Wow! You guys really came through for me yesterday. Thanks for all the great ideas (and helpful links!) for the next Fantasy Open House series. You gave me enough to keep me busy for a few days!
While I start researching houses in those cities and trying to decide which one we should visit next, I thought I’d show you this girl’s room from the last Fantasy Open House tour we took.
I didn’t show you “Marley’s Bedroom” during Homearama Week. It was in The Hampton. The decorator went all out with it! There were so many colors and patterns and pillows and frilly things that my eye hardly knew where to look first.
Check out this colorful hand-painted bed:
The doorway from the adjoining bath to the bedroom had this plaque hanging from it:
Lily, my 6-year old, thought Marley’s Room was “sooo pretty!” She especially loved the black poodle in the corner, but was disappointed to learn it wasn’t “real.” She kept asking, “Are you SURE?!”
That room is great. My girls would be in heaven. I’ll have to share a pic of their boring bedrooms. We have plans… real big plans….
Does Lily think that all poodles are girls? My 5-year old can’t seem to believe that poodles can be boys and girls. There’s a big, black standard poodle in our ‘hood named Ben. She’s very confused about him.
Lily and Juliet need to get together for a house tour between all the pink bedrooms and pink bathrooms!
Fun room–don’t like the pillows with sayings, though. And, I’m with you on the tulle. Kind of looks like Halloween spider web decorations!
Love the bedside lamp!
Ali, that’s too funny. Lily actually is more of the “dogs are boys, cats are girls” school.
Angela, there has been an awful lot of pink this week, hasn’t there? -Julia 🙂
Haha! The pillow says, “What up my peeps?” That made my day.
I love the pink walls & green ceiling. Very cute room! Except I would just take the top of the bed off. It’s not working.
Hmm. I’m not in love with it. Did you see the pillow “you go girl!” lmao I can NOT see me buying that for my daughter. Like EVER. lol
That is one VERY busy room, and I must agree with Angela. My first thought was Halloween spider webs. I will say that I don’t quite get the “teenager” room part. My 8 year-old would love it but my 11 year-old would look at me like I’m crazy. It would be not quite grown up enough for her.
You’re right, Booklover. It does look more appropriate for a younger girl. Don’t know why I called it a teen’s room last night when I posted this, but this morning I changed it to girl’s room (in the description). I really shouldn’t write posts at midnight cuz I always end up editing them the next morning. -J 🙂
How would a parent ever get their little girl to calm down and go to sleep in all of that decorating “busy-ness”?! I thought bedrooms were supposed to be (to some degree) calming?
But don’t get me wrong, there were some really cute aspects to it! Especially that beside lamp!
What a little girl’s dream room! WOW, all the pattern is so lively and energetic, love the harlequin & damask and all the color. I just love to tour the Street of Dreams in Atlanta everytime they have them.
H O L A !
Shall we have a big online tour of our favorite home and garden decor shopping destinations? I just spent HOURS looking at the store websites listed by Mary Emmerling, at the back of her latest book, “Beach Cottages” — and a serious case of wanderlust ensued! Gas up the VOLVO! Let’s go! Speaking of traveling, “Cottage (they rule) Living” magazine features travel articles, and their suggestions for shopping in Savannah were totally awesome (we visited; I shopped!) Speaking of “Cottage Living”, those are the kinds of personality-filled houses I’d prefer seeing on house tours — instead of (yawn) McMansions! TTYL.
Yours always,
There are a few elements I would surely change, but I love the “painterliness” of the room.
MacKenzie~Childs gone wild!
Smiles ~ Ramona
Love your blog, Love The Nester too! Somehow we all have the same compulsion. I can’t drive past houses without wondering how much they are and what they look like inside. I love old houses but don’t want the headache of fixing them up. Your very creative and this blog is great!!
There are many cute elements here, but it’s all just. too. much. The bed is pretty awesome though!
I loved the first shot. That adorable chair, beautiful antique looking dresser, cute doggie pillow. Then I scrolled on down and thought… Blaaaak! Way too much for my taste. I think the model home designers get a little carried away. I loved the fabric choices, but the bed’s painting and canopy were really odd choices. I can’t wait to design my baby’s big girl room! There will be pink and splashes of black for sure. But not as wild as this:-)
For a second I thought the pillow said “What up my poops!” I think it’s peeps though. ha! I thought man… I’m getting old if I haven’t heard the what up my poops phrase!
What an adorable room…yes there are a lot of patterns and colors, but to a little one I am sure that is really cool!
It is not ugly, but it’s not what I would do either. The
sayings on the pillows kinda bug me. Not because
they are bad sayings, but because they just don’t seem
to fit.
The canopy is where the tarantula lurks, waiting for you to sleep. Waiting. Watching.
Wow – I like that little plaque that says “Make every day count” – it makes me think of the Titanic movie. 🙂
I too loved the first photo…but then was a bit taken aback when I saw the bed. Yikes!! Somebody’s designer threw up. Okay, sorry, that’s not very nice. What I meant to say is perhaps the designer could have held back just a leeetle bit?? There are many elements that are cute on their own, but are too much all put together. I agree about the crazy tulle, too! But it’s always fun to peek into someone else’s home and get an idea of how someone else would do things. Thanks, Julia!
Cute room.There are some great ideas for decorating. Loved the lamps
Oh, I just love it! It is sooo over the top, but is very well done.
I think so, anyway.
I hate this room. It looks like they let 10 or fifteen different 8 year olds decorate it. Too many odd and funky things for one bedroom if you ask me.
Those pillows! I think the one that says “I am lame!” is missing. The bed is hideous, put to shame only by the dog & frog artwork. It looks like Rainbow Brite threw up in here!
On a positive note, I do like the lamps, black nightstand and apple green desk.
The room is adorable…looks like every girl’s dream!
The Artisan!?! Ick.
Speaking of ick…I need to get to sleep now because I had to read the pillow on Marley’s bed twice to realize it did *not* say, “what up my poops.” Which is kind of, sort of in line with Courtney’s comment. 😉
This room was way too busy for me.A bedroom should have nice relaxing calm colors in it.
Hey Julia!! Yep – that’s a little girls room for sure! It’s perfect for a little princess – except for that canopy – is it really low, or is it the picture? I’m thinking it’s low – and it is an indoor trampoline….are we right?!!