Lately there's been a debate raging around the blogosphere, and I think it's time to settle the issue once and for all: Is it okay to decorate the tops of kitchen cabinets with fake ivy, or is it an unforgivable decorating faux pas? The ... Keep Reading
Marley’s Pink Bedroom at Homearama
Wow! You guys really came through for me yesterday. Thanks for all the great ideas (and helpful links!) for the next Fantasy Open House series. You gave me enough to keep me busy for a few days! While I start researching houses in those ... Keep Reading
1956: A Good Year for Pink Bathrooms
This is the title page from my 1956 edition of the Better Homes and Gardens Decorating Book. I love the retro stuff. Today we're taking a gander at the bathrooms, which will explain a lot of things--such as why many of us have lived in ... Keep Reading