A couple of weeks ago I told you that Ahmed Hassan had been replaced by new host Matt Blashaw on Yard Crashers, the DIY Network show that he made popular.
Unhappy viewers continue to leave comments on that post, and most conclude with statements like, “Until Ahmed is back, I won’t be watching!”
I heard from Ahmed’s manager Kelley Nayo, who said:
Thank you for blogging about Ahmed’s departure from Yard Crashers earlier this month. I think your blog summed up the feelings of many viewers and we are grateful for your voice. The outpouring of love from the fans has been amazing.
One of the fans was so displeased that she started a petition at change.org. If you want to join the movement, please do and spread the word.
While we we have no idea about the effectiveness of such a petition, we do appreciate each signature as it sends a clear message to the network about Ahmed’s popularity. Often times, decisions are made in a vacuum. Thanks so much and please keep voicing your opinion – the power of social media is unprecedented.
On his Facebook page, Ahmed thanked his fans for their support:
You all are so amazing! Winnie Cheung started a petition at Change.org asking DIY Network to bring me back to Yard Crashers and over 400 of you have signed it! That’s a lot of love! Thanks for the good vibes!
I assume this means he’d be willing to return to the show if the powers that be offer it.
Sign the petition if you want to see him back on TV.
Thanks for the update, Julia…I’ve already signed the petition. (I really would like the skinny on what they were thinking, however. )
A petition worked for the show “Designing Women” in the 80’s…maybe it will again!
I gotta admit – I didn’t know Ahmed. I’m going go find out, cuz I love a good cause!!!!
I tried to sign three times. Message was “please try again later”:-/
Yeah, I had some trouble with it, too. The site goes down and then comes back up. They might have more traffic than they can handle. Kinda frustrating!
Signed the petition – love Ahmed, shows not the same without him!
I signed the petition and always liked seeing his cute face & smile on yard crashers
sure wish he would come to my yard , it needs help LOL
It certainly will be interesting to see how this play out. . .
Some things are not replaceable, so are some people.
After watching two episodes with Matt Blashaw (whom I don’t hate), I was hoping maybe Ahmed left to avoid doing those horrible Scotts product placement spots. Ugh!
I want Ahmed back on “Yard Crashers”. I do not think DIY and HGTV are as good as they use to be. I hardly ever watch them anymore.
Ahmed is the reason that I put on make up and fix my hair before I go to the hardware store… always hoping to win the “landscape lotto” for my yard. My yard is a dirt patch, clean canvas– just waiting for Ahmed to work his magic!
I will go sign it, but I really want him at MY house, is that the same?
Great idea!!! Signed it and shared it! Hope he’s back on soon! 🙂
So impressed that his manager contacted you with more info! Sure shows the power of a blog. Did she find your post from a reader tip or random search? Anyway, glad to know there is a way to support Ahmed and perhaps change things.
Ahmed IS the show! HGTV lost a watcher on Yard Crashers. What was the reason given for him leaving..anyone know. It’s a kinda..”if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” deal. Does anyone remeber Joan Steffen on an HGTV show? I thought she was fantastic too.. always loved the segment “Trash to Treasure” on her show, but must admit.. I forgot the name of the show.. anyone remember??
Decorating Cents – loved that show!
Up to 2,800 signatures but a lot more to go. Did you ever find out *why* he is no longer on the show. For a show *he* made popular, how could they think he could be replaced?
I cannot watch HGTV or DIY anymore. I want Ahmed back. His shows were the best. His energy and love for what he did was contagious; so was his winning smile and personality. I also was upset that Sanra is not doing property virgins.
Ahmed IS Yardcrashers – He’s the backyard Batman – you DON’T replace Batman. Don’t know the circumstances but will not be watching any more just like I no longer watch Property Virgins. HGTV, I was a loyal viewer but oooh look a Chopped marathon – cya.
I signed the petition too.. Can’t believe they did that!
WHERE’S AHMED!!!!??? I saw Yard Crashers advertise and thought YES! I will see the animated, ready to get the yard done energetic host Ahmed Hassan. Then the show came on and I said, “Who’s that?!! The energy of the show wasn’t the same then I decided my energy to watch wasn’t the same. I may be crashing Yard Crashers from my line up of must watch HGTV line up. Have you guys ever heard the saying ,’ If it ain’t broke don’t fix it?” In this case, it needs to be fixed! BRING BACK AHMED HASSAN!!!!
Matt may be a good general contractor, but he is no landscaper. Please bring Ahmen back as the show is not the same.
BRING AHMEN BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please bring Ahmen back!!!
My wife an I were up waiting this morning to watch Yard Crashers and then I see this strange face and thought it must bw a joke being played. However, as the show progressed, I realized this was not a joke. I started watching Yard Crashers over a year ago and would record it when I was not going to be home. I have gotten some great ideas from his show. He makes the show and it’s sad that HGTV would make a change and think we would just adapt. Ahmed is passionate and an excellent communicator when explaining what he is doing. I will no longer watch HGTV and will tell everyone I know to do the same. As another person wrote, If it’s not broke, don’t fix it. This is a big mistake HGTV.
I want watch another yard until ahmed is back as host.
Not that there is anything wrong with the new host but I really do miss Ahmed with his quick wit and huge personality…miss you Ahmed!
Wow! Bring Ahmed back!
I always wanted him to crash my yard I hope he back.
Ahmed Hassan was the best part of my Sunday! He’s lovable and talented. Such fun! I pay for extended cable just to watch HGTV, but with the disappearance of Ahmed and Sandra Rinomato, I guess I’ll stop donating to my cable company.
Definitely want Ahmed back!
I humbly submit my official vote to return Ahmed back to the show that was designed solely for him. The show that has his thumbprint all over it. The show that exudes his beautiful spirit. The show that, without Ahmed, would not have helped DIY maintain it’s popularity. Out of respect for those that helped make DIY to be the DIY that it is today, stop rudely releasing those individuals who helped create and nurture your network.
…Mr. Hassan, I see greater, bigger, & brighter things in your future, far beyond DIY. They were merely a season that prepared you for your true path.
Peace 2 U.
Love Ahmed, just wished I could have met him at Home Depot , Lowe’s or Menards to help with yard makeovers.
Bring him back in specials if he wants to spend more time with his wife and kids. Just love him for that. He’s a good guy.
I am very sad about ahmed. Please bring him back!!!
Matt does a good job on the other shows but he’s just not the host for this one. This show is definitely Ahmed Hassan’s and HGTV and DIY just lost a viewer for all their shows. I can tell by his comments he’s trying to stay professional and not burn any bridges just in case he returns…… Well when he does so will I…..signed pist off viewer
We miss Ahmed, I am looking at Turf War and realized this person is on the show too often who the heck is he and where is Ahmed? I googled it of course and found out what was going on.
Ahmed Pleasee come back, there is no excitement in the show we need your personality
HGTV and DIY made a HUGE mistake. 🙂
A show is just a show, but Ahmed came into our hearts and became a friend. I am looking at an old episode now and it’s as if I haven’t seen it before, but I have. I am still excited about the end product. The new yard crasher has no personality, no sparkle. Bring Ahmed back, even if it’s on another series.
Bring him back…that’s all
Yes, please!!!
We need him back now!
Don’t take this Ahmed guy back! I went to Austin Fall Home and Garden Show this AM and his condescending humor towards one of the local landscaper was repulsive. He may be good. But we don’t want bad mouths.
You really need to bring him back,Matt is good,but Ahmed was a better fit for this show.
please bring Ahmed back. when you bring another host on a show that you watch without fail it is not the same so i change the channel to something else
I will not watch Yard Crashers any longer. It is not the same without Ahmed Hassan and his extensive knowledge of landscaping. Matt B. in my opinion can not fill Ahmed’s shoes.
You executives at HGTV better reevaluate your choices or you will definitely lose your network and sponsors.
Was so looking forward to the great designs of Ahmed–seems like he is such s fun person–now what to watch on Sunday mornings?
I will not watch Yard Crashers anymore unless Ahmed returns. My husband and I love watching his show and will NOT watch it without him. Please bring him back!!!!
Ahmed is why I watched Yard Crashers. Why do they keep changing hosts on their shows. I just don’t watch as much HGTV as I did because of this.
I have watched HGTV for years and I can’t wait to see the next shows. Producers have to understand that when they have loyal followers such as myself, we get use to our Host we LOVE!!!!!! My shows are House Hunters, Property Virgin, Yard Crashers, Divine Design; and there is the one that was cancelled where the host would use the color wheel to decorate your room and more shows that I can’t name. I really don’t like the new shows and I don’t watch them at all. Please don’t keep doing that we miss these host. Listen to people who make your network..
The viewers have spoken … unless he committed some sort of crime or a serious policy voilation of sorts, the D-I-Y Network needs to bring Ahmed H. back to the Yard Crashers & Turf War shows!!! Thanks
We will not be watching without Ahmed. This new guy sucks -! He acts like he is pissed off to be on the show. Ahmed is the show. I dont know why the people in charge at HGTV change hosts that are popular with someone with no talent.
whatever show Ahmed Hasson is on, that where I will be watching.
Keep Ahmed on Yard Crashers and I will continue to watch the show.
Pleeeeeeease bring back Ahmed
Where can I sign the “keep Matt Blashaw” petition? Ahmed’s was the only Crashers show I didn’t watch! I found it too contrived and his humor forced. I’m guessing the reason his manager “reached out” to this blog is because her client is out of a job (duh!). Good luck with your petition, y’all I’m welcoming the new guy.
Honey, you are by yourself! Matt Blashaw had another show he was on & bombed at it. This is the “Bring Back Ahmed” petition- not the “keep block head”. As usual, Ahmed’s show wasn’t expected to do well & of course it was success, then they spun off another show based on same premise. Does that make sense to replace the main person that started the series? Remember how Simon left AI to do XFactor & now both shows suck? yeah, this is going in the same direction.
Ahmed is the reason why I started watching HGTV he needs to come back !!!!!!!!!
Ahmed is the reason why I kept watching yard crashers. That show was the gateway to look into the other crashers shows. The new host is as exciting as watching paint dry – I’m bored out of my mind. I’m not going to record it anymore. Ahmed had grander vision and excitement. DIY/HGTV, go suck it.
I want Ahmed back he was amazing. This new guy is bleh.
The only reason I got cable was for YardCrashers and since Ahmed is no longer on DIY…BYE COMCAST.(Glad I didn’t sign up for 2years) Thanks to Ahmed, my yard turned into my sanctuary! Bring Ahmed back.
Please bring Ahmed back. I don’t even like yard work, but he has sparked my interest. Okay I just watch to see him! If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. He has a great personality and he makes things interesting. I will keep my eyes open to what he is doing next. I know it will be great.
PLEASE Bring Ahmed back! He’s made yard work fun, and exciting. While we never met, I feel like he’s become a friend of sorts.DIY/HGTV, you MUST fix this
Why would you replaced an icon like Ahmed? When I would go to my local home improvement store I would be looking and hoping i could find him and bring him home. Ahmed made you want to go and start a yard project on Saturday mornings. It is a deep loss for your program. It’s like replacing Bob Barker on the price is right with the new guy Drew, it’s not a perfect fit no matter how hard you try.
I will no longer watch Yard Crashers, and overall, less HGTV as a whole, with Ahmed not being brought back. He was the best “crasher” on your network, yet you did not bring him back. What a mockery to a successful network. Bring him back, and you will get viewers back. More people will watch his “classic episodes” than this new guy’s episodes, and you will soon find out.
bring ahmed back or you will lose viewers forever. it will not only affect yard crashers viewers, but will affect your other shows as well
I started watching the show some years back. My wife and I loved the energy and enthusiasm that Ahmed brought to the show. Would LOVE to see him back.
Watching from Jamaica!!!!!
Sorry, but Matt may be nice guy but does not have that vibrant personality that Ahmed has to keep me interested in the show. Yawn
I tried to sign the petition also & it said to try again later. I don’t care how many times I have to “try again later” I will!! I absolutely LOVE Yard Crashers with Ahmed. He is funny, adorable, informative and the end results are always AWESOME!! We love you Ahmed!!!
P.S. I REFUSE to watch the new Yard Crashers. What is Yard Crashers without Ahmed?
Ahmed is THE YARD CRASHING DUDE!!!! No offense to Matt, but he doesn’t have the same appeal. I stopped DVR-ing Yard Crashers. I’ve seen the old ones with Ahmed and I want new ones…with Ahmed. He gives me courage to face the projects in my yard.
I not sure why Ahmed is no longer on the show but I strongly belive it was a msitake replacing him. We always think new is better but that’s not always the case. I am tired of great host being replaced with new host. If you want loyalty from your fans then maybe you should consider loyalty to your viewers. There are too many other channels we can turn to if our voice is not heard. Please bring Ahmed back. A good show takes personality, charm, and a willingness to listen and Ahmed fits that profile. Thank you for listening. By the way I love HGTV.
Ahmed Hassan made Yard Crashers wonderful, and I enjoyed watching this show, and since he has been replaced, I do NOT watch it anymore. Ahmed was not only good at his work, he was very informative, and his personality was very refreshing. DIY why do you mess up what is good for your show.
It is a terrible thing when you have a great host who makes you want to try things in your yard and they get rid of him for no reason. the new yard cashers sucks.
Ahmed Hassan is a great host. He gives out a lot of information and makes re-doing your yard look fun. I was really surprised to see that their was a new host for the show, and when I went on line and found out that he was being replaced I was very disappointed. Ahmed is a great host and I feel he should not have been replaced. Please bring him back….a loyal fan forever.
Ahmed Hassan is a great host and person. He’s the only reason that I watch Yard Crashers. Please bring him back. I was disappointed and surprised that they have a new host for the show. I won’t watch unless he returns.
Suprised and disappointed that he was replace without any notice or explanation to the viewers that support the show. Ahmed was the main reason that I watched the show. Have not enjoyed a gardening show since “Gardening by the Yard”. Not sure Ahmed would want to come back considering the type of exit, but I hope he does.
I am so done with “Yard Crashers” and “Turf Wars”. Ahmed was more than just a host. He brought a lot of spirit and his own reality to the show. He got the job done and provided some entertainment. He didn’t have to force act at all because he is a natural!
Taking Ahmed off this show is not the right thing to do. Other shows tired the same thing and went down in flames. Having a great host makes the show that much better and Ahmed makes the show. I WILL not watch the new guy I like Ahmed that much better.
His show was one of the few reasons to watch hgtv. Now that Ahmed is gone we probably won’t be watching HGTV any longer.
Stopped watching Yard Crashers, it’s not the same witout him. They still have his name listed on the guide so I’ll thought his was talking time off. The show is not the same without “Ahmed Hassan” and now that I realized he was replaced I will no longer watch the show.
Ahmed was the BEST….please HGTV bring him back! Susan (Florida)
Ahmed made the show!! Bring him back!
I would really like to see Ahmed return to Yard Crashers. I am sick of all my favorite hosts and shows disappearing while all the remaining hosts either look alike, have similar shows or host twelve shows on one channel. Ahmed actually added quite a bit of diversity to the line up. Bring him back!
The news of Ahmed’s departure actually depressed me to the point where I actually just turned off the television and went to bed. There wsno explanation as to why a show created for Ahmed was suddenly given to someone else. To make matters worse, the someone else is not awesome. Just brin him back already!!!!
I do not hate other guy, but want Ahmed back!!! Not watching HGTV and DIY much since “you mean they are not brothers?!” agenda is disproportionally overflowing these channels…I do not hate anybody just feel like they feeding me too much of those “brothers” and “sisters”. Give as cool talanted Ahmed back!!!!
I sign this petition. Please put him back on!!!!!
It’s just another show without Ahmed. There is no personality or vitality with the new host. Ahmed’s obvious love for what he does is what kept me interested in the show. I looked forward to seeing each episode. Not the same now.
Bring Ahmed back!!!!! Don’t you know that there is “NO” Yardcrasher without Ahmed….DUH! Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that.
No Ahmed, no me.
ahmed is not only talented but he has such a great sense of humor which we all need when we are knee deep in mud in the backyard!! what a foolish move for hgtv to replace him…shame on you!!!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!I too agree with everyone else ( except for that one person). I turned to watch yard crashers and saw the new face. I thought Ahmed was on vacation; but when they stated he was the new host; I vowed I would not watch yard crashers again. It is ridiculous. Ahmed was the show and nice looking to boot. No offense Matt, but you are no Ahmed Hassan.
Just a heads up that the petition for Yard Crashers does not work properly for iPads…won’t let you enter info. without the fields disappearing. Lots of entries missed I would bet!
Thanks, Dave!
OMG is right!!!! I’m on summer vacation from teaching so I decide to watch one of my favorite DIY shows. I turn on the show and WHAT….I don’t see Ahmed. Who is this person I’m looking at and where is Ahmed???? Like the others I thought maybe he was on vacation but oh no! After doing some research I found out he’s been replaced…Noooo!!!! They sure know how to mess up a show… Ahmed made yard crashers fun to watch. I will not be watching the show anymore until He returns!!!
There is no Yard Crashers or Turf Wars without Ahmed. Mistake made again. No longer watch these show as not missing anything! Bring Ahmed back PLEASE!!
Mistake! Mistake! Mistake! I understand that at times we all need to make changes, but make sure that the changes that you make are for the better, not for your satisifaction. No longer a viewer of the show until Ahmed is back on! Did I mention that you made a Mistake?
OMG I can’t believe that Ahmad is no longer the host of Yard Crashers. “BIG MISTAKE!” I will no longer be watching the show unless Ahmad is hosting. PLEASE BRING AHMAD BACK! He made the show fun and interesting to watch. BRING AHMAD BACK!
Bring Ahmed back will not watch Yard Crashers until then. The powers that be lost their minds switching hosts.
Bring Ahmed back. No offense to Matt who seems like a very nice person. BUT, he is not Ahmed and the show is Ahmed.
we love ahmed. matt sucks.
I too will not be watcing Yard Crashers without Ahmed, or Property Virgins without Sandra. If they do away with Candice Olsen, they have totally lost their minds.
Yard Crashers did not make Ahmed, Ahmes made Yard Crashers. I will never watch Yard Crashers again!!!!!!!!!!!
I like Matt well enough, but it is not the same show. I won’t be watching Yard Crashers without Ahmed!
Not fond of the new “host”! Ahmed is truly awesome and a master of his craft, love the work that he does! Bring him back!!!!
I have not seen any of the new shows all I get is reruns on diy and hgtv why is this I do have cable and am supposed to be getting the shows I am paying a lot of money but bring Ahmed back or I will stop watching the show altogeather.
Please bring back Ahmed to “Yard Crashers” the show is flat without him.
Ahmed is probably the mose charming & charismatic host HGTV & DIY have on their networks. I loved him on both “Yard Crashers” & “Turf Wars”, & would constantly search the internet for episodes that I might have missed. What is wrong with the network execs that they don’t recognize a great personality when they have one?? I am so disappointed with this whole mess!!
I am a huge fan of Ahmed and will miss him.
I am upset to find out that Amhed is no longer the host for Yard Crasher. He is the reason why I watch this show. Why mess up a great show! Please bring him back!
It’s like,” The Price Is Right with our Bob Barker.”
Ahmed is a great host and he brings so much energy to the shows “Yard Crashers” and “Turf Wars”. I was avid watcher before he was replaced, and now it just isn’t the same.
Please bring Ahmed back as host.
Even if I live overseas so I cannot ever meet Ahmed at a store, it still feels like he is right here with us! His charisma is awesome! Pls. bring him back !
Curacao (former Neth. Antilles)
Bring Ahmad back…
Please bring hi back!!! I love his backyard make over. I will love for him make my backyard look amaizing!!!
I agree with all of these comments about how HGTV and DIY are replacing hosts like it would not affect the viewing audience. When did Egypt Sherrod become a real estate expert.. She’s is a radio personality. And a good one; but Sandra Rinamato is a real estate expert with personality. The same for Ahmed Hassan. He is a landscape expert with personality. Nothing against Egypt or Matt; but they feel more like fill-ins. Neither shows will be the same without Ahmed or Sandra. Their shows were about their passions. Ahmed was very entertaining as well as informative. HGTV… you’re fumbling the ball. What’s next! You’re going to find someone else “To Make It Right!” or show you how to take “checks to the bank!” Get Ahmed back; before you lose him like you lost Sandra.
Bring the man back. I noticed it immediately. I am sure the new guy is nice, but we need magic on TV, it makes it worth watching. As an artist myself, Ahmed is just that.
Don’t be silly. Do what’s right. Who is running this show, they need to replace that person instead. As stated in the Baseball documentary by Ken Burns: “People come to see the players not the owners or the managers”.
Ahmed was the first crasher. Why is he gone? Matt just doesen’t have it. I would wrather watch a rerun with Ahmed, then a new one with Matt. This sucks!
I love Ahmed as yard crasher. Ahmed is so exciting and I hope he sees me (I’m in MD) one day SOON and ask to do my backyard. He does need his family time but other than that come back Now. The other guy gets the job done but doesn’t captivate the attention of the people. That should be like Ahmed show because he is really good and I want to see him back on Yard Crashers and/or some other good t.v. show. But if Ahmed is not on Yard Crasher I am afraid people will lose the interest.
I hope to see Ahmed back on Yard Crashers because he was the reason I began seeing it in the first place. He has given me hope that one day my so called yard will become a yard. He make the show fun and interesting. You will be loosing a tremendously smart, fun and interesting host. I was hoping to run into him someday in New York. However, my hopes are now shattered. Please reconsider your decision in replacing
Ahmed. I wish the new guy much success and luck however, not when it comes to taking Ahmed place. Hope you reconsider your decision and may you have a wonderful day.
What is going on with HGTV and DIY? I used to enjoy these networks. The same is true of the FOOD network although I still watch Diners, Driveins and Drives when it is on. So many of the hosts and shows that the public enjoyed are gone. HGTV has for the most part became a real estate sales network. The decorating shows are gone. The food network is more about cupcake wars and ace of cakes rather than real food. Now I find out that Ahmed Hassan is no longer the host of Yard Crashers. How can this be? If it is because these were just worn out that is one thing; but if it because the sponsors and powers that be thought new faces would add excitement to those shows I have news for them. We are all disappointed. It is not just me. My friends and relatives are voicing the same disillusionment. How sad that when we find something we like, that was at times not only informative but entertaining as well. I hope, Ahmed that you reconnect with your family and come back stronger than ever.
Bring Ahmed back! I know he still has more transformations for us to see. Heck, I want to change my landscaping every few years now. I think about my home’s outside more than my inside since watching this show!
Whatever happen that Ahmed is no longer the host of Yard Crashers needs to be reconciled. The new host is boring and so not funny. The designs juvenile. I will no longer watch the show.
When I tuned and saw a different host, like others, I thought (hoped, prayed) it was temporary. Reading this blog, my worst fears have come to pass! My TV was tuned to HGTV all day. I even hooked my friends and family to it. I have watched HGTV for years from: Before and After, Designing for the sexes, Landscapers Challenge, Design on a Dime and of course of queen of designing: Candace Olsen! (loved Kenneth Brown too). Why would anyone in their right minds get rid of Divine Design??? Okay, another blog. 🙂 But, I was appeased with Sandra and the awesome Ahmed. I LOVED his show.
Someone said it best, HGTV is now a ‘real estate’ show. I miss the designing and decorating. When a week went by and I had not tuned into HGTV or DIY (Ahmed was the only reason I tuned in), I knew my decade long love affair with HGTV was at an end…:( Bring Ahmed and Sandra back!!
The idea that HGTV continues to call itself “HG” (Home and Garden) is beyond logic. Continuing as you are down the path of predominately Real Estate programming seems to be your only venue and in the process you’re leaving behind a super star like Ahmed and a true DIY garden idea text book in the flesh. Stop it! Give equal time to design – both indoors and outdoors. Oh and by the way, you would do well to bring Ahmed and his energy back even if it’s a program with a different name.
Ahmed was Yard Crashers! He is gone so am I. New guy cute but lacks Ahmed spirit!
I am totally confused as to why HGTV made such a gross error in judgement in choosing to replace Ahmad Hassan as the host of yard crashers. He has been professional in his delivery and execution of the makerovers aired, and has a huge following. In my estimation HGTV underestimated his “GI-NORMUS” fanbase. I know that I plan on NOT watching the show ever again because of his release. Do I sound angry? That’s because I am!
Wow! I was wondering what had happened to Ahmad. Just found out that he was canceled? I used to love watching his crashes. He is very good and adds lots of fun and character to the show. He is very down to earth and can be very funny too! You should bring him back. He’s the best and I wish I could have had him crash my yard. I have a nice big space that would have been a great crash for him.
I just can’t bring myself to watch Yard Crashers without Ahmed. Please bring Ahmed back.
Ahmed made this show and was the major reason for it’s success. He made wanting to do yardwork and home improvement fun to do and to learn. I never thought HGTV could do something so stupid. Bring Ahmed back or my family and hopefully millions more like us will cancel this replacement show off their remotes.
Bring Ahmed back! He was the show…it was fun watching him, he is very knowledgeble and has a great sense of humor! Your new host just doesn’t cut it…his shows are flat…I will not be watching “Yard Crashers” anymore! What is HGTV doing? I don’t watch “Property Virgins” anymore either because Sandra isn’t on it too!
Ahmed was a big reason we watched the show.
Miss the show watching it right now on the tv … But can only watch so many reruns but I love it so I will keep on watching anyway !!
And always wanted to be on there to get my house redone , reworked but always rented but now we own our own house and now who knows !! Lol anyways bring him back !!
Ad now don’t know about this other guy but hey how is someone going to get a start if no one gives him a chance !!! Will def check it out …..
Ahmed is irreplaceable! Why change what works oh so well? I have tried to watch the new host and show and the key element missing is excitement/enthusiasm. In television, excitement/enthusiasm=Long tenure. Bring Ahmed back IMMEDIATELY!
ditto! I completely agree with Kim & Kavin and all the others. I doubt if he will return if asked to come back. This was a totally diss and unneccessary! I know that viewership will suffer. Ahmed needs his own show.
I agree with everyone , wish they would say why they replaced him
If it’s not broke, don’t fix it! He was great for the show, so energetic, great ideas
without him, I don’t know if I will continue to watch the show!
Oh wait, I know I will not watch anymore! Big Mistake
I will not watch Yard Crashers, the new host is a bad imitation of Ahmed!
Ahmed is irreplaceable!! I will not watch without him. It is ashamed that DYI deem it necessary to replace the talent and charismatic Ahmed Hassan. He represented the type of diversity that American television watch today. I found him to be informative well spoken and just overall a blast to watch.
I can’t believe Amid is not the host anymore, I will not watch any new episodes only the ones that feature him…he was excellant and made the show..plus not too bad on the eyes!! Yikes
HGTV lost another viewer, I will not watch another show on this network
What is this with HGTV? Over the years they just dump a host (remember Rick Spence, the original host of Curb Appeal?) and just act like nothing has changed. I cannot stand Matt Blashaw – I certainly wouldn’t bring him home to do my yard. The show was Ahmed – he gave it the energy, style and excitement. Yard Crashers is nothing without him. I no longer watch the show, nor do I watch Property Virgins. Get a grip people, you programming executives need to listen to what the viewers want or you won’t have any viewers left.
HGTV mad a HUGE mistake!! Ahmed Hassan made Yard Crashers what it is today.I will no longer watch the show nor the station! The show is NOTHING without Ahmed’s expertise, humor and caring attitude. Bring Ahmed back and send Matt back to dullsville!
Bring Ahmed Hassan back. His replacement is dull and boring.
Ahmed is way hotter has a better personality and better designer. I watch his old shows apparently and will not watch the new host. Bring Ahmed back!!! hgtv
U guys messed up I watched just for him I love .
I miss him what happened
Love Ahmed! Matt..not so much!! 🙁 Ahmed is more engaging, authentic, entertaining, and great to look at! HGTV/DIY missed the mark when they replaced him. Bring Ahmed back!!!
My current cable company does carry DIY, but I have HGTV which shows Yard Crashers on Sunday, if the new host is on I switch to another channel. We need Ahmed back.
I find it rather amusing that the DIY Network Yard Crashers website still lists Ahmed as the host, and has an “About the Host” that still talks about Ahmed, but not Matt. Talk about false advertising! Matt is okay, but I don’t make it a point to watch every week as I did when Ahmed was still hosting.
Why is it when something is so right people think they need to change it. Ahmed’s Yard Crashers does everything right. He is someone we all look up to and hope to find at our local store. I am at a point in my life that I can not do a lot of things I use to in the garden and watching him turn a piece of “cow manure” into a blooming paradise made my day. So maybe the talking heads need to remove their heads from their airse’s and look at what we see in his work instead of their own piles of shite! Bring back Ahmed…please…
Bring Ahmed back. The show is not the same without him. HOOT!
I understand that networks have a need to change and/or go in new directions with their shows to give it more appeal. However, with this particular situation of removing an extremely popular historic like Ahmad from Yard Crashers is clearly a mistake that will cost the network and show to lose viewers.
I, like many of the viewers, loved Ahmad’s energy, diverse appeal and knowledge. He will be missed but I’m certain he will land a new show really soon.
Ooops! Host not historic…
Are you kidding???!!!
Without Ahmed, there is no Yard Crashers! He was the show! I was shocked, surprised, and speechless to see that he was replaced. I will certainly not watch the show with the new host; it is quite boring! I will no longer watch Property Virgins either!
Thanks for nothing HGTV.
I won’t watch until Ahmed comes back!
My Wife & I met Ahmed at Disney World last year, we made a special trip to meet him, we are huge fans. Ahmed was fantastic and spent alot of time talking to us personly, we will not watch Yard Crashers again unless Ahmed is back. This new guy is no Ahmed & can never replace him. These morons have destroyed a great show.
I watch Ahmed Hassan often on Yard Crashers and did a search today to find out if he is in the Vallejo, California area any time soon. He has a great style and really knows how to get the job done! I’m sorry to hear that he is no longer on the show, because I really need him! My home is on a busy Vallejo City street, that once was a forest and river bed. My home sits over an AQUIFER that continues to cause my yard to be wet season after season. If he’s interested in a Real Challege, email me at [email protected]. In conclusion, I really hope he will continue the show and his great yard restorations!
Not the same show! Ahmed made the show, love his personajlity.
I too watched Yard Crashers because of Ahmed and how great his yards turned out..I have watched the new show only a few times. Nothing against the new host Matt, who I think is really cute, but he’s not Ahmed. Admed has such great personality and I loved his design visions. He is the reason I started to watch Yard Crashers, then onto House and Bathroom Crashers. Please bring Admed back, or at least give him another show to showcase his extraordinary work!!!
This new guy sucks!
I felt compelled to add a post here…We were crashed recently (“Play Ball” episode) and had the best experience. Our tragic backyard was completely transformed! Matt was amazing and the viewers really only see a glimpse of his awesome personality. He was so funny and nice to us and all of our friends that we had come help us. He not only hosted the show but he really really works hard on the backyard. He does not stand around and wait until the camera’s are rolling to pick up a hammer. There is a LOT that goes into the show. LOTS of planning. Viewers are really only privy to about 20 minutes of hours and hours and hours of filming for one episode.
Without popping too many bubbles on here…I just want to say it is not a “one man” show and there is a reason why Matt was put in Ahmed’s place.
Wishing the best for Ahmed, but Matt totally rocks!
Ahmad is full of energy and he is funny and fun to watch. I wish I could bringhim home. He creates magnificent yards. Bring him back.
Please bring back Ahmed ……….yard crashers just isn’t the same without hime and I have had to stop watching it. He made the show and was the show…….no offense to Matt, but he just doesn’t do it for us loyal Yard Crasher fans!
Wheather Ahmed work as much AS Matt is not the question. He is the host and will always be Yard Crashers. Without him I do NOT watch the show as often. NOthing against Matt but Ahmed is the show. I wish him the best but if I was him, I would not work for the same people. Move up to a better place. You have the character, use it wisely.
HGTV seems to enjoy changing hosts. It is as though they want to see how many they can change and still maintain a fan base. Bring back Ahmed please.
Bring Ahmed back!! The new guy just doesn’t have it. Ahmen has a better personality and makes the show much more fun.
I live in the caribbean and I watched Ahmed all the time. I want him back, it just seem strange to see someone else doing the show. BRING HIM BACK!!!!!
Please bring Ahmed back. I LOVED watching him, oh yeah and the show. I’ve tried watching the show with the new guy, but it’s just not the same.
HGTV and DIY shame on you!!! Why spoil it for us?
Matt B is a nice person but I frankly can not watch this show anymore. While some of your watchers will leave their televisions on when the show comes on and walk away, I will not watch it.
We routinely turn off the channel and look for something else when Yard Crashers comes on now! The “re-runs” are re-runs. Give us some new Ahmed Hassan shows!!
My husband and I really enjoy watching the episodes that Ahmed hosts. He is genuine and more enjoyable to watch than the other crash hosts.
Bring him back, bring him back, bring him back!!!!!! And the show too… =)
After the fallout of how many of these shows are “fixed”..house hunters etc, I can barely watch them anymore.
Ahmed brought integrity to yard crashers. His huge personality made it fun to watch and learn. What’s the old saying….don’t fix it if it ain’t broke!!!
Bring back Ahmed Hassan. Matt is great -but not for Ahmed’s show. I will NOT watch Yard Crashers and probably will boycott DIY entirely until I hear they have brought back this great host. What were they thinking – can’t handle too much success or what?
Why would you replace a perfect person for yard crashers? He’s exciting, funny and good to look at. He is talented and makes a beautiful finale. I would love for him to come to the west coast of Florida and redo my yard. I have been with HGTV for years and I never get a response on help with projects. Maybe with him something good will happen.
I can’t even watch the show anymore… Why would they destroy a Great Show… Bring him back.. Ahmed has personality, integrity and is a fantastic landscaper..
We want Ahmed back!!!
Please bring Ahmed back he was the show. He is great with th public and gives you frat ideas for do it yourself, loved watching the show because of his energy and friendliness towards the people. The new guy doesn’t have that kick toward the public, shows rating are down I bet you b/c of the guy. I pray to our Lord for you to bring Ahmed BACK!!! 🙂
I am a huge fan of ahmed’s show. I never watched hgtv or diy tv until i saw ahmed show one sunday. I was hooked. He has such a way with people and a great sense of humor. his shows are the most enjoyable part of my week. Taking him off is a huge mistake. there is nothing wrong with having another yard crasher but don’t replace him this is wrong.
I am a huge fan of Yard Crashers Ahmeds Show. I watch every day. All day. Even when I am not home. I agree with everyone else that you have made a major mistake in taking Ahmed off the show. I will not be watching HGTV or DIY anymore. I have my recorded sessions and dont mind watching over and over again.Bring Ahmed BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bring Ahmed back! I can’t watch the new guy … he just doesn’t have the personality and talent.
Why fix something that isnt broken
dear ahmed, i admire your work. I still find it hard to believe that you and your team do it for free. Do you do yard work behind a mobil home/ What i mostly like is a court yard for my grandsons to play basketball. The one that we have for them is a 4×4 and a basket that is torn. These grandsons of mine don’t have a father in their lives. Josiah Passarell who is 13 years old is now playing football for his school. His father is married to another women with children. He lives with me and my husband and of course his mama. Adrian Hernandez (AJ), his dad is in prison and has never been in his life. He plays football for the FPDO. He is in gifted talented. He comes to my house and plays basketball with Josiah. I have nothing on my back yard for the grandkids to entertain. Hazel is 7 years old, Rocky James Hurtado jr is 5 1/2 months.
I used to love watching Yards Crashers. I tried to muddle through with your new host but he just doesn’t make me feel motivated to get out there like Ahmed. He was exciting and fun to watch. He made people think, we can really do this. I have learned so much from him. If he doesn’t come back. We wont bother watching this show again. There are so many people we know that feel the same way. Bring Back Ahmed !
Bring Ahmed bback please
please bring Ahmed back,
Ahmed is the first of the “crashers”. His knowledge on landscaping and plants and the way he put beautiful outside oasis together for many years will not be replaced. It was so much fun listening to Ahmed talk about the plants that put in the yards and the reasons why he used them. We all miss the king of HGTV crashers…come back soon Ahmed.
Dear HGTV, venture outside of NY, LA, San Francisco and Atlanta for your shows once in awhile. There is life outside of your little world, honest…we significantly contribute to your ratings (fake shows aside). And I’m sure men or women outside of that world also would like to have a man or woman cave. I’m sure you can establish relationships with reputable contractors in more than just 3-4 metro areas.
While I do miss Ahmed as host on Yard Carshers. YC was Ahmed’s best show for him – in my opinion compared to the neighbors battle show ( I forget title of that ).
I think most of us can allow him the time to be decompress and be the amazing husband & father I’m sure he is!
Matt has done well in the new episodes of YC’s. It’s not his fault network made changes so I have no bad feelings towards Matt!
The network has created very good spin offs with House, Bath, Kitchen Crashers! Which each branch has a unique host that for me has been good fit in my opinion! With one exception, that being the last guy, I forget his name, tall blonde way too excited guy who needs to go to rehab! Fans may remember his over-zealous actions like almost hitting another Host with a dropped sledge hammer in kitchen of recent blog or dream house! I’m pretty sure he was asked to leave at that point!
I love Yard Crashers I taped almost ever show. I understand wanting to have the the time with family. My husband does construction so I never know when we can have family time. We’ve never been on a family vacation. Soo as much as I love seeing his cute face on Tv I understand:(
We want AHMED!!! I don’t like the new host of Yard Crashers. I had his forehead and his speach is no where near as fluent as Ahmed. Bring back Ahmed. Pay him anything he wants. Give him creative license. For god’s sake. I can’t stand the new Yard Crasher’s host so I don’t watch it. Bring back Ahmed and I will watch it again.
I meant to say I hate his forehead. it’s huge!!!
I am becoming more disallusioned with HGTV programming. All of the design shows that featured ideas and projects the average and middle income homeowners could afford to undertake have been replaced with shows catering to
the rich and affluent with oppulent multi-million dollar incomes. I appreciated shows like Room by Room, Design on a Dime and Decorating Cents, to name a
few. More shows like Yard Crashers with a host like Ahmed Hassan who could
inspire you to try projects on a limited budget are what the struggling homeowner
needs in this precarious economy. Matt Blashaw is a great contractor and I like his
work, but lets face it, he does not inspire you as only Ahmed can. Please bring
Ahmed back!
There’s only one “true” Ahmed Hassan!! I’m a U.S. Army Veteran and his inspiration, wittiness, and raw talent has not only inspired me, but has given me such a confidence level to tackle any DIY project I choose. I’ve always been very confident during my military career, and quite the handyman as well, but I was a bit hesitant to proceed with certain “larger” jobs or ideas simply due to the confidence level, until I saw this guy!! He has mentored me in a way in which I’m considering venturing out into my own little handyman service within a few years. I am a loyal fan and my wife and I enjoy watching the shows as much as our schedules will allow. My kids are so used to us watching the episodes, they’ve begun recording them even while we’re at work. He’s a must for this shows existance!! I look forward to his speedy return, thank you. “See yah soon Ahmed”
What were they thinking…didn’t they see the reviews? I agree with all of the comments so, Bring Him Back. Ahmed…Enough Said !
I have not watched the show since Ahmed quit. The show was built on Ahmed talent and idea’s. The network should bring him back and THANK for making them what they are!!
I just watched a new episode of Yard Crashers. Probably won’t watch again for a while since my fav host was missing. Sorry to read the bad news. After watching the new episode I decided to google Ahmed Hassan. The only thing I can say is tha It was like watchin Ahmed in HD and the new host in analog. Yep, the projet was interesting at times but I got bored real fast.
It appears tha HGTV has an issue with people who are respected and loved by the audience. Perhaps they want a raise do they get fired. No one can replace Ahmed. Personalities are special and add something to the shows. He was great and we used to eat breakfast an watch his show. I hate that Matt guy. He has no personality so I don’t watch the show.
It’s obvious that you owned the show because you’re still showing repeats even though Ahmed is no longer there. Maybe that’s why he left he didn’t like the slave trade.
Love way hosts the show, know what is doing. Has a great crew
Bob from fred city, va
charm ahmad hassan brought to yard crasher and turf wars and also the first ulimate crash. nothing against the new host, but he doesn’t have ahmad charm and personality. Ahmad gave everyone a sense of pride to create a outdoor oasis in the backyard and gave young kids of all races a chance to become something people would never won’t to become. if he never comes back to yard crasher . i still will remain a big fan of ahmad hassan .. i just pray there a new show in his future.
I am so displeased with the departure of ahmed hassan.there isnt any other black pperson on the show. If ahmed does not return I wont be watching hgtv anymore Oi
I would love to have him come over and make some sense of this Hurrican Irene ravished property which needs a serious facelift. New house but the yard needs some help. Help me Ahmed. This house would be perfect for your show and interesting to see how you would make it the oasis it was intended to be
Well if HGTV don’ t want to bring Ahmed Hassan back as Yard Crashers, just maybe yall can come up with another Show. Always remember if it’s not broken don’t fix it. I really miss watching the Show. Please send Ahmed Hassan to Waggaman La. With his New Show, I really Belive yall want to make this happen, don’t’ loose the viewers who really love HGTV.
Please bring Ahmed back . Show is not the same without him.
bring him back in board..he IS the show!!
Bring Ahmed back. The new guy stinks!!
What could HGTV been thinking. This show was created for Ahmed. No one can do it better, nor can anyone replace the enthusiasm he has for his craft. PLEASE BRING HIM BACK.
Yard crashes new host is awful bring Ahmed back
Please bring Ahmed back the show is not the same.
Please bring Ahmed back….He’s the real deal..
Please help! I am the father of a great 17 yr old boy who will b graduating this June. Cant afford much due to the passed economic set back, I do have a back yard that could use a fixing which I was in the process of doing when I fell off of a tree and broke my heel. My son wants to have a graduation party back there but I don’t have the finances to get it nice I’m ashamed of it rite now. I watch ur show and i am a fan. Thanks Blas Heredia Austin Texas. Peace y’all.
Ps. Please get Ahmed back! Geez he was the show.
Bring Ahmed back!
Hi, I was so disappointed to hear that mr. Hassan was no longer on the show. I was looking forward to see him in the Ft. Hood area sometime i need a makeover
Please bring him back.
Thank you for creating this website and online petition to bring Ahmed back. I’ve stopped watching the show since he’s been replaced. Its just not the same anymore.
I am very disappointing that Mr, Hassan is no longer doing Yard Crashers i totally stop watching the show, you people dont think about the viewers that selfishness i love the hard work that Mr Hassan bring to us and just replace him like that without no explanation. Well am i sorry because alot of your viewers including me stop watching the show, do better than that.
Ahmed needs to be brought back with a raise. I used to be a faithful viewer for landscape ideas and entertainment the show provided. Now the show is just boring. Matt is a good sidekick but not a star.
Please bring back Ahmed, he is terrific.
Bring Ahmed back, he was the show. I don’t watch with the new guy
Bring Ahmed back he is the show, we do not watch with new host
Please bring Ahmed back!
We need amahard back
Put the person who was hosting the showis crime shame now theshow sucks bad thats right justtelling the truth
Please bring back Ahmed. He is the best. The show has gone down hill. I know longer watch it
Bring back the best, Ahmed!
bring back ahmed he has great ideas that the world needs to see
Ahmed is the one who makes this show, please bring him back, we learn so much from Ahmed, pleeeeze bring him back…He is the only reason I watched the show.
I won’t watch it now. I loved Ahmed he made the show.
I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvved Ahmed i will not support the new host of yard crashers because Ahmed was the originator of the show. And i liked his personality better.
Ahmed will be missed, but he should be able to follow his dream. If there is a way to get him back, I’m all for it. In the meantime, I am looking forward to a new series with him as host. Chip Carlson
My husband and I love watching yard crashes, please bring Ahmed back. It won’t be the same without him, he made the show fun to watch.
I quit watching the show
Bring Ahmed back! Viewers have spoken! If ratings are really that important, then let him represent!
I love Yard Crashers but its not the same without Ahmed Hassan. Please bring him back.
Bladshaw is good–but Ahmed is all around great—his character and personality is the movtivation behind my husband and I watching the show for the last three years! Doesn’t have to be Yard Crashers show…
Bring Ahmed back– please 🙂
please bring ahmed back,l am still waiting for him to come to hampton, va to crash my badly needed yard!
Bring Ahmed back immediately and send him out here to San Antonio so my wife and I can catch him for our own Yard Crash! Get Ahmed back on Yard Crashers!
Please bring him back! The new guy is ok but…personality fun, exciting and BEAUTIFUL! Ahmed please come to Raleigh, NC! I need you and I’ll PAY!
Bring him back. Please……
Ahmad needs to come back and not in repeats!!!!!
Please bring him back his ideas are beyond what we dream our yards to be like. Mine is no exception, of course I need a miracle and would love to have my yard crashed…we have 4 dogs, I love to cook and entertain and need a quiet place to pray and meditate outside in my back yard. Its very inspirational to see what the yard crasher do on your show. We don’t have the funds to do what our dreams would be but would welcome a yard crash here in Linda Vista, CA
Amed: your a very talented person. he needs to stay. be real.give him back to the
people,we need his skills. we watching.
Simply, If it’s not broke why try to fix it. Ahmed was a great host, we miss him bring him back. Your new host is not bad he seems like a nice guy but why the change. Just bring Ahmed back. Thanks
What in the word was y’all thinking? When you have a good thing don’t go changing it or replacing it and think it will do better . Ahmed is the yard crashed show please do the right thing and bring him back.
Please return Ahmed to his rightful place ,Yard Crashers.thank you
Please bring Ahmed back….you lost a viewer.
Come To TEXAS!!! Get Ahmed to sponsor and choose a new landscaper here!!! Challenge galore and/or use the new host too?
Texas needs a lot of help with their front and back yards perhaps a New Show and Ahmed could be the host/judge????
Come on – think he is a consultant and what a way to bring him back!!! I would and thought I might have the opportunity to work with him one day (in some capacity – he has such insight and ENERGY!!!)
My wife and I love watching Amhed on Yard Crashers. Bring him back, and send him to Tennessee!!! He would love the Great Smoky Mountains!
Bring Ahmed Hassan back, would love for him to do my yard, he was the show…….
He is good and bring him back . I wanted him to come to hillboro or.to do my yard.so you guys now have to come if he can’t . So bring your a game
I love for him to come back. Ahmed is why I stared watching DYI
Where is Ahmed???? When it is not broke don’t fix it!!!! I just turned my TV to another station. My Saturdays will no longer include Yard Crashers. Good bye stupid producers!!!!
I am very disappointed with HGTV. You people need to get it together. Bring back Ahmed or let us all know where his new show is…….
Fire the person who fired Ahmed……then bring Ahmed back !!! This new guy sucks!!!! His head is too big. I keep waiting for him to fall over due to his huge head….very distracting…
Bring Ahmed back!!!!
Please bring back Ahmed Hassan. We miss him thank you
I am so sorry to see Ahmed go. 🙁 Please bring him back. He has such an infectious smile and warm personality. Matt is barely ok. Sorry Matt, you’re just not Ahmed.
It seems like Matt is someone’s brother in law who needed work, so they decided to boot Ahmed. Just make another show for the new guy and bring Ahmed back.
See it’s really simple. Turn our frowns upside down.
In my opinion Matt is o.k. but that’s it. His designs aren’t as attractive, as functional or inspiring as Ahmed’s. I also like Ahmed’s personality better. I was getting tired of taping shows with Ahmed’s picture as the host with the hopes I’d get surprised on an episode and actually see him hosting. So I decided to check the net and see what was going on. If Matt is going to be the permanent host I’ll just have to permanently stop watching.
First Sandra,then Ahmed what’s next Hgtv, Hilary and David. Please bring the greats back.These shows aren’t the same without our shinning stars. I no longer watch property virgins and yard crashers. It’s a shame, I ooked forward to these show
Bring back Ahmed he adds character and a different flavor to a now a boring show. Now I only watch the repeats with Ahmed, he makes you feel like family and you Can Do This!. Stop being so Black and White. Keep it SPICY like Ahmed he is a natural. BRING AHMED BACK!……..NOW!
Ahmed was the best. Please bring him back so I can watch the show again.
I hate HGTV replaced Ahmed Hassan as the host of “Yard Crashers”.
The show was created especially for him. He was one of the most energetic and entertaining hosts on their network. I really don’t know what the deciding factor could have been to cause them to even consider a replacement, but as a former advid veiwer; it definitely has not paid off. (It couldn’t have been the ratings.
“Yard Crashers” was the only show on the HGTV network that I could get my husband to watcch with me. He and I never missed an Ahmed episode. HGTV has a very bad habit of replacing hosts, revamping, or just plain removing shows without any input from their viewers. This is not a good policy. My husband nor I have been able to enjoy Ahmed’s replacement and subsequently stopped watching the show. Please bring Ahmed back !!!!!
Yard Crashers is not the same without Ahmed. I’ve been waiting for him to come back not really knowing what was going on. I researched it today and now that I know he has been permanently replaced I will know longer record or watch any of the shows. Matt is not as good host and his designs are not good either. Ahmed’s designs motivated me to want it for my back yard. I get no motivation from Matt’s designs. I have tried to watch put it just isn’t good anymore.
I am so so so sad that Ahmed was replaced I WANT HIM BACK it was one of the few shows that I watched on HGTV or DIY PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring him back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU AHMED
I have not watched “Yard Crashers” since Ahmed was replaced….Why? Because Ahmed is one-of-a-kind. You just can’t replace great!
At the age of 43, Ahmed you inspired me to return to technical college for my horticulture certificate. I just finished my spring semester and looking forward for the summer semester. My completion date is on schedule for 2014, and I can’t wait. Thanks Ahmed I hope to meet you one day here in Atlanta at a show. Come back to yard crashers!!!!
Bring Ahmed back ASAP. He is the only one that I will watch for landscaping ideas. He is definitely one of a kind. I cannot watch the new guy…he just doesn’t have what Ahmed has. Come to Washington Ahmed…I need you!!! HGTV, listen to what people are saying.
PLEASE bring Ahmed back. His show was entertaining and educational to watch. My co-workers and neighbors love to watch Ahmed. Now we do not watch the show, the new guy sucks.
Don’t like the new guy at all. If Ahmed isn’t on then you should just cancel the show. BRING AHMED BACK!!!!!
My family was so upset to know that Ahmed was no longer doing the show Yard Crashers. We thought it was just a short term thing but I was informed that he has been replaced. The new guy is very boring, we watched for about 15 min. and turned the channel. myself and so many of my family and friends have refused to watch the show. It is very boring and the projects don’t look good. Sorry to the new guy I think its Matt.
Bring Ahmed back the new guy don’t have the exciting personality tha Ahmed brings to the show. I’ve stop watching
Ahmed brought great ideas to the show. How on earth could you possibly re-place him?!. Obviously his talent and personality was not appreciated at HGTV so I hope he continues in success and with people that will not under-estimate his abilities.
Meant DIY maybe he can go to HGTV!!!!
Bring back Ahmed!
HGTV has become a reality TV channel that really sucks.
Ahmed was not fake and was a true joy to watch. Furthermore, his ideas were original. The new guy is as fake as they come.
I fully intend to boycott HGTV until they make the change…if no change I guess I will be able to save money on my cable tier.
Sorry HGTV I meant DIY.
I don’t know, it seems to me, as I read his explanation, Ahmed is working to restore and improve his marriage and family. Is there anything more important? Not in my TV line-up!
Ahmed was the most fun, sincere and knowledgeable host who could teach about landscaping while doing it! Also, I don’t know how much synergy has to do with the rest of the cast, but I found Ahmed’s yardcrashers much more creative and organic. Love Matt on his previous show, but he is just no Ahmed.
I too was wondering where Ahmed went and what happened, he is highly intelligent and has an eye for such amazing designs and creativity. I can’t wait for his next show !
Bring Ahmed back!
I’m sure that there more than just a couple hundred viewers who are dismayed and disappointed that Ahmed Hassan was replaced on Yard Crashers. He was stellar as the host. His charisma and energy made the show super popular. I don’t even have a yard and I was an avid viewer. Why on earth was he replaced??? I don’t watch if the show isn’t a repeat with Ahmed. HGTV made a mistake with this decision. Bring Ahmed back.
BRING BACK AHMED!!!!!! Why was he replaced!!!! He was the best host ever!!! I have stopped watching Yard Crashers!!!
No, no, no. Bring back Ahmed. I find I am switching the channel to something else now that HGTV has dropped the people I like to watch. Bad move.
I will not watch anymore.
My husband and I no longer watch Yard Crashers. Bring back Ahmed!!
Waiting for Ahmed in Philly! Ahmed is the greatest , and I walked the aisles of my local home center early Saturday mornings , wishing that maybe , I would be stopped by Ahmed for a yard crash. Pease bring him back.
Ahmed was one of the reasons I look at Yard Crashers. Now I only look at ones where our friend Ahmed is host. He is just like family. Please Bring Him Back. The other guy just does not have that special, big personality like Ahmed!!!!
Ahmed on Yard Crashers was the main reason why I started watching your shows. Now that he’s gone I’ve little interest in supporting your show. The new person is just boring. I used to tell people about DIY but not anymore. Please bring back the people who make your shows worth watching.
Please bring Ahmed back. Matt comes off as creepy around the females… he is not cute and witty, just creepy. I miss Ahmed!!!
I found Ahmed very entertaining. The show WAS awesome!
Not only do I want Ahmed back but I want him to come to Bowie, MD and crash MY yard. Bring back Ahmed.
I no longer watch yard crashers.
why fix, if it aint broke,Ahmed is the man,we want Ahmed
Missing Ahmed….. WE WANT HIM BACK!!!!
Bring back Ahmed!!!!!!!! The show sucks without him! I’m not watching it until he gets back
Ahmed should still be hosting this show, his uplifting personality
he always keep you interested and does great work.
I have been waiting for years to run into him
always hoped and dreamed that I could meet him
my backyard so needs his attention
please bring him back
Ahmed is the reason we want to watch yard crashes. Please, bring him back. Matt is boring!!!!!!!
I am truly disappointed that Ahmed Hassan has been replaced by Matt Blashaw. I do not enjoy watching the new host. I have been searching thru ATT Uverse to find episodes of Yard Crashers that feature Ahmed Hassan. The notes for the shows list Ahmed then Matt, however it is evident that Ahmed is not featured in any new episodes. I am an avid HGTV fan, however, I am VERY VERY DISAPPOINTED with these being unable to find Ahmed on Yard Crashers and will be looking for new shows to watch!