I love getting a look at other peoples’ work spaces, don’t you?
When I ran across graphic designer Cathe Holden’s studio in Petaluma, California, where she works on projects for her company Home Grown Logos, my jaw dropped. What a colorful and creative space!
She graciously agreed to let me share these photos of it with you, so take a look…
You might not be able to tell in this photo, but there are blocks of letters along the top of the bulletin board that spell out “INSPIRATION:”
These old bottles with the flowers popping out of them really made me smile:
I love these jars with the little collections of things in them, like Scrabble tiles!
My house is always being overrun by stacks of magazines, so the idea of corralling them into some pretty baskets like these really appeals to me.
Her studio inspires me so much. I think I would feel much more creative if I worked in a space like this, wouldn’t you?
Check out Cathe Holden’s design blog Farm Fresh Creative.
Wow I love this office. Love her storage ideas, her use of color, and those cute flowers. Thanks for sharing!
christy’s last blog post..The sale of the century
Fabulous space. Like a toy box for grownups. How inspiring, thanks for sharing, Pam
Pam’s last blog post..Somewhat Wordless Wednesday Wandering
This is so cool! I’m looking around my workspace now filled with inspiration! Thanks for the peek!
Deidra’s last blog post..68506::Saltdogs
Perfect artist workspace! A studio to be envied for sure!
I love looking at other studios too. I love this one.
Krisitn’s last blog post..Presentation is Everything
Wow, this is amazing. I would absolutely LOVE a workspace like this. I could print out the whole page for inspiration!
songbirdtiff’s last blog post..Why Replace When I Can REPAINT
Great work space! I love all of the details. Very inspiring!
Jamie’s last blog post..A gun cabinet transformation
I have those same fake zinnias (photo 4). I am on the hunt for bottles, now!
Beautiful, beautiful. Never mind working in here, I could just sit and soak it up.
Thanks for so many ideas in just a few photos!
Struggler’s last blog post..Tips for a Happy Home
This studio is just adorable!!
Suzann’s last blog post..
Everything is so pretty. I love how she has a lot of pretty jars, bins, cabinets and baskets to store things in. So creative. I want to copy some of her ideas in my own space!
Carrie’s last blog post..Garage Sale Finds
So cute and well-organized!
And Julia, there’s an award for you on my blog today. 🙂 xoxo, ALEK
FROM THE RIGHT BANK’s last blog post..Benjamin Noriega Ortiz
I love seeing other people’s work spaces too. I love Cathe’s and will check out the others, as well as her blogs. It looks like she has everything so organized! Love it!
LOVE IT!!! I seriously would get WAY more done in a room like that. I love every corner… SO CUTE!! Thanks for sharing.
I NEED those magazine baskets!!!!Where can I find them?
Thank you SO much for sharing this today. I need some inspiration for my new workspace, and you have some awesome pictures today! 🙂
Amanda @ Serenity Now’s last blog post..Embracing the Albino Within
I love it, I love it, I love it!!
Becky @Farmgirl Paints’s last blog post..Bella Pilar
Love this! Love the ideas too! Those bottles with flowers need to come to my house!
what an awesome space!!!
What a wonderful work space! I love seeing where other people are creative.
SoBella Creations’s last blog post..Mini Craft Room Makeover Giveaway
I have been reading your blog for quite sometime and have you also on my Facebook. I love reading your post. It is a small blog world. I just found Cathe Holden three days ago surfing and I tried to figure out how by going back thru my History file but could not….LOL no matter I’m glad I did and glad you did. I think people will really like her ideas and design. Thanks for your blog, as I always forward my teenage daughters, post I know they will love like, Sabrina’s House and of course “Twilight” I had to do some serious backtracking to find the house that was for sale and was taken down. I found it and WOW that was Colorful….
stephanie’s last blog post..A Bird Nest in the Hand
Wow…what a wonderful space!
Kim~HomeIsWhereTheHeartIs’s last blog post..~*My Oh My, How Time Flies*~
I wish my office was that cute and well organized! My filing / organizational system consists of a chair 🙁 and it is about to tip over.
adrienne @ Susan Palmer Designs’s last blog post..Before & After Photos … The “After” Pictures are Here!
BEAUTIFUL! I want a pretty space like that in my house!!!
the BLAH BLAH BLAHger’s last blog post..Conquering My Fears
I am in love with that office. I would never keep it that clean, though. I don’t even think I want to know whether or not Cathe does! I’d rather live with the possible illusion that it’s always pristine.lol.
foobella’s last blog post..i FEEL pretty.
What a fun office!
Jenny’s last blog post..Works For Me Wednesday: Picnik
…drools !
oh, i love this post! more! more!
maya | springtree road’s last blog post..Happy accident
What a fabulous room – delightful!
I am insanely, madly jealous!!! ENVY! That is so beautiful, I want to just go sit in it and soak the space in!
Meghan’s last blog post..A Game of Pounce Featuring New Etsy Sellers!
Even her office rolly chair is covered in fabulous fabric!!
laura @ the shore house’s last blog post..Hooked on the OG Flea
Some very creative ideas! I especially like the block letters that spell out inspiration and I really like that bookcase.
Onlinehandyman’s last blog post..Enter the CSN Rug Giveaway
I am tickeled pink to have my little slice of heaven featured on your website! Thanks everyone for all the nice comments. And foobella- you made me laugh! Of course it’s an illusion! I get a bit messy when crafting, but having lots of organizing cubbies is very helpful so I can clean up and get back to what I also love doing and what pays the bills, designing.
My studio is carved out of a small section of our garage. We live out in the peaceful country on one acre, surrounded by trees, so I can peek past my computer into the backyard at all the busy birds, and occasionally the sheep when they’re put out back to graze.
It is a small space, so I still find myself at our dining room table working on larger projects, or in my sewing area (a niche in our bedroom), but this little studio is the provenance of all my creativity.
Cathe Holden’s last blog post..Mowing for Dad
I want her studio! My craft room is a disaster, but someday….
~angela @ peonypatch
Angela’s last blog post..Virgin Gorda, BVI
Okay-I could just move in there right now. All is needs is a coffee pot and a fridge! How gorgeous, I am defintely heading to check out her blog now!
Misti England’s last blog post..I confess my love of…Farm Tables
Glory be! I’ve found my home office solution, right here on your site! Thank you. I’ll put a rustic twist on it and it will fit perfect. Thanks. ~Sis~
Sandhill Sis’s last blog post..How Does Your Garden Grow?
Man, that Cathe chick is everywhere! 😉
She’s one of my favorite people in all of internet-land so what a fun surprise to find her featured here!
Great studio, Cathe!
I love it! I want to go over there right now and work on projects with her!
Heather’s last blog post..Très Cheery French Fabric
I’m in love with her space…. wow!
rue’s last blog post..The reluctant model for a very good cause
This is my all-time favorite post of yours. It reminds me of the spaces in the Somerset Studios mag “Where Women Create” whose photos I pour over, hoping I’ll be inspired to get stuff out of plastic tubs and into more creative containers, etc. (I am, I confess, a bit disturbed by the most recent issue with Marie Osmond and her dolls on the cover–it doesn’t really depict the quality of the space or artists who are covered in the mag.)
Wow I can’t get over how amazing this office is!
I love the organisation, yet she still manages to keep everything so pretty.
All the little draws (with the glass bottles and flowers on top) remind me of a sweet shop for some reason! In fact, the whole room does. I think it’s the colours.
I love the jars of letters too.
Great post. Thank you x
Polly R’s last blog post..Plumo