Hello, Friends! Hard to believe another year is coming to a close, and that I’m wrapping up my 11th year of blogging here at Hooked on Houses (what? how?!).
This whole thing began when I made a New Year’s Resolution in 2008 to start a blog and write about something “just for fun.” I was brainstorming ideas and wrote in my journal, “I’m hooked on houses, so that’s something I could write about…”
Now here I am, more than a decade down the road, marveling at the fact that I’m still writing about houses, and that you’re still showing up to read about them (thanks for that, by the way!).
At the end of the year I always like to look back to see which of the houses I’ve featured were the most popular with you guys. In 2018, most of the houses that cracked the Top 10 were from movies and TV shows. That makes me happy because those take the most time and effort for me to write. 🙂
Take a look and see if some of your favorites are on this list, too — and if there were any you missed this year!
The Top 5 Houses of 2018
1. The “Something’s Gotta Give” Beach House
2. Reese Witherspoon’s House from “Home Again”
3. The Real Manor from “The Haunting of Hill House”
4. Emily Thorne’s Beach House from “Revenge”
5. The California House from “The Holiday”
I just want to take this opportunity to thank all of my readers and kindred spirits who continue to visit my blog, tell their friends about it, share my posts on FB and IG and Pinterest, and subscribe to my newsletter. I wouldn’t still be here 11 years later if it weren’t for you.
Wishing you all the best in the new year! 🙂