Ellen Pompeo, who plays Meredith on the popular TV drama “Grey’s Anatomy,” loves decorating. When she was on the “Nate Berkus Show” recently, she said that when she first saw her house, “It was a Grey Gardens situation with overgrown trees, and all the furniture had been in the house since the ’40s and ’50s.”
She saw the potential in the classic 1920s Spanish-style home, though, and wasn’t daunted by the work that needed to be done.
Her home was featured earlier this year in Elle Decor magazine. She told Nate that she decorated it herself, but the article mentions that designer Martyn Lawrence Bullard had something to do with it!
Ellen told Elle Decor, “This house is perfect for our family,” which now includes her daughter Stella Luna with husband Chris Ivery. “It’s all about swimming, eating, and hanging out with friends. Martyn jokes that we live like college kids—people are coming and going all the time. What can I say? It’s a happy place.”
Rumor has it that Ronald Reagan once lived here. I wonder what it looked like then?
A reader named Joanne just pointed out that the refrigerator door opens the wrong way. It looks like it would be a little inconvenient, doesn’t it?
Ellen told Nate that she likes these aluminum pendant lights in the dining room, which have a Moroccan vibe, and were “a lot less expensive than they look.”
For more information and photos by Tim Street-Porter, visit Elle Decor.
Beautiful! That is one Spanish-style home that I could actually live in. I don’t care much for the whole Moroccan theme that so many people are into but I actually like her style.
.-= MissCaron´s last blog ..I Love My Family =-.
I love the floor in the dining room and the kitchen and the dining room table, but I’m not so fond of the chairs in the living room and all those white walls. It doesn’t help that her art is mostly black and white.
Honestly with my two kids, I would be afraid someone or something would get hurt with those large art pieces just sitting on the floor, leaning against the walls.
All that said, the house has gorgeous bones.
.-= Holley´s last blog ..Everything is new =-.
LOVE her dining table and kitchen!!
.-= Ami @ beyondpeasandcarrots´s last blog ..Simple Roast Chicken =-.
I love it. It’s like a breath of fresh air, and I love that she salvaged those pretty chairs. But like a previous commenter said, I also was concerned about the large pieces of art propped against the wall.
.-= Kelli´s last blog ..Tuesday Truth 31 – Best ever bread recipe =-.
I like Ellen’s house! Thanks so much for posting it, Julia. The dark beams are lovely against all the white paint. I would like to see the kitchen as a whole (I am assuming that the dining room is open to the kitchen because both rooms have the same gorgeous Mexican tile). What I could see of the kitchen looked very interesting. The open buffet is very nice.
One thing I do not like is the dark navy area rug. I have learned from experience that dark rugs show way too much lint.
As far as the pictures leaning rather than being hung, as an artist, I hate that (and cringe) because I imagine them being knocked over by pets, children even adults. Artists work very hard to produce their work, and art pieces need to be cared for in my opinion.
.-= Ricki Jill Treleaven´s last blog ..Book Club Buttermilk Pie Recipe =-.
She seemed like a woman with great style. I love her as a person and actress, but I think I love her home better. Thanks for the post.
How do I know that I belong here on this site? I passed your HOOKED on HOUSES quiz with flying colors AND many the same houses you love, I love. I own so many home decorating mags, and many of the articles I save are the same ones you feature. This made me laugh because this particular ELLE decor is on my night stand right now (and I just moved to Norway, and it moved with me). Ellen’s house is one of my favorites, I love her terraced backyard and the floor in her kitchen. Love your site very much, I check it daily!
I like it. Lots of style – but simple at the same time.
Well…since you asked….
I do not like how bland it is.
The only room I like is the kitchen. I love the overly large print.
The navy blue rug is boring. But what do I know.
.-= Miz Booshay´s last blog .. =-.
Our refrigerator is placed next to a wall just like this one. We have double doors – freezer on the left and refrig on the right. Even though we have several inches on both sides of our refrigerator because the refrigerator is RIGHT next to the wall our freezer door does not open all the way. But it opens just enough to get stuff out. That may be way this owner had the door open to the right. It’s not ideal but it needs to function for her. Builders/designers should never place a refrigerator next to a wall. There should always be room on both sides of a refrigerator for a cabinet or at least enough open space so there is plenty of room for doors to swing open.
.-= Teacup Lane´s last blog ..Happy Vintage Vegetables =-.
That sounds frustrating! Good thing to keep in mind when you’re building a house, for sure. -Julia
Love love love the house. The morroccan decor, not so much. The fridge=insanity.
.-= Janet´s last blog ..November And Beyond =-.
I really like a lot of bits and pieces about this house. It doesn’t seem child friendly, but I’m sure her child will survive intact!
I love those floor to ceiling windows in what I imagine is the living room, and the chairs she had recovered. It’s full of light…I love that!
Not a fan of Moroccan, but it’s not over done.
.-= Pat´s last blog ..In no particular order… =-.
Good morning Julia, I like the aluminum light pendants, but would like them more in a kitchen. I have to imagine that they don’t spend a lot of time pulling things out of the fridge. The table in the first picture, between the 2 chairs…looks like a white tree stump or piece of marble? I really like that!
.-= black eyed susans kitchen´s last blog ..COOKING STUDIOFINESSING THE FLOUR =-.
Good Morning, Julia!
Wow, I really like her house. It has its own personality and I can appreciate houses like that. It’s definitely not generic.
Those chairs are so beautiful! And it was smart to reuse it. I think we all should do it more often, for so many reasons, including being conscious about our environment and our pocket. 🙂 It’s a “win-win” situation, don’t you think?
Have a Fantastic day!!!! We all need that. 🙂
I love it. Except for that fridge door. That would drive me insane. Other than that…LOVE.
Absolutely LOVE their farmhouse table! It’s not my style but the house is beautiful and relaxing.
I LOVE that staircase!
I loved this house when featured in Elle Decor. It looks so comfy and casual. As for the fridge door, it may be because the fridge is right up against a wall. In our old house, the fridge opened the “right way” with the hinge side up against the wall, and it was a huge pain because the door wouldn’t open fully, only about 3/4th of the way. I suspect this would also be the case here, since there isn’t any room to leave 3-4 inches between the wall and fridge to allow for the door to open fully.
Thanks for explaining that, Beth! -Julia
I second Beth’s comment, because we have the same problem in our house!
I love her style!
Love it! I really think the leaning against the wall style is gone for me. At first interesting to the eye several years ago, it now seems unfinished, temporary, and borderline untidy. That large framed horse picture would be so beautiful lifted and attached to the open space above it. The rooms otherwise have a very “clean” look and then this near-obstacle intrusion to the flow. Maybe still works in some more traditional busier interiors, leaning does not work with lean-clean for me here! I love the chairs and the white. Also especially love the tattersall wood divider.
It is truly a stunning house although not my style. It does have a very happy welcoming vibe which is most important.
.-= Kristen´s last blog .. =-.
I like the house. Not totally my style, but certain elements are great (the stairs)
I LOVE the fact that it looks like my butt would fit in her chairs. I have… a big butt… and I hate chairs that i feel squished in, and those chairs look like they would happily accommodate any butt that came along.
.-= Lizzy´s last blog ..Sometimes It Should Be Easier =-.
Our gorgeous house is for sale ): My husband wants to go smaller and move from the burbs to town. We are empty nesters and travel the world, so it is probably a good idea. You and I are kindred spirits. I took your “Hooked on Houses” quiz and answered yes to every question! Here is the link to our house: https://www.lbar.com/mls/details/residential/1022084.html Enjoy
What a beautiful home! I love your arched doorways. Good luck with the sale of your home! -Julia
I love her house!! Funny you should say you didn’t like the stuff leaning against the walls, that was one of the things I really liked =) Probably because I have a strange phobia of putting holes in my walls, so I love to see when art that is simply leaning looks good. I may try it on top of a few console tables and see how it looks. But I should probably be a big girl and get out the hammer and nails!
.-= hip hip gin gin´s last blog ..Highland Holiday =-.
I really like Ellen Pompeo and I love her as Meredith (although I know some viewers hate her character). I think her home is lovely, even though I’m not a huge fan of Moroccan myself. I like her newly reupholstered chairs!!
.-= Amanda @ Serenity Now´s last blog ..Ornament Silhouette T-shirt =-.
Very nice, in a sort of bland way; white walls just does not do it for me.
.-= Pascale Steig´s last blog ..Are there any competent gutter contractors around 11-03-10 =-.
It looks like a lovely happy home. I understand about the fridge door. I have a similar problem here but mine has french doors. It’s really something trying to get a turkey in and out of that thing, let me tell ya.
About the leaning art: There are brackets that hold them to the walls, most probably. Completely safe.
Its a beautiful home but very adult. I find it sad when people with kids don’t reflect them in their home design. Kids are not little very long and you can adjust your decor as they grow.
I don’t know about yours, but my kids would have a field day playing with all those exposed dishes in the kitchen!
Yeah, especially when they were little, they would’ve had a great time taking everything out while I was trying to make dinner each night! -Julia
Too matchy matchy and nothing personal at all here. I don’t like it.
Her style is fresh and clean, not one for the leaning items, probably cause I have four children and things need to be anchored. I am sure she will have to baby proof at some point. It does make a statement though.
I’m not a big fan of this style. I wonder if she realizes the door on the fridge can be switched??? That would drive me crazy!!!
.-= Traci B´s last blog ..Can we skip Thanksgiving =-.
I really like the eclectic mix throughout the house, but the leaning pictures drive me nuts! One or two maybe, but not in every room! Also, did you see InStyle’s November issue is featuring Ellen’s co-star Kim Raver! She also has a beautiful home!
I want that long dining room table! Love.
.-= Kimberlee J.´s last blog ..The Red Shoes =-.
I like some of her things … but I LOVE those high ceilings!!!! I certainly wouldn’t mind coming and going for their pool parties. 🙂
(That’s funny about the fridge. I just got renters in my basement apartment, bought a new fridge and that is one of the first thing the woman noticed. She had her husband change the handle to the other side – it can be done, Ellen.)
.-= pollydove´s last blog ..Barry Manilow =-.
It’s just alright for me. I agree about the things leaning against the wall. That bugs me for some reason. I like the height that art gives a space. I do love her however! Grey’s Anatomy is one of my all-time favorite shows:)
.-= Becky @ Farmgirl Paints´s last blog ..Needy =-.
The home seems so airy and light-I’m not sure I would want my own home to be all white, but her decor is simple and has a refreshing feel, which I like. The staircase is beautiful too!
.-= Josanne´s last blog ..My Final Fall Chocolate Bouquet Wreath =-.
I like it. I really like the train picture in the kitchen.
.-= stuccohouse´s last blog ..The Hallway Light =-.
well…i happen know someone who worked on her house as a designer and got fired- according to the fired designer, ms. pompeo was a really mean and nasty person. also, the designer did a lot of work and was not paid for it. so the assertion that ms. pompeo designed the house all on her own? rubbish, if you ask me!
Love the house, but don’t quite get the kitchen. Are there even any cabinets or is everything a movable structure.
Beautiful house, but perfect for her family? I see no running around or playing in this house. Put away those breakable things and this house will be much better.
I had the same thoughht about everything leaning against the walls, like she doesn’t want to put holes in them. But it is a beautiful house. I wouldn’t mind calling it home.
Would love to see the outside of the house.
Follow that link I gave you to Elle Decor–you can see the outside of the house in their slideshow. -Julia
I don’t see a spot that looks REALLY comfortable to me.
I remember this from Elle Decor. I liked it then and I’m loving it even more as I look it over here. Very beautiful.
.-= Lesley @ The Design File´s last blog ..A little color- a little fun in the dining room =-.
I don’t know, it feels cold kinda.
.-= Juju at Tales of Whimsy.com´s last blog ..Cover to Covet- Gorgeous Costume =-.
Hang the dang pictures already! Sheesh.
The house has great bones, and could be fabulous. It’s merely so-so here.
Ellen has a beautiful and elegant taste. Nothing over the top. I love the staircase area. Great place to set up a Christmas tree.
.-= Daisy´s last blog ..Eco Friendly Holiday Lights- Which Should You Buy And How Should You Use Them =-.
I really love her style, especially the open kitchen cabinets and that rough dining table. Loving it!!
.-= Maaike Quinn´s last blog ..Day 8 – Get a 3 ring binder and put paper in it =-.
Love those wing chairs and the dining table and benches! Don’t like the lower kitchen cabinets, way too much bending over.
Not my taste Julia, but I have to say I LOVE it !!!! What a lovely job…
I just adored that movie Grey Gardens……Drew Barrymore was unreal !!!
Kathy 🙂
I absolutely love this house!
It has this comfy, light, homy, happy vibe!
I adore this type of styling!
Oh my God!!! I love her house. I absolutely do!!!!
This one and Julianne Moore’s have been my favorite!!!