
Thanks for the chance!
Please enter me. It was one of the better movie remakes I have seen.
I LOVE that movie, it is one of my favorites!
Jessica H.’s last blog post..Amazing Fish Tacos
This is one of my favorite movies, thank you for offering the gift.
I love the vacation home at Martha’s Vineyard and the view looks fantastic!
Don’t know about you, but I feel sorry for people who have to live in such squalor, lol. Gorgeous homes, no doubt. Thanks for sharing
ceashark at aol dot com
What a great kitchen! Enter me, please.
Grace’s last blog post..2009 Goal Progress, Week 3
Cool photos of the houses!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Both versions are great, but you have to love Harrison Ford!
Bebemiqui’s last blog post..Look at the Birds of the Air
Oh now i want to watch this. The settings alone are lovely
I have only seen the remake and I loved it!
Elizabeth M.’s last blog post..Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce – Review and Giveaway!
I love Sabrina! That house certainly is beautiful!
I’m following you on twitter (blueviolet)
Elizabeth M.’s last blog post..Not Me Monday! cuz I felt guilty skipping it
I subscribed via RSS feed.
hey this is awesome i love the kitchen I’m having so much fun making friends and blog-hopping again this year.
Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I’m chosen as the lucky winner!!!
Thanks so much for doing this movie! I love it. I forgot about the cottage on the vineyard, so it was nice to see pictures of that, too. I actually have the original at home right now from Netflix. I’ll probably watch it tonight or tomorrow.
Anyway, enter me in the giveaway! Thanks so much!
(BTW, great photos, for having been taken off of the television — wow!)
I would love that estate…that is a great movie…I agree with the other comments that the remake is better than the original – Harrison Ford deserves a better name than Linus though…I want that reflecting pond!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Joyful Noise’s last blog post..My Fruit RollUps Giveaway…
Oh my goodness, I LOVE that house. That kitchen is my dream kitchen!
I LOVE this movie. Thanks for the giveaway!
just my kinds of places lol i die to well have a kiction like that for that have a realy neet back yeard with a pond in it please enter me infor this thanks
jennifer bowen’s last blog post..just geting started on some new party’s and events here for the new year
I have the Audrey Hepburn version but I love the Harrison Ford version, too. Thanks.
I am following you on twitter @zieglerlzms
I would choose the Martha’s Vineyard house! We did this as a play when I was in high school… such fun memories!
Krista’s last blog post..Book: Through the Storm
Thank you for a wonderful giveaway! I love how you give us a choice. I’m off to check out your Jane Eyre post … oooooh!!!
I would love the Harrison Ford version.
This is a Beautiful home! Would definitely need a maid! 🙂
I wouldn’t even mind being the maid as long as I got to live in one of those mansions.
What a fun giveaway! You are awesome!
I alreagy own and LOVE this movie! Its so romantic! I would love the gift certificate though!!! I cant believe I didnt know there was another earlier version!
kayceewilliams at gmail dot com
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kayceewilliams at gmail dot com
Ah… to live like that! But hardly anyone does, right?
Jenna’s last blog post..The Office
What a gorgeous house. Love the pools, kitchen – everything lol. 🙂
Audra Mariea’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaways – October 27th – 31st
I would get lost in that house!
sHERI’s last blog post..Book Review: The Vigorous Mind
I’d love to win! Do I get the house too?
CC’s last blog post..Marvelous Children’s Book Monday: D is for Dragon Dance
Wow. Gorgeous woodwork. I love to look at homes but then suddenly the home I was so proud of looks crappy.
I also love Sabrina but I already own on DVD so I’d like the Amazon gift card if I wer to win.
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mannequin’s last blog post..Jillie Willie Review and Giveaway
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mannequin’s last blog post..Jillie Willie Review and Giveaway
how fun
I really like both versions of Sabrina. Hey, if there’s a blog out there giving away the house, somebody point me in the right direction!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Lisa’s last blog post..Baby Bell Baby Pool
Following you on twitter (kmg365).
Wow! Talk about lifestyles of the rich and famous! I love that indoor swimming pool.
Love that movie and the house! I think I have seen that movie over 30 times….it was on TV the other night and my husband was Ohhhhh…nooooooooing it from the other room. Isn’t it grand?
I love the gardens at the Larrabee Estate.
Thank you for the chance
I never saw Sabrina – the 1995 version or the original, but I’ve heard great things. Thanks for the giveaway!
I just subscribed via Google Reader.
fabulous and thanks for the giveaway
Great giveaway Thanks
meg’s last blog post..$30 Giveaway from Good For the Kids.
I love both the original version and the updated version. I would love that movie.
Great giveaway, enter me, too!
I do not think I have seen this movie, dang it and my favorite Harrison…errrr house is in it too! 😉
Darla’s last blog post..Zappos, I love you
I just subscribed, too!
Thank you for the chance to win an amazon gift card so I can buy some True lemon. It is a powdered dry lemon, so i can add it to restaurant water instead of wondering who’s hands touched my lemon before it went into my glass of water.
Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a home like this. I once visited Hearst Castle and thought how awesome it would be live in a home like that.
Audrey’s last blog post..Bloggy Carnival – Tupperware Giveaway
Sweet! I haven’t seen this movie in years.
PisecoMom’s last blog post..Muffin Tin Monday: Chinese New Year
The cottage is so charming…I would live there, although the vacation house wouldn’t be too terrible either! I do love the kitchen in the estate house though. Wonderful giveaway. Thanks.
An indoor tennis court….just imagine! What I like most though is the lobster napkin rings on the table Linus has set. 🙂
bren j.’s last blog post..What? Again?
One of my all-time fav movies, once again! I would definitely choose the cottage on Martha’s Vineyard. It’s so quaint and cozy. When I was a teenager, though, I would have chosen the mansion.
Shelley Jo’s last blog post..House Disappointment
I adore this movie, and love the photos of the house you have shown. It was like walking through the story frame by frame. 🙂
I have never seen that movie! I would love to see it!
I would love to have that beautiful reflecting pond! I think I’d take the Estate – course I’d probably never leave!
Storm’s last blog post..Review: Baby Dipper (Giveaway!)
Looks hilarious! Can’t wait to watch it. What a house!!
Thanks for having the giveaway!
Gorgeous pics!!! I’d love to win a GC!
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I loved both versions of Sabrina! The house in the newer version of the movie is fabulous beyond words!
I have you on my blogroll:
I can’t even imagine living like that. I’m not sure if I would like this movie but I would love to pick out one on Amazon. Thanks for the contest.
What a great movie!!
I would love to live in a house like that.
What a beautiful house…the pool is! I already have this movie, but would love to pick another one out..thanks!
I love that movie. I’m a Harrison Ford fan.
Love the pictures! I want a reflecting pool with steps across it… 🙂
I also clicked the “I like it!” button on Stumble. I assume that’s what you meant by Stumble. 🙂
(Forgot my email address in the comment part of my last comment. Sorry!)
I love the charming vacation home on Martha’s Vineyard! I so love it that I put that picture in a posting on my blog, linking back here to this posting.
Shirl’s last blog post..I NEED to live here, right on the pier, thankyouverymuch
i loved that story …..Oh how I would love to be a Sabrina right now…..So romantic with Valentines and all!!
amy’s last blog post.."FIFI FLOWERS" YA DID ME PROUD!!!!!
I like the most recent Sabrina – haven’t see the older one though. Thanks!
SO love the house and grounds … and I adore the kitchen.
I love houses like this and I love Harrison Ford!
I especially enjoyed looking at the decor of the Long Island estate. The wood staircase, the mail hall and the cosy-llooking kitchen are some favorites.
I wish I had that kitchen 🙂 I’ve only seen the original with Audrey Hepburn but now I want to see the newer one. Thanks for the great post and giveaway!
I dream of staying in a place like that someday -would love to drool while watching the movie.
Pretty Pictures! Thanks for your giveaway!
love that movie!
love the movi3e- the stills are amazing
Thanks for the giveaway! I’ve never heard of that movie, so I think I’d choose the certificate.
Thanks for sharing the great photos. I really like that movie.
Oh how I’d love a home like that. Wouldn’t like cleaning it though. Then again if I could afford a house like that I could afford to have someone clean it 🙂
Jeanine’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaway Time $10 gc to Starbucks
would love amazon equivalent — thank you.
Sabrina is such a great movie…both versions!
Kim’s last blog post..It’s A Wrap.
I can see myself and my family enjoying living in this wonder house. I love this movie (both old and new version).
Never seen the movie, but it looks good.
Nicole’s last blog post..Giveaway Week! Giveaway #3 – $5 Starbuck’s gift card
I would choose the Amazon GC, great movie though!
Great giveaway! ( I so wish I had a home like that *swoons* – haha)
Love Audrey Hepburn! Thanks for the opportunity!
Harrison Ford is gorgeous…the home is too but wouldn’t want to pay the utilities.
Oh how I long for an indoor pool right now!
Jenny’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaways
Beautiful photos! I’d love to win the DVD 😀
Green Yak’s last blog post..Blue Beaded Heart Bracelet
That house is gorgeous, thanks!
Becca’s last blog post..Day off
I love this movie and would love to own it!
Sharla’s last blog post..My favorite things awesome giveaway!
I love that movie! I’ve watched my copy dozens of times!
fabulous giveaway – i’d love to win!
Valerie M’s last blog post..My Bloggy Carnival Giveaway – $10 Denny’s Gift Card !!!!
Valerie M’s last blog post..My Bloggy Carnival Giveaway – $10 Denny’s Gift Card !!!!
feed subscriber
I have never seen Sabrina. Wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.
Jane Anne’s last blog post..Not Me! Monday
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
OMG I love the Larrabee estate! I would live there in a heartbeat! All the wood work is beautiful. That would be my dream home!
[email protected]
I would choose the Larrabee estate. I really like the reflecting pond :).
both versions are great
Noreen’s last blog post..Goofy Pirates Ears Hat Giveaway
i would totally pick the Larrabee estate
I’d love to win the Amazon gift card. Thanks.
i wish you were giving away the mansion!
I love both of those movies…it was one of the few remakes that I like…I did enjoy the house more with the remake with Harrison Ford more…Thank you for offering this.
Carol Jo
[email protected]
that’s a nice house and movie!
What a fabulous house. I can’t imagine living in something like that.
Thanks for the giveaway!
lmillitch (at) gmail (dot) com
I haven’t seen the later version of Sabrina. I guess I always think the original is the best.
Oh to live the life of a faiytale! If I could live in either house it would be a dream-Julia! Fun post and what great photos you shared-thank you!~Hope you are having an awesome week!~Smiles~Tam!
Tam’s last blog post..Just somethin to blog about…
This is one of the movies I have on VHS, ,but haven’t bought on DVD yet! Thank you!
That is a nice house, never saw the movie . It sounds pretty good.
I hate to say I’ve never seen Sabrina! Travesty, I know. I’m off to rent it this week…Boy, have I been missing out!
Thanks for the great giveaway! Would love to win.
What a beautiful house. Thanks for the great giveaway!
love the movie, but i think i’d go for the gift card
brandy w’s last blog post..contests 1-23-09
Now that I see the pictures, I remember the huge house from that movie! I’d love an Amazon GC!
I love this movie! And I think I saw bits and pieces of the original. One can only dream of living in a house like that OMG!!!
I would have to put a tracking device on my son!
That was some house! I would love to win Sabrina. It is actually one of my husband’s favorite movies! Thank you for the awesome giveaway!
Kelly B’s last blog post..Giveaways I Could Not Resist!!!!
Gorgeous homes! I’d love to win 🙂
Hi Julia! What a gorgeous home, especially the kitchen and that view!!!
Thanks for the fun giveaway, make sure to pop over to my blogs to enter mine, too!
Bella Casa’s last blog post..Etsy Blog Party & Giveaways!!!
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Bella Casa’s last blog post..Etsy Blog Party & Giveaways!!!
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Bella Casa’s last blog post..Etsy Blog Party & Giveaways!!!
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Bella Casa’s last blog post..Etsy Blog Party & Giveaways!!!
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Bella Casa’s last blog post..Etsy Blog Party & Giveaways!!!
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Bella Casa’s last blog post..Etsy Blog Party & Giveaways!!!
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Bella Casa’s last blog post..Etsy Blog Party & Giveaways!!!
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Bella Casa’s last blog post..Giveaway: Valentine’s Day Cute Red Apron, Chocolate & More!
Would love to win a copy! Thanks for doing the giveaway! 🙂
Amanda @ Serenity Now’s last blog post..Blast from the Past
Stumbled you. 😉
Amanda @ Serenity Now’s last blog post..Blast from the Past
Great house! Wow.
Amy @ Living Locurto’s last blog post..Meal Planning Ideas
I stumbled!
I follow you everywhere:-)
I also have you in my blogroll!!
I’m a facebook fan too. Whew… my fingers hurt! ha.
Come enter my giveaways too:
Amy @ Living Locurto’s last blog post..Meal Planning Ideas
Fantastic! Thank you for this giveaway!
Thanks for a great giveaway. That is definitely a beautiful house
Added you to my blogroll. 🙂
Amanda @ Serenity Now’s last blog post..Blast from the Past
wow..wonderful giveaway..thanks..
love this movie..old and new
Thanks for sharing the photos. You’ve taken an interest in old houses to a whole new level by studying ones in films, and then sharing with everyone who reads your blog. Thank you.
If I win I’d like the Amazon gift card so I can buy more books to feed my voracious reading appetite.
What a great giveaway, loved looking at all the pictures!
Ginny’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaways Carnival ~ $25 Amazon GC
Stumbled ~ momof2ballerinas
Ginny’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaways Carnival ~ $25 Amazon GC
That pool is just WOW!! To dream of!
[email protected]
margelina’s last blog post..An Honest Tag
Fav’d on technorati ~ scrappyd
Beautiful house! thanks for the giveaway!
I LOVE Sabrina (but sadly don’t own the movie), please count me in!
Following on Twitter. Mama_Bird
I really like both versions of this film. This house is lovely, and I wish I could have one like it someday.
I don’t think I’d better tell my husband about your site. He is addicted to viewing houses and I may never see him again. Have always loved Sabrina and it was interesting to read about the houses. Thanks!
Janelle’s last blog post..Newbery, Caldecott and More: The winners you’ve been waiting for
That house is breathtaking! I would love to win the original version of Sabrina!!
Thanks! foxsquirrelrabbit at gmail dot com
This is so pretty..Love all the pretty stained wood…semtaylor(at)yahoo(dot)com
enjoyed the pictures—
Thanks for the nice giveaway!
The indoor pool is awesome and the stone house in Martha’s vineyard is incredible
What an interesting blog you have here!
[email protected]
I love these movies (both the old and the new). The still pictures are absolutely stunning.
Gorgeous pictures! I would love to win the gift card!
Even to spend a weekend in this home would be fabulous ,thanks for the showing
I would love to live in the Larabee Estate!
[email protected]
What a house! If only….
Kookaburra’s last blog post..Parents Magazine…. FREE!
I could only dream to have a house that beautiful.
Rita’s last blog post..Menu Plan Monday – Jan 26
Great giveaway. Thanks for the chance.
Gorgeous house! Thanks for the chance!
These photos are awesome! Wow!
Jingle’s last blog post..Design Team News, A New Technique Class and Bloggy Giveway Time!!!
I have to admit. I have never seen the movie.
I really love this movie and that little cottage above the garage…delightful. I want to make soup in that kitchen! A funny story…when ever I go to get my curl crazy hair cut I always think…”I wish she could cut it like Julia Ormond’s hair in ‘Sabrina’…Great post…as usual.
Have a great week.
Smiles ~ Ramona
Ramona’s last blog post..House
This would be fabulous to win. thank you!
[email protected]
I caught the tail end of this movie just the other night! I love it! I’d rather have the Martha’s Vinyard house, I think…
Princess Leia’s last blog post..Thankful for a Happy Heart
Good movie, but I’d probably go with Amazon. I’m trying to build my 80’s music library!!!
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And I’ve subscribed via google. Thanks!
I love Sabrina! I actually like the new one better because of the attempted suicide in the first.
What a beautiful house!
Thanks so much for the contest.
susan dot lockhart at gmail dot com
I like small houses so I think I like the stone cottage best! Thanks!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
[email protected]
*sigh* I love Sabrina! I used to watch it every time it came on HBO. I just love the whole “ugly duckling to swan” transformations in movies. The house was beautiful too :o)
I have watched both versions of the movie and I have to say I like the latest one with Harrison Ford better. Those pictures of the houses are just gorgeous and I am green with envy 🙂
I subscribed RSS feed.
I love LOVE the reflecting pond. Sooo pretty, way too extravagant.
Chelsea’s last blog post..FREE Diet Dr. Pepper
I gave you a thumbs up on Stumble. ID-bonafiderarity16
I subscribed via Google reader.
Chelsea’s last blog post..FREE Diet Dr. Pepper
I friended you on Facebook.
Chelsea’s last blog post..FREE Diet Dr. Pepper
Oh, thank you for reminding me of a wonderful movie (that I own on DVD!). I love the concept of someone taking the job of chauffeur so they could have more time to read–how absolutely wonderful!! Thanks for the giveaway.
LFinn’s last blog post..Jumping on the Giveaway bandwagon
This looks like an interesting movie, but I’d love a chance to win an Amazon gift card.
I actually like the stone cottage.
kaye’s last blog post..Giveaway: Sundays at Tiffany’s by James Patterson and Gabrielle Charbonnet
One of my all time favorite movies! Thanks!
That house is amazing! Thanks.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Mommyishome’s last blog post..Celebrating Handmade: The Swap
Think I’d opt for the stone cottage over the garage as I just adore the reflecting pond, it’s absolutely beautiful – would love to walk across that every morning!
I love this movie, and already own it, so I would choose the gc. I would love to win this, thanks!
Katrina’s last blog post..It’s giveaway time!
aHHH! What I would give for that reflecting pool… Thanks!!
Love, Love, Love this movie. Both the new and the original. The Martha’s Vineyard house is so cute.
Abby’s last blog post..The Dust That Won’t Die
Sabrina is one of my most favorite movies!
What a neat idea for a blog post! 🙂
elizardbreath8 at yahoo dot com
Please enter me. Thanks.
[email protected]
One thing I might consider getting with a gift certificate would be
the Melissa and Doug Pirate Adventure Jigsaw Puzzle 48 Pieces.
owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net
I adore the kitchen. I would be just as happy with the stone cottage. I have to suggest a movie house that I love. A bit quirky but I want to live in the Little’s house from Stuart Little. Bright colors and fun nooks. Pam
Pam’s last blog post..Make Over Monday
I would love to win
Miranda Allen’s last blog a 50 dollar VS giftcard
I’d buy a house just like that if I could afford a maid. lol Thanks for the giveaway!
I would choose the Martha’s Vineyard the large windows with the water views!
You are on my blogroll.
Millie’s last blog post..Looking Back…and Forward
i love this movie! never spent any time noticing the house before. great blog!
I love that movie! SO cool!
I loved the original version of this movie…I’d love to see the remake!
Oh I love that movie and I don’t have either version! 🙂
Oh, I love the movie Sabrina! It is one my favorites, so I actually already own it, but I love Amazon as well, so either way I am excited to enter your giveaway! Thanks so much!
Wow on the pics! I have never saw that movie, but would be interested to watch just to see the house.
One of my favorite movies…loved the estate for sure but SO loved the Cape Cod cottage. And I was always smitten with Sabrina’s room, as well as her father’s rooms in the estate.
These posts are always so much fun. Thanks for the joy!
Sue’s last blog post..Let It Snow, Let It Snow…
Ok, I think you’ve just given me my dream home! I would love a copy of the movie and I’ve never seen it. I’m much more interested now after all those marvelous pictures. Thanks!
Wendy’s last blog post..It’s Carnival Time
Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to see this movie.
I subscribe.
Love this giveaway, Thanks!!
juicebox mom’s last blog post..Early Christmas Gift for me!
thanks, wow, can’t stop looking at that huge estate!
karla reader’s last blog post..100 Books in 2009 Challenge
Awesome giveaway, thanks. I loved Sabrina 🙂
Those pictures make me a little jealous; they are beautiful and overwhelming at the same time.
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com
I saw this a long time ago in the hteatre and i remember how beautiful everything was.
I love this movie, Julia. In fact, as much as I liked the original version, I like this one even better.
Wow! What a beautiful home!
The pictures are beautiful
Jen’s last blog post..Bridal Fairs
I subscribed
Jen’s last blog post..Bridal Fairs
Thank you for this opportunity!!
I LOVE that house. It’s absolutely gorgeous!
I totally forgot about this movie! Great prize!
[email protected]
It’s a GREAT movie which I love – and unfortunately do not own!
Those pictures of the house are just incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the fact you also mentioned the original ‘Sabrina’. I remember watching that when I was a little girl. Having just joined Facebook, it was great to be able to add another friend to my list.
Look forward to seeing which movie you choose next to show us
boysmum2’s last blog post..The Perfect Sleep
I can’t believe I have never seen this movie! The house and the scenery are just beautiful, and of course Harrison Ford and Greg Kinnear are pretty nice looking as well! Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi, me again, just realised I didn’t say which house I liked. Would have to be the summer house at Martha’s Vineyard. So crisp and sunny.
boysmum2’s last blog post..The Perfect Sleep
Wow, what a give-a-way bonanza, Julia!
I loved much in both movies. I think Bogart was too old for his role, but loved Audrey Hepburn. It’s too bad we can’t mix and match Hepburn w/Harrison Ford and Greg Kinnear (who I think is the REAL eye candy in this movie).
I wonder where the house for the exteriors actually is.
I am such a huge fan of this movie! I’m shocked I don’t own it yet! Maybe I will soon (fingers crossed!
WOW the pictures of this house made me dream it was mine and how awesome that would be. Thanks for showing them. The movie would be nice to watch for the first time, never seen it before. Thanks.
I loved the original Sabrina – haven’t seen the new one yet. And, oh my God, those photos! Drool. Thank you for the giveaway.
twitter follower
I used to google earth and see the houses by the shore.
~~ Very cool ~~
Subscribed to my yahoo reader–lisalcolorado2007
cool giveaway and wow what a gorgeous estate!!!
Corina’s last blog post..It’s the little things…
Beautiful house!!!
That estate is beyond beautiful. I’d love to live in the apartment above the garage!!!! I haven’t seen that movie in such a long time! I’d love to see it again.
Melissa’s last blog post..Lessons in tempting fate…
Hope I win!
Mel’s last blog post..Welcome!
I loved both versions of this movie! Audrey Hepburn’s class echoes through the ages!
i forgot about this movie! Beautiful pictures!
Melanie @ Mel, A Dramatic Mommy’s last blog post..Bloggy Carnival Day 1- Cherry Blossom Pocket Mirror
I would love to check this out 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Chi’s last blog post..** ALERT ** Sweepstakes / Giveaways Ending TODAY — 1/11
Just watched Sabrina…when was it, this past weekend (can’t remember cr%p!). Thanks for the photos, it gives you a chance to savor each room — even pausing the DVR isn’t as good as seeing a closeup picture! HOH is a new subscription on my Google Reader (LOVE Google Reader!!!).
I have never seen this movie before either but it looks good. I have an obsession with old stone houses and cottages. Thought I was the only one with a home obsession, LOL 🙂
[email protected]
I subscribed via Google Reader 🙂
[email protected]
I am following you on Twitter (creativehome is my twitter name)
Thanks again 🙂
[email protected]
That house is AMAZING! I love this movie! Thanks.
I love Long Island Estates, at least as much as I can remember from the 70’s when I was there. Beautiful!
Man,what a house! I am not sure you can even call that a house. Estate maybe, but no way is it a house!!!! Gorgeous! Sabrina is a great movie! Thanks for the chance!
sherri419 at gmail dot com
I have never seen the movie before. I would love to win it and watch it
I have never seen this movie, so I would love to win!
I’m so glad I’m not the only person who falls in love with the houses in the movies. This one is beautiful. So far my obsessions are the house from the Home Alone, Funny Farm, I searched for the other cottage from The Holiday and found out it was set.
Oddly enough, I haven’t seen either of the movies. Which is odd indeed, because i love Harrison Ford.
Gorgeous photos!! I would love to win the Amazon gift cert.
I have you on my blogroll –
Great house…I don’t think I’d want to clean it though! LOL!
Thanks for the giveaway!!!
This is great! I would like the Amazon GC.
Such Beautiful homes .. The pool on that one looked so inviting. Thank you kindly! skyxsky27(at)
I wish that were my home!
Stacie’s last blog post..Twilight Edward Cullen Pendant Giveaway
I follow on Twitter.
Stacie’s last blog post..Twilight Edward Cullen Pendant Giveaway
I subscribe through Google Reader.
Stacie’s last blog post..Twilight Edward Cullen Pendant Giveaway
I love this movie! (Don’t hate me, but I never saw the old version) Harrison Ford is a great guy to fall in love with though. Romantic chick flicks are awesome. rebecca342 at gmail dot com
rebecca’s last blog post..Politics as Usual – Part Deux the Economy
I’d live in the Stone Cottage I think. It’s perfect! Thanks for the giveaway.
love that movie- what a beautiful house and location!
what a beautiful house! could you imagine actually living there?
great movie!
I loved both versions of that movie! What beautiful pictures. Thanks for the giveaway!
How gorgeous, thanks for the pictures!!
I favorited you on Technorati (I know that isn’t a word LOL)
Come on by my blog and favorite me too please 🙂
I love the pictures!
Chantel’s last blog post..Soap Nuts & Rain Coats
I love the Maratha’s Vineyard House. Great pics.
Kelly K’s last blog post..Just when you run out of hope.
I added you as a favorite on techorati
I never saw the remake of “Sabrina” (though I’m a big fan of the original), but seeing the stills from the film and the breathtaking home at which it was shot, I’ll definitely have to check it out. Being an avid tennis player, my favorite photo of course was the one of the indoor court — that would be a dream come true!!
I’d live in the poolhouse… well at least that’s where I’d spend most of my time. 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway.
Following you on twitter — guettel78
Subscribed to your RSS feed in Google Reader – thanks!
The two pool are so nice. I could live there.
[email protected]
Carrie Lim’s last blog post..Happy New Year; It’s the Year of the Ox
I love these pictures! And I love this movie! I think I would also take the Martha’s Vineyard house. So beautiful!
Valerie’s last blog post..Happy Birthday to Me!
I added you as a friend on Facebook!
Valerie’s last blog post..Happy Birthday to Me!
Enter me to win!
Stefani’s last blog post..A Fun Camp You Won’t Want To Miss
I thought I was the only one who loved the movie and fell in love with that house. Nice to know I am in good company! I’d move in there in a heartbeat, as long as someone else was paying to heat the place. 🙂
Cheers, Kiy
kiy’s last blog post..Napping. Or Not.
Am following on twitter username morphsrose. This movie looks awesome!
That’s a great movie! And a beautiful house!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Emily’s last blog post..Gluten Free Snack Cake
I love this movie! Thanks for the great giveaway!
P.S. I’ve got a giveaway on my blog as well, feel free to check it out!
Angela’s last blog post..Burt’s Bees Giveaway!
That house is beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love that indoor pool! How chic!
Mama Dawg’s last blog post..If The Saxons Can Do It, Why Can’t We?
What a great movie! And a great house. I prefer the older version because of Audrey Hepburn. But, I do love Harrison Ford.
SoBella Creations’s last blog post..CPSIA ~ Help Amend this Law
I’m following your network blog on facebook.
SoBella Creations’s last blog post..CPSIA ~ Help Amend this Law
Following your blog on Facebook…Thanks!
What a GREAT post…I found your blog about a week ago and just ADORE it! Thank you for all of your time and sharing your eye for detail…Christy
Woops! I forgot to add that although the Estate is PERFECTION…I would choose to live in the Martha’s Vineyard Cottage! 🙂 Nothing like a cottage by the sea!
PS…Didn’t you just LOVE the house in the movie Evening?!
Love the remake and the house. Wonder how many people it would take to keep it clean??
Laura O’s last blog post..TOS Freebie this week
havent seen the movie but I’d love to
Marilyn’s last blog post..Overstock wants to bail you out of your financial crunch
I love the house at Martha’s Vineyard because of the view. I love the ocean.
I love the movie Sabrina. It’s one of my favorites!
[email protected]
Ive Seen this. great movie. i’d love the amazon equivalent. great giveaway. thanks 😀
I’m sort of hooked on houses myself. Love your blog name. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.
My stumble ID is scrappylori. Thumbs up.
Please enter me in your drawing. Alas, I am not following the cutting edge of web connections. I do not twitter, facebook, or any of the other things that I’m not sure what they are. *hanging head for a second* BUT! I do follow blogs! I LOVE Sabrina, almost more than the original one. Another cool movie home is in “The Family Stone.”
[email protected]
I think I heard about this movie before, or it’s just its story that was repeated in so many other movies?
Mary_Freebies’s last blog post..Blog Contest: $15 Cash via PayPal
This is interesting, that movie Sabrina with Audrey Hepburn was very good.
subscribed RSS way
I must confess I love the estate as well as both versions of the movie.
If I win I’d appreciate the Gift card as my kitchen needs a new facet.
I’m a house lover as well.
Just recently saw this for the first time! Definitely a classic.
I would love to own Sabrina on DVD! Thanks!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
found your blog thru the bloggy giveaway 🙂
Great Pictures! If I win I would choose the Amazon Gift Card as I have grandkid birthdays coming up.
I would love to swim in an indoor pool like that one.
Really nice pictures.Thanks for the giveaway. I would choose the amazon giftcard since I already have the movies.
I subscribed via google reader.
WOW – I could definitely live in that house!
I just friend-requested you on Facebook!
Jenn Ryan’s last blog post..Bill Engvall
Very interesting post! I must admit, I’ve never really paid attention to the houses in movies, but now you’ve got me intrigued. Thank you for the giveaway!
Cathy’s last blog post..One recall today: Canopies
I would love to win! Awesome pictures!
Briana @ Bargain Briana’s last blog post..More Winners!
Thanks for a great giveaway. I haven’t seen the movie in a long time. I would love to have a kitchen like that…especially if it had the servants in it preparing food!
I would love the Movie or the gift card. Thanks! Those pictures are amazing.
I haven’t seen the movie, but all of the houses are nice. I could live in any of them. Thanks.
Loved the movie, loved the houses, and think it’s amazing that you captured all those stills to show us. I like your blog, the premise, cause I love houses. Thanks! I’d love to win a DVD.
Shirley D.’s last blog post..Vacation Memories
Another chance: I put you on google reader!
Shirley D.’s last blog post..Vacation Memories
I love when you do the in the movies posts – such fun to see some stills of the great houses in movies I watch. I’m sure you’ve seen it, but there is a book that has floor plans of tv show houses – fictional even. It really is fun to browse through.
haha i love those shellfish napkin holders!!
bianca’s last blog post..Craigslist
DREAM HOUSE! Love your post of the still pic of the home.
I’d forgotten how gorgeous the movies backdrop had been. Loved the movie photos!
I just added you to my google reader.
Wow I love this movie, but never really payed attaention to the house. I will now.
Thanks for the giveaway!
How beautiful! Those houses are amazing! Thanks and God Bless, ashley – [email protected]
Thanks for a great giveaway! I haven’t seen that movie in a long time and LOVE it!
The house is so gorgeous! Thank you so much for the fantastic giveaway!
I love this movie! great tour of the house!
Amazing house! Thanks for the great giveaway!
braaisjo at gmail dotcom
i would take the marthas vineyard home
madamerkf at aol dot com
What a wonderful house! I would love to win this!~Anna
Anna’s last blog post..
wow -amazing house! great giveaway! thanks 🙂
Beautiful home-thanks for the giveaway
Wow! I especially love the pond with the stone steps, that is beauuutiful!
Nice blog. I will be back
thanks for the chance to win. i actually have not seen sabrina.
Such an amazing house!
[email protected]
That is one amazing house! I love the movie Sabrina!
You know, I would love to live in the mansion… but as far as having something that I could manage taking care of alone, then Maratha’s vineyard for sure.
I really liked that movie. How cool would it be to live in such a house!
I would love to have an Amazon gift card!
Looks like a great movie! Thank you for offering this giveaway! rhonda (at) acedesignstudio (dot) com
Rhonda’s last blog post..Michigan Kids Eat Free Restaurant Specials
I’d love to win. Movies are my fave!
Wow! These are so gorgeous!
Chrysa’s last blog post..Jockey Minis & 3D-Innovations Collections
Did you notice Greg Kinnear looks pantless in the photo at the pool table? I had to get closer to the screen, then I was bummed (just teasing).
I have actually not seen Sabrina but I have enjoyed many Harrison Ford & Greg Kinnear movies in the past.
One could only dream of living in one of the homes/mansion you shared with us.
I have travel a lot of the United States but have never made it to the upper east, it is a dream of mine someday to get there.
Thank you for letting us peek and for the giveaway, may you have a picture perfect day Hooked on Houses.
I’d love to win this giveaway! Sabrina is a great movie.
I am so hooked on houses I started a B & B and now have 4 of them. I am always looking for new ways to decorate them! I love the Martha Vineyards house. My daughter lived and worked their for a summer while she went to culinary school in the east. You have a very interesting site and I will be posting it on my blog. (at least I will ask my daughter to it is on her blog… It was amazing seeing the stills of the picture..thank you for the look!
Jan Rochefort’s last blog post..Jewish Apple Cake
Looks like a neat movie.
How I loved this movie…both old and new!
Looks great!
never seen this but would love to
Reginald’s last blog post..Paul Blart: Mall Cop
Glad I found this blog! Love it, I’ll be back.
Whatever happened to Julia Ormond anyway? We never see her anymore.
I would love to win this. Thanks for the opportunity!
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Alpaca Farmgirl’s last blog post..Pronking!
Oh that kitchen is to die for 🙂 Thanks for the beautiful photos! We loved that movie.
nice pool
Thank you for the chance to win!
I’d love that kitchen.
I love classy houses like this. My wife and I visit The FDR house at Campobello every time we head downeast. This movie would be great as an addition to the library collection where i work.
John Clark’s last blog post..Curse you Edgar Rice Burroughs
A fairy tale palace, indeed. I’d take the Amazon card please. Thanks for the contest.
This film I love because its relates to my life. I love the music and the film so much.
The house pictured here is called Salutations and it was owned by Junius Spencer Morgan, the son of JP Morgan. It’s on East Island in Glen Cove. I’m trying to find which house in Glen Cove was used for the original Sabrina, the one with Audrey Hepburn. Any advice?
This is one of the most beautiful mansions I’ve seen in movies.
What a great pix gallery!
Do you have details on the mansion: such as,
Where is that mansion exactly? I mean the address?
Can we visit? is it inhabited? Is it in GLen Cove, NY?
Is it the Salutation Mansion/House?
I think these photos of the Larrabee’s mansion must have been filmed in several mansions.
I just watched the movie again, for the 5th time, I think.
Great location, great movie, great story.
Peace and Happiness
.-= Emrick´s last blog ..How to be Happy: Raise Your Energy =-.
This has become one of my favorites! I own the soundtrack and LOVE the music, it reaks of class and elegance, just like the film and matches the lifestyle we’d all love to live.
Hi Julia,
Your blog is one of my absolute favorites….I can get lost so easily I have to pace myself. I was wondering if you had any pictures from the Larabees outdoor annual party, or the one from Maude’s birthday, or where I could find some. You are amazing, and I know you are very busy. This is a shot in the dark question.
Enjoy your day….and I will enjoy Hooked on Houses.