Well, it's been an exciting day here at Hooked on Houses. I just heard from Sarah Susanka, who writes the bestselling Not So Big House books. She saw my interview with Dan McGinn, the author of House Lust, and has a few things she'd like ... Keep Reading
Before & After: Curb Appeal
Here's what I should be doing this afternoon: working to meet a deadline for my "real" job. Here's what I've been doing instead: reading a blog I just found called Nesting Place. The Nester, as she calls herself, is seriously talented. The ... Keep Reading
Trading Spaces Now and Then
In 2003, HGTV took a poll to find out which of its shows was most popular with viewers. The overwhelming response? "Trading Spaces." The problem? It airs on TLC, not HGTV. A Look Back at "Trading Spaces" HGTV had actually ... Keep Reading