Check out this charming blue house with the orange door that was featured in At Home in Arkansas magazine. It’s a tiny house in Little Rock with less than 600 square feet.
Homeowner Lyndsey told the magazine:
“I began doing research online and found Tumbleweed Tiny House Company, which has plans for houses that are all less than 900 square feet. I chose the Whidbey plan, which has two bedrooms and a loft area, to give me room for growth if I were to have a family in the future.”
It has less than 600 square feet — 557 to be exact. You can see the floorplan here.
Lyndsey says there was so much buzz in her neighborhood about the tiny house that she held an open house for the curious: “I had close to 90 people come out. They’re surprised and intrigued when they see the way the home is set up and how I have all the amenities that you would expect in a larger home. Many of the same people who questioned the project in the beginning are now big fans.”
For more photos and information about the house: At Home in Arkansas
(story by Tiffany Burgess; photos by Nancy Nolan; styling by Mandy Keener);
Tumbleweed Tiny House Company floor plans.
What a great house. It’s decorated perfectly as well….it’s quite easy to look cluttered fast in such a small space, but this home looks relaxed, comfortable and not at all busy. My wife and I could easily live within that 557 square feet….right now we are living in a cottage that is around 300 sqft and have no desire to go big again.
I clicked on the link to the gallery….sure wish they had a source list for some of the items – I have been looking for a bedside lamp just like the one shown in the bedroom photo.
I’ve been a fan of that house for years. If I had the money, I would totally build something similar. LOVE!
I agree with Aaron. I would like to see a products list too. I am interested in the air conditioner that is installed through the wall in the eating area. I have a room that could use some more cool air/heat. I assume the unit in the photo of the tiny house provides both.
I believe that Mitsubishi makes them!
DAR-ling! I love everything + would have liked to have seen the front bedroom with all those windows. Time to head to the link! Speaking of windows, the side-by-side pair in the dining nook caught my eye . . . or should I say the long, rectangular stained glass window she’s hung there! I’m a fan of hanging old window sashes like that, only I’d never think to span 2 of them like this!
No, I don’t think I could. It IS cute though. The first pic of the living room is totally ruined for me by the lamp cord dangling down the wall – that can be covered with a wooden strip painted to match the wall (similar to the strip to the left of it). Picky, I know!
Where is the laundry? It doesn’t seem like she has a basement, I didn’t see any stairs. I wouldn’t think she would want to head to the laundry mat.
Good question! It has a garage that you don’t see in these photos. I wonder if there’s some kind of laundry setup in it?
There’s a video tour in YouTube and her laundry setup is in the front room.
I hadn’t seen that — thanks, Vanessa!
This would make such a great lake house. Love the set up.
This house is so cute and looks a lot bigger than it really is.
I love the “small” house movement but the “tiny” house movement does seem a bit extreme. With that said I think this house is a perfect example of how to go small successfully.
The one question/resource I wished the article would have followed up on was the oven in the kitchen. I believe that is a convection/microwave/speed oven combination (i.e. GE Advantium). I’d love to know how having that is working out for her. It’s an appliance I’m considering for my small cottage (dream).
It’s a really cute house, but the loft scares me to death. I had have to have a half wall or a railing of some sort up there.
Cute house for one, but I’m not ready to give up the fam for that. Or the dogs. Or my scarves. Or shoes. Or—-well, you get the idea 🙂
I love the pillow in the pic of the little living room. I wonder where she got it? It’s adorable!
Well isn’t that adorable!?!
Designed and decorated very well. I really love the vibe and it looks bigger than what it is. The loft is not really for me, but it works so well here. Would have loved a gander at the bathroom.
For all who are asking, click the link to the article and there is more info on products and whatnot there.
Love it!!!!
Adorable. This would be a great vacation home near the lake, or beach.
So sweet! She has done a great job with decorating. It feels light and airy. This would be great for a single or couple, but I think it would become apparent very quickly, after having a baby, that there is not enough space for a family. This is a bit larger than our cottage, and we rely on the outdoor deck as extra living space when we’re there.
It’s so funny to read the comments that talk about how small the house is. For Tumbleweed this house is enormous. I’m a micro-liver currently living in 450 sq ft and dream of a 200 sq ft tiny house. I wouldn’t know what to do with 600 sq ft. When I saw the floor plan my first thought was “what would I do with two bedrooms and a loft?”.
Love it. It’s all a matter of perspective, isn’t it? 🙂
That’s the cutest tiny house I’ve seen yet 🙂
That is my favorite tiny house, love how she decorated it, feels so fresh.
Intriguing and compelling! Am currently reading “The Big Tiny” by Dee Williams. She describes the difficulty of shedding decades of possessions to go to tiny living. But doing so makes room for the life she really wanted to live. I love it!
I love it. I currently live in about 750 sf, would love to downsize to something like this. Someday!
Love seeing this house in action! This is the tiny house plan I have selected for my retirement LOL I just love everything about it, especially how it seems like a classic Midwestern house just shrunk down. I interviewed the founder of Tumbleweed Tiny House Co. when I wrote for our local newspaper and he was just starting out, and I have followed his designs ever since. When I sell my current house, whenever that is, I will be “downsizing” from 1100 s.f. 🙂
I so want to down size from my historic bungalow to a house like this in the country but then mid thought I see a Victorian mansion and want that too, I think my house dreams have A.D.D 🙂
Oh, boy, can I relate to that, Troy! I need a house for every day and mood. Ha. 🙂