In the 2002 drama Dragonfly, Kevin Costner played Joe Darrow, a man whose late wife was trying to communicate with him. This was their big, beautiful house, where her spirit kept him awake at night. She left clues for him to follow, like ... Keep Reading
The House in the New “Charmed” Reboot May Look Familiar
Did you watch the new "Charmed" reboot on The CW? I was curious about the kind of house the witches would live in since I loved the original Halliwell Manor. But when it came onscreen, I couldn't believe it. I recognized it! Did ... Keep Reading
After a Fire: Restoring a Queen Anne Victorian in Maryland
A reader named Joy wrote me about her historic Queen Anne Victorian known as the Brady House in Garrett Park, Maryland. It was built in the 1890s for the town's mayor. She and her husband bought it after it had been severely damaged by ... Keep Reading