I’ve been a fan of the work that architecture firm Polhemus Savery DaSilva does for a long time. I have their book Shingled Houses in the Summer Sun and have featured some of their other houses before (one of my favorite remodels was an Italianate-style house from the 1880s).
So I was excited to see “The House at Little Beach,” this shingle-style house on Cape Cod with the charming aqua door and shutters. Take a look!
A Shingle-Style House at Little Beach
Not only is the house a head-turner. The landscaping is lovely, too.
Those daisies! Those hydrangeas!
There’s a “fish” theme happening here — note the fabric on the sofa above and the pendant lights below:
The tile over the range is gorgeous with beachy shades of aqua, turquoise, and blue.
A built-in bar provides convenient storage for bottles and glasses at one end of the kitchen:
The 2,918 square-foot house was designed and built by Polhemus Savery DaSilva
for a (very lucky) family of four.
This bedroom has two walls of windows that meet in the corner,
providing uninterrupted views and plenty of sunlight:
The description of the House at Little Beach on the PSD website reads:
“Interior spaces are simple but well proportioned and brightly lit. The living room has all-day sun from windows facing three directions. Living, kitchen, and dining spaces are open to one another but defined by ceiling shapes and textures. The master bedroom is located to have the best view possible on the site.”
I wouldn’t mind sitting right here beside the pool right now (although it’s probably a little chilly today!):
Michael Graves said of their work:
“The world of Polhemus Savery DaSilva is so enormously refreshing, a body of uncompromising domestic architecture.”
Every side and angle of this house is lovely to look at:
The starfish cut-outs in the aqua-blue shutters are one of my favorite details on the house:
The Polhemus Savery DaSilva website says:
When an umbrella gambrel (a gambrel roof breaks into two different pitches, an umbrella gambrel into three with its lowest facet flaring at the eaves) is hipped and combined with a large overhang, a dominant form, something like a “hat,” results.
“The house at Little Beach has such a roof, and it also uses the same gambrel, but with a flat gable end creating a distinct shape, as a projecting entry pavilion and porch. It also incorporates dormers for second-floor light, view, and headroom.”
“Oversized windows and shutters bring the overall scale down and add charm. Abundant flowers, a small playing field behind a picket fence, and a pool in the backyard make for an inviting beach house getaway, just right for the family of four for which it was designed and built.”
Visit Polhemus Savery DaSilva to see more photos of the shingled house at Little Beach.
(Photos by Brian Vanden Brink.)
For a new house (very much an old house fan here), it’s beautifully done. I wonder where on the Cape it is?
Isn’t it beautiful?! I’m pretty certain we spotted it in Orleans!
Morris Island Road in Chatham
Very nice – I know just where that is. My parents live in Brewster. Love to visit the Cape – so many beautiful places and lovely houses. I’d pick Chatham to live in myself (if I could afford it!)
We spend a week there every summer, and I remember walking up and peeking in all of the windows right after it was built. My husband was mortified 🙂
Love it! That sounds like something I’d do. 🙂
This lovely home is in Chatham – I’ve taken photos of it myself! It’s a beautiful home.
Those starfish cutouts on the shutters are adorable!
Hi Julia,
I AM IN LOVE! This house is STUNNING, inside and out! The marine colour palette, the relaxed and casal mood, the LANDSCAPING!!! Simply gorgeous. Thanks for warming up my day here in SNOWY, STORMY Toronto.
Have a bright and beautiful weekend,
You sadistic woman, Julia….featuring this gorgeous summer retreat on one of the worst winter days of the year! Kidding! It’s lovely to dream. 🙂 Beautiful home!
Susan and Bentley
oh boy, that one’s a heart-pounder Julia!
What a fun surprise so see this amazing home on your blog today! I cannot get over how incredible it is…those shutters! Ahh! Their firm does fantastic work. I have their book too; it’s a good one!
Thank you so much for the kind shout out, it’s much appreciated! Have a great weekend, Julia!
What a gorgeous house to look at on such a winter day. Those aqua shutters with the starfish cutouts just make the house stand out! I just love Cape Cod and all its wonderful cottages, inns and beaches but I dont think I would want to be there today!
The only thing I didn’t like…The fishy sofa. But I could learn to live with it. 🙂
Sooo charming! I love the shutters the most. I love a beachy themed house.
One of my favorites. Simple, classic, light.
OMGGGGGG!! Love this house! Well, I agree about the fishy sofa, and the whole fish theme in general, but woweee! I’m lusting after that kitchen and the bar photo is being added to my pinterest immediately.
Beautiful – although it does look a little “new”.
a beautiful, tastefully done home! I want to live there!!! 🙂
What a fun dose of summer in Feb! Love that glossy ceiling in the family room, & these pics make me wish I could grow hydrangeas in the desert! That pool shot looks like it could be from the set of Something’s Gotta Give. I could definitely enjoy a cold lemonade out by that pool!
I absolutely love the colors in this house. Well done.
i want some of that …
Is that an abalone shell chandelier? What a great idea!
Yes, please!
Aaah, such a perfect day to show a bright cheery beautiful sunny summer house….especially for those of us where the snow is falling like crazy already and the winds picking up. I plan to keep this blog page as my home screen…that is, until the power goes out when we hit the two feet of snow predicted.
Could move in to this home tomorrow. Love the tin fish lamps over the kitchen island especially.
When can I move in?
Such an adorable home, and I love everything about the decor. From the whimsical starfish collection, to the open light and airy rooms.
So beautiful feels like something out of fairtale cartoon
I must say this is probably in my top 5 of houses you have shown us. There is not one thing I would want different. From the landscape to the inside… it is a lovely HOME.
I check your site everyday..usually at work!! It helps to brighten my day..really. I am such an architecture buff and I love seeing all these homes.. truly,
Thank You 🙂
That’s so nice to hear. Thanks, Becky! 🙂
Wonderful. I don’t think kids whine, fight or spill at houses that pretty.
Ohhhh i’m in love. and now i want a bar/serve area in the dining room just like that. love love love
I’ll take one of those, thank you very much! Sigh, so pretty…..
Oh, that kitchen! And, ohhhhhhhhh Chatham!
This is by far my favorite house that you’ve featured, Julia. I have a thing for cedar shake. My only quip are the star cutouts in the shutters. Pure perfection.
You find the best eye candy, Julia!
btw, Love the newsletter 🙂
Oh, good. I’m so glad you liked it!
What a wonderful house! My favorite is the exterior and landscaping. It’s so peaceful and beautiful. I would spend a lot of time outside during the summer if I owned this house.
The essence of summer! Love every detail.
Those small little windows scrunched up against the big front gable….what happened to the design process there?
This IS my favorite house that you’ve featured. (Although, I have issues with balance so, I kind of want to add another window to the front of the house – on the porch.) Reminicing about summers spent on the Cape brought unexpected tears to my eyes.
On another note: I LOVE your newsletter! It’s so well done and something I’m really going to enjoy. Thank you for it! That “Be Choosy” quote is going somewhere in my home, as it perfectly expresses who I am and how I live.
So glad you enjoyed my first newsletter! I love that quote, too–just had to share it. Thanks, Destiny! 🙂
Hi Julia what can any of us say but Just Beautiful the landscaping Wow…. Just when all the garden catalogues have arrived… Tempting…. Thank you for making my day as always. Regards Esther from Sydney… PS never miss your blog.
Thanks, Esther! I always enjoy hearing from you!
This house is so beautiful inside and out . I love those shutters, and the hydrangeas! Thanks for sharing..
Stunning! Truly an ageless home. As a lover of no window treatments, I especially loved this house.You can see evidence of shades in some of the windows (bedroom) and I appreciate that also. As much as I love unadorned windows, when I see them in bedrooms and baths without any means for privacy I feel like the home is just for show and not for real people.
Shingle and shutter love…I need more money.
Where oh where did they get that bedspread in the bedroom with the green, turquoise and yellow? Fabulous room!
Really you write great posts and have great blog
great house!
i love a good shutter, particularly ones with cutouts that attach a personality or sense of place to the home.
gorgeous house!
i LOVE good shutters! good shutter dogs, good hinges, the right size, fine materials…cutouts are the icing on the shutter cake…particularly when they reflect the owners’ personality or give a sense of place to the home.
Lovely! Thanks for sharing!
This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I enjoyed this and I will be back for more. Thanks