For a lot of us, the cottages of Carmel-by-the-Sea are the stuff that dreams are made of. I was excited to see that this charmingly quirky pink house with window boxes is for sale, giving us a chance to peek inside. It hasn't been ... Keep Reading
Before & After: Barbie Doesn’t Live in This Victorian Anymore
Readers send me the most interesting e-mails! I recently heard from Renée, who wrote, "I found your blog because I caught a stranger outside taking pictures of my recently renovated 1890 Victorian. I asked her what on earth she was ... Keep Reading
Memories of an Old House in Columbia Tusculum
After the first post I did about the Victorian Painted Ladies in Columbia Tusculum, Ohio, a Hooked on Houses reader wrote to tell me that she grew up in the historic neighborhood. Valerie sent me this old photo of the house her family ... Keep Reading