The CBS sitcom "Ghosts" is based on a popular BBC series. I was a fan of the British version (which is streaming on HBO Max if you want to check it out) and wasn't sure if the new one would do it justice. But I was pleasantly surprised to ... Keep Reading
The Big Old Victorian from “Yours, Mine & Ours” in Pasadena
The classic 1968 movie Yours, Mine & Ours was the real-life story about a large blended family. Henry Fonda was Frank Beardsley, a widower with 10 children, and Lucille Ball played Helen, a widow with 8 of her own. The movie covers ... Keep Reading
A Transitional Craftsman in Pasadena’s Historic Highlands
I love when readers send me photos of their houses, so I was excited to see Heather's Transitional Craftsman in Pasadena, California. The house was built in 1913 in the Historic Highlands neighborhood and has been featured on their ... Keep Reading