Tommy Hilfiger’s country house in Connecticut is stately and traditional, decorated almost entirely in earth tones, so I was surprised to see how colorful and contemporary his Miami beach house is.
Could I live in a house inspired by “Pop Art Gallery Meets Disco Madness”? Nope. But it’s kind of fun to look at!
See what you think!
Tommy Hilfiger’s Beach House in Miami
It was recently featured in Architectural Digest, which reports:
“Just outside Miami, Dee and Tommy Hilfiger teamed up with designer Martyn Lawrence Bullard on a polychrome palace for vibrant art and groovy-chic furnishings.”
The couple collects Pop pieces by artists like Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Keith Haring, and they wanted a place to display them.
Dee Hilfiger says, “Our Connecticut home feels very country. We wanted to be able to showcase the colorful large-scale artworks that didn’t make sense elsewhere, conceptually or size-wise.”
Designer Martyn Lawrence Bullard says, “Tommy and Dee obviously have an incredible sense of fashion, so my job was to translate their vision into interior spaces that feel vibrant and compelling. Together, we conceived the house as part art gallery and part 1960s–’70s disco madness.”
Check the article by Mayer Rus in Architectural Digest for more information and photos
of Tommy Hilfiger’s beach house in Miami taken by Douglas Friedman.
I could not live with the decor. I like the quietness of the outside, but the inside does not suit my personality. I find it very jarring and it leaps out at me. Not relaxing at all. I rather feel that they are trying to recapture their youth. And I’m betting in a couple of years they will want to do it over again.
Exactly…super tacky. Hurts my eyes to look at it.
WOW! My retinas are bleeding! That’s quite a sweep of colour for a Monday morning! It’s a little too “Dr. Seuss” for my personal taste.
Wakes you up, doesn’t it? 😉
No. Just no.
A very headache inducing, non-relaxing space. I can see how those rooms would be fun for like an hour or two. But that’s about it.
I couldn’t agree more about the headache bit and that is just from looking at the pictures.
Headache and nausea. 🙁 How can anyone spend a day in that?
Too busy, it reminds me of the 60’s when people were on LSD! I have to say though, the car pool table is really cool! My grandkids would love it!
I thought the pool table was fun, too. I wonder if they had that custom made or if someone sells tables like that? If they mentioned it in the article I didn’t catch it.
Holy bananas, Julia!!!!!!! LOL
Whoa! I mean, how can you ever rest in a house like that? It has plenty of personality, but maybe it’s not the kind of personality I want to live with 24/7. 🙂
Wishing you and your family a very Blessed week!
Luciane from
It’s hard to imagine getting a lot of rest here, that’s for sure! I’d probably have to take some naps on the beach. Ha. Nice to hear from you, Luciane! 🙂
I dislike this, very intensely! The only rooms I could possibly live with are the bar area and the kitchen. The other spaces make me feel like I’m in a nightmare! So funny that one of their major decor influences is Andy Warhol, as I thought Tommy looked rather like Andy Warhol in the first pic! I love their country home. It really looks like a place where one of his commercials might be filmed. The two places couldn’t be more different, could they?
They really are night and day, which why I was so surprised by this one. I wonder if this is more his wife’s style than his? In the interview it seems like it was mostly her vision that led the project, and he didn’t seem quite as excited about it.
If this had been one of your ugly real estate listing posts, it would be funny. But imagining the money spent on this and the short shelf life – ugh, ridiculous and wasteful. I like the artists whose work they own, but this decor isn’t doing the art any favors – it totally gets lost in this place. Whew! Uuuuuuglyyyy!!
Definitely not for me.
Wow. Most of that makes my eyes cross – the floors especially!
I do kind of like the yellow bubble room, but to visit rather than to live with. Maybe that is part of the issue for me – it comes across more ‘hotel’ than ‘home’.
I have a suspicion I’ll prefer the Conn. one – about to go and look at that now 🙂
Well. I’m intrigued by this place. I certainly wouldn’t want to live there, or spend any extended time there. But I do think they have done something pretty cool, and done it well. If they love and collect that kind of art then they have the stomach for it, and I think they have created something unique to showcase it and really LIVE with the art. And clearly they have more money than God (and as my grandma would say, “More money than sense.”) so I won’t get into a question of value for money.
This house reminds me of the mirrored “funny house” in the amusement parks way back when. The mirrors and outrageous colors were used to disorient the park goers. At least we didn’t have to pay admissions for a similar experience here.
Pardon me while I search for my motion sickness pills.
Okay, I am definitely not playing nice this morning. ????
I am all for fun and whimsical interiors, but this says, “trying way too hard to be hip”. This then means, I hate it with a passion.
The collected is nice. but gets lost among all the insanity and that red room screams ‘The Shining’. I also noted it is that Bullard guy again and I realize he is making some serious bank selling some bad taste. God Bless.
Oh man, I need a drink after this one Julia. haha!
Oh, and here is where you can get the pool table. These are awesome.
Fun! Thanks for the link, Fiamma!
Those pool tables are so cool and I wish I could afford one. Unfortunately I’m not rich so I can’t.
I love it for the true Pop design of it but there is no way I could live in that. It’s so fun and kitsch and for a fun weekend why not? For every day, absolutely not. It’s nice to see people having fun with their vacation fun homes though. It’s really done well. Thanks for sharing.
It’s trippy!
Trippy’s a good word for it! I like that. 🙂
How to be nice with a comment – I guess there is a fool born every day. Just because you can afford it, it doesn’t mean you have taste. There is not one room in this house I could live in.
Whilst I could never, ever live in a house like this I can appreciate that it is the owners taste and reflects a certain aspect of their personality. Let’s face it, who wouldn’t love to have a few different houses that you could decorate differently in each? I don’t mind the kitchen and bar area and I would definitely use that banana wallpaper in a small powder room for a house in the tropics.
All of that color and we still end up with a white kitchen.
You’re right! Funny.
Ha! With all the other insanity, I did not even notice. That floor gives me vertigo.
Well when it’s not your primary residence, you could handle it but way too much for me!! xo Maria
I LOVE IT. I love color & find it invigorating. I was surprised at the white kitchen. Beige/gray disgust me. Those colors say that you couldn’t make up your mind so you’ll just go with neutrals. Even white is more of a color. Sorry you can’t appreciate the happiness of each room.