Check out this charming blue house with the orange door that was featured in At Home in Arkansas magazine. It's a tiny house in Little Rock with less than 600 square feet. Homeowner Lyndsey told the magazine: "I began doing research ... Keep Reading
A Little Blue Bungalow For Sale in Los Feliz
When a photo of this little blue bungalow popped up in my Instagram feed, I had to learn more about it. It's on the market in Los Feliz, so I contacted the agent and got the scoop. Let's take a look inside... A Little Blue ... Keep Reading
An Old Backyard Garage Becomes a Sweet Guest Cottage
I kinda flipped when I saw how homeowners Marilyn and Brian turned what had been a run-down garage behind their home on Cape Cod into a charming guest cottage. The potential downside, though? Their guests may never want to leave... It ... Keep Reading