Four years ago I started this blog on a whim. I had no idea what I was doing. And I did pretty much everything wrong from the get-go. I never set out to have a successful blog–I just wanted a place to talk about the houses that interested me. I didn’t know the “rules” about blogging. Heck, I had never even read a “house blog” before, let alone written one!
But sometimes ignorance is bliss. Because I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, I dove right in and never looked back.
For the first year or so I had a pitiful-looking blog header because I couldn’t figure out how to create a better one. I didn’t know to label photos for search engines, resize them, or lighten dark screencaps from movies. I didn’t grab my domain name early on and someone else snatched it out from under me (otherwise you’d be reading this at
I didn’t have a blog button for the first two years, something readers were always asking for but I didn’t know how to make (and my early attempts were pretty amateurish). After switching to a self-hosted version of WordPress, I went for six months with a basic black and white template until I finally hired a designer.
Boy, did I have a lot to learn. To say I was clueless in the beginning would be an understatement. Problogger could have used me as an example of how not to do things. But I kept going. And I’m still here, against the odds.
In blogging, 4 years feels like a lifetime. I’ve seen so many things change. So many other blogs come and go.To put things in perspective, when I started out, linky parties were a new concept. Giveaways on blogs were rare and exciting things. None of the blogs I read had ads on them, and no one talked about “monetizing” (now that’s the number-one question I get from new bloggers).
Twitter may have been around, but no one I knew was on it yet. And people were always passing out “blog awards” (Does anyone still do that? Maybe I just don’t get them any more!).
Early on, when I was excited just to get 100 visitors a day, I visited a blog that had been around for 5 years. Her stats counter showed 1 million, and I was in awe. I set a goal for myself to reach a million with my blog someday, too.
I never would have guessed that by my 3rd year, I’d be getting more hits than that every month. As of today, it’s gotten over 27 million of them since I started in 2008. Wow.
So take it from me–you don’t have to do everything perfectly. Just do your best. Learn as you go. Accept that you’ll probably make some stupid mistakes along the way. The important thing is to take steps in the direction of your dream anyway. Start working on it even when you don’t have all the answers.
I get lots of emails from new and would-be bloggers asking me to tell them my secret for making money at this. I was never strategic about any of it. I just started writing and got very lucky that people showed up to read my posts. After the first year, I put some ads in the sidebar to pay for what had become a full-time blogging habit. Thanks to them, I was able to quit my day job in 2010.
Best. Job. Ever. Big thanks to all of my readers for making it possible, and for sticking with me as I fumble along, trying to figure this all out. I still have so much to learn. One thing I know for sure–without you, I wouldn’t still be here 4 years and 2,000 posts later! 🙂
Happy blogiversary and congratulations on 27 million hits – I’m in awe of you!!
Happy Anniversary!!! Your blog would be my dream job! I get teased all the time about sitting on the computer looking at real estate pics…then I found this blog, and it was just like you had been reading my mind!!! LOL Love it, and wishing you continued success and joy as you blog! Way to go!!!
You just brought back tons of memories . I can’t believe it’s been so long! Congrats! I still love your blog and look forward to it every day.
Congrats! I love stopping by here to break up my workday 🙂 Keep up the good work!
congratulations, julia, i think i’ve been reading you since the blog awards days lol
so proud of you and all you’ve accomplished. your blog is awesome, and that’s why it’s so successful!
Happy anniversary to you and to one of my most favorite blogs. I think it is best when we learn along the way. Job well done!
I just started a blog this week and I so appreciate this post. I feel like there is so much to learn, photo editing, design, “blog button”, and so much more. Here I am getting exited about 100 hits so far!
Best of luck with it, Elizabeth! The first days of blogging are so much fun because you’re learning something new every day and making new friends all the time. Enjoy it! 🙂
Four years! What a great marker. Here’s to many more. I’ve been blogging on my art blog for 5 years now. Amazing. 🙂 I read ProBlogger, too, although my blog serves my business rather than being a business.
This made me kind of nostalgic for those good old days of blogging when none of us knew what we were doing. Shall I dig up one of those old awards for you? My blog turned 4 this month, too! But I still feel like I have so much to figure out. Congrats on your tremendous success!
There was definitely a different feeling about blogging back then. We were all flying by the seats of our pants and making it up as we went along! 🙂
I’m so glad you took the plunge. Thanks to you, I found out that I’m not the only one who loves to look at houses even though I’m not really in the market for another one. Happy Anniversary and congrats on making your dreams come true!
Your dedication and commitment to your blog and your love of houses is so very much appreciated!
Your blog brightens my day!
Thanks for 4 great years!
As always, I’m inspired. Just staring my blog this month, 10 posts in, I realized how much I have to learn… I plan on taking it step by step and have fun. Right now it feels great just to write and get some of the crazy thoughts and ideas our if my head and on “paper.” Later if it turns into more then I’ll consider that a bonus. 🙂
Thanks, Julia, for your encouraging words.
Best of luck with your new blog, Lisa, and have fun with it! 🙂
Congratulations, Julia! Your blog is my favorite & a daily “must read” for me. Happy Anniversary!
Has it only been four years? It seems like I’ve been reading you forever. (And I mean that in a good way!) Congratulations.
Congratulations! I love Hooked on Houses and find inspiration in it everyday! Thanks for all your hard work!:)
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! You are my absolute favorite blog of all time. I looooove you!!!! I feel like we are kindred spirits. I have always loved looking at houses. When I was a little girl I would look at the houses they were building in my neighborhood. (After the contractors left of course!!) Your website inspires me and cheers me up. Thanks for all the time and effort you put into “Hooked on Houses” because I love reaping the benefit!!!!
Your favorite of all time? Wow! I’m honored. Thanks, Ranell! 🙂
Congrats on FOUR years, Julia!
Hmmm – labeling photos for search engines… Can you point me someplace for more information on that? I’m intrigued.
Thanks. Have a great day! (& keep up the Great Bloggin’!) ~Sally
The more specifically you label your photos when you save them, the more likely people who are searching for photos of certain things will be able to find them. In early days I might save a photo as “kitchen.” Now I know to write, “Hanna’s white kitchen Pretty Little Liars.” I try to at least label most of the photos in a post with the specifics so Google can find them for people. Hope that makes sense! -Julia
Happy Blogiversary!! You’ve done an outstanding job and we enjoy your posts every day 🙂 Keep it up!
Happy Birthday! You’ve done a great job with Hooked on Houses, Julia! Your blog is one of a handful I try to visit every day. I don’t have a lot of time to be online, so for me to keep coming back here says a lot! And I wouldn’t even know how to begin to have a blog, so to me you are a genius. Thank you for the inspiration! 😉
I’m glad someone thinks I’m a genius! Can you tell my teenager that? Ha. 🙂
So funny to look back at this post….when I would never have dreamed I would be a blogger in just one short year! 😉
Your blog is very entertaining and as a reader I must say “I love Homes” too! Even as a little girl I liked to visit model homes with my parents. I love seeing homes that are loved and cared for regardless of how they are decorated. I only time I have gotten tired of looking at homes is when we have had to house hunt and we have looked at so many I finally have had enough! Thanks so much for taking us along with you on your love of homes.
Happy Blog birthday! I am always checking you out every morning , and sometimes afternoon and evenings too 🙂 (not “you” personally but Hooked on Houses). Well done!
Happy 4th anniversary. You are truly a very special person with a great blog for people “like us”, you know – those with house lust!
I just got home from the hospital after having a total knee replacement and I missed checking in with Julia! I feel better to be home now and get my daily fix!
I wish you lots more years of success and thanks so much for Hooked On Houses!!
You’ve stuck with me a long time, Pat. I love my long-time readers who didn’t give up on me. Hope your recovery is going well!
Happy Anniversary Julia! Not sure I even knew what a blog was four years ago!
I barely did myself! Ha. Thanks, Sharon. 🙂
Congrats on your anniversary!
Happy Anniversary dear Julia and congratulations!!!!! I discovered you one year ago this month. To tell you how behind the times I was, yours was the first blog I ever visited! Hooked on Houses is still my absolute favorite escape . Not only do I adore browsing through your wonderful posts, I love hearing your delightful personality and heart shine through your writing. Your love of your precious family and your genuine warmth are apparent and we all are blessed that your have found such a fun and delicious way to touch so many. Thank you so much!
You are such a sweetheart, Lisa–so supportive and encouraging. I appreciate readers like you more than you know! 🙂
Bravo!!! I love your blog, Julia. 🙂 It’s been a daily stop for me since I started reading blogs. I opened mine up in 2008, but didn’t actually post anything regularly until 2009. 😉 I’ve always looked up to your blog and others like it as a standard for what is great about blogging!
I am so happy that I stumbled on to your blog a year ago. Congrats on your success! Looking forward to many more years of satisfying my house fix!
Wow, what a story! A very happy blog birthday to you.
Happy blogiversary! You go girl!
Julia, you’re a gem! I’m addicted. -Genna
I’m in love w/ architerctual design, and of course, after seeing Twilight, I fell in LOVE w/ Edward Cullen’s modern house. That’s when I became “hooked” on your blog! You had pics of the outside, inside, floor plan, etc! From then on, I became a fan of your blog. You show us everything from Old World style homes to Modern Contemporary style homes, including the good, the bad, and the ugly. LOL! Keep up the great work that you do. Goes to show, that having a job, and doing what you enjoy the most is possible ?
I always love hearing which posts brought readers to my blog for the first time! Thanks, Mayra.
Great post – thanks for sharing how you got from “there” to “here”. I think it proves that saying “Do what you love…”. Take care, Laura
I recently found your blog and I totally love it! Congratulations on all of your success and thank you for the wonderful advise! Best Wishes for Many More Years!
Happy Blogiversary, Julia! Your blog is one of my biggest favorites, and the only blog button that I put on my blog. I lovelovelove it!!
That’s so nice! Thanks, Jill. 🙂
Happy four years Julia! And thank you for sharing your experiences in learning how to blog along the way. I’m just new to this too and completely clueless about the technical side of things… but in love with the content. So you have inspired me once again.
ps. even though blogs have been around for a few years now, I still get people asking “what is a blog?”
I get the “what is a blog?” question all the time, too, so I’ve started saying, “I run a website about houses.” I get fewer puzzled looks. Ha.
Congratulations … so glad you stumbled your way to a great site … it’s among my very favorites!
Congratulations Julia! You have the one and only blog that I visit and I’d be lost without your daily dose of all things house! Keep up the great work:)
I can’t remember how I first discovered your blog, but I have been a faithful reader, ever since. I am so glad that you took the plunge and stayed with it. I can’t imagine a day without “Hooked on Houses”. Happy Anniversary and here’s to many more!
You have one of the best blogs out there!
Joyeux anniversaire!
Congrats. Very interesting to read how you started. Love your blog.
This is an amazing story! I wish I could be like you some day, because I really love blogging! So tell us more and give us more encouragement to proceed, even if we don’t get so many visits as we’d like to, even if we have no ads to pay, even if we don’t have enough time to do it but we stay awake late night to publish a post, even if our friends do not seem to understand what exactly is what we’re doing when we want to talk about it all the time, which some times make us feel a little bit lonely!
For the first two years that was me, Olga–working full-time hours on the blog while still working my regular job to pay the bills. The only thing that kept me going was that it was just so much darn FUN. I couldn’t stop. Few of my friends understood what I was doing, either, so I made lots of new ones out here in Blogland. 🙂
I love your story, and love your blog. Happy to be ‘hooked’ pretty much from the very first day! But bummed I can’t spend more time…this past year has been a doozie. Thankful I can keep up with you on facebook now, too!!
Congratulations, Julia…for your anniversary and for making a living from your passion. That’s just awesome.
Congratulations Julia you have been an inspiration from the start!!
Art by Karena
Happy 4th!!! I first discovered “Hooked on Houses” in 2010, and discovered that there were others like me out there. I have kept my obsession with the real estate section a secret for over 20 years and now I can come out of the closet. I confess, I am the lady who drives around on Sunday visiting interesting open houses, I search for model homes and showcase houses to visit, and I buy movies based on how much I love the house! Thank you for feeding my obsession and making it socially acceptable. My name is Maddie, and I am hooked on houses.
Love it!
Congratulations, Julia! You were brave to just dive in and do it. I’m the type who feels I have to know how to do everything before I start, and therefore don’t. It’s always fun to find a kindred spirit on the web. I have been a house addict for as long as I can remember, and worked for years in housing design and decorating. When I lost my job due to the recession a little over two years ago, I quickly got lost in blogland, and have thought of starting my own. But there are so many, many good ones out there, including yours, that I feel that anything I might add would be drowned in the vast sea of house and decorating blogs. I know it’s a challenge to always come up with fresh and interesting material, and we appreciate your efforts. My favorite house on your posts? The English cottage in the movie The Holiday.
I totally get that, Carolyn. I’m normally the kind of person who researches everything to death and then gets paralyzed by indecision before I take the first step. I think I was SO ignorant about blogging that I was able to just stumble into it and figure it out as I went. Honestly, if I’d known how much was involved beforehand, I’m sure I would have talked myself out of it. Or spent 2-3 years reading up on it and planning how I would do it without taking any action.
I love your blog…I love houses. We would drive around town just looking in houses before the curtains closed for the night, all the while telling my husband to go slower!! This is the blog for me, thank you so much and happy anniversary, you are doing a great job..Barb
Happy Blogiversary! I enjoy reading your posts every day. It’s like going to a neighbor’s house for a coffee visit without the hassle of putting my shoes on. 🙂
What a great thing to say! Love that. Thanks, Spring. 🙂
The bottom line is that you are and always have been a Good Read! Well done Julia!
Happy Anniversary from Sandra & Mellony
Design A Room Interiors , Surrey. UK
Happy Anniversary! I read your blog every. single. day. THANK YOU for making my day more enjoyable…I love your favorite cottages and the movie houses. Oh the movies houses! I can now watch a movie all the way through instead of rewinding and slow motion to see part of a house. Instead, I just go right to you and, sure enough, you’ve already covered it! (It’s as if we share the same illness of wanting/needing to see what was only shown for a blip!) I only found you a couple of years ago so I thoroughly enjoy clicking through the ‘you might also like” links for posts I may have missed. Whatever you’ve done to get here, yet still remain who you are and what you set out to do, is WORKING. I absolutely love the quality and consistency–it feels a bit like, well, home!
Happy blogversary! I have enjoyed every single visit to your site. I wish you continued success!!
Susan and Bentley
Happy Birthday or happy anniversary! I don’t know which one to use! But anyway, just keep going on with one more year and one more year and one more year all over again…
Joyeux anniversaire!!!!!! I love being hooked on houses!
Happy Blog Anniversary to you Julia! Three years ago I don’t remember why, but I was searching for the “Step Mom” house photos on That’s how I found your blog and boy am I so happy that I came upon it. I don’t think I have enjoyed a blog as much as your’s. I look forward to your posts ever day and week. Thanks for all of the hard work you put into your blog and posts. I really do appreciate it. Keep up the great work.
Thanks, Kim! You’re one of a handful of readers who sends me lots of great links and story ideas every week. I love how involved some of you guys get. And it sure makes my job of researching things a lot easier! 🙂
Thank you very much and you’re welcome! I love sending things to you that I think or know you might like. Have a nice night. 🙂
To the site for the perfect pick me up on a wintry afternoon.
Happy Blogday and many more!!!
Congratulations, Julia! I stumbled on your wonderful blog about 3 weeks ago, while reading a popular celebrity gossip website (don’t judge) who happens to love Sandra Rinomato from Property Virgins. He had linked your story on her leaving the show. Anyway, I am now obsessed as I wrote in an earlier email to you , and wish you continued success!!
Happy Anniversary and to many more years to come! You were my first blog I loved reading. Thank you for sharing and inspiring.
Have a good weekend.
Happy Anniversary! I recently found your blog and love it. I grew up so hooked on houses that I became an architect. And when that wasn’t enough I recently started a blog and am working thru my own mistakes. Thank you for the inspiration in many ways!
Happy Anniversary! I love your blog and sadly am “hooked on houses” too…..
You are my “go to”, the first blog I log on to everyday. So, it’s safe to say, you’re my fave. I’m not always that interested in vignettes and tablescapes, mantels and Goodwill finds. But houses of every kind fascinate me, and you scratch a definite itch with me! Many thanks to you for sloggin’ through the bloggin’ and sticking around to entertain me. ; )
Not sure whether to thank you or curse you! (teehee) Always fun to see what you’ve got going and then drift off to other links…and so on much time later. Congrats on keeping it going.
Congrats, its good to see successful bloggers who love what they write about. Keep it up.
It was my lucky day I found you all those years ago!!! I always thought I’d start one of my own, but…… I enjoy reading them so much more…..
I remember feeling kinda left out because I was anonymous, always signed my name though, most blog owners would refer to me as anonymous not by name , you and a handful of others called me by name…..and made me feel welcome !!!
So Happy Anniversary dear Julia and many, many more….love your blog 🙂
All the best,
Kathy 🙂
You’re definitely not anonymous to me, Kathy. I always love getting your comments!! 🙂
Happy Anniversary, Julia. What a great story. Your blog is truly interesting, with great diversity. We, the readers, can tell you enjoy it as much as we do. Thank you.
I pop by your blog quite often, and by the looks of all the above comments and view stats, so do many, many others. Congratulations on your 4th year anniversary, I trust there will be many more to come? Please keep bringing us beautiful homes to admire from across the world!
x Jodi
Life on the River, Australia
Happy blogiversary! The big 0-4, woot!
I love that you’ve made mistakes along the way and lived to tell the tale! That makes you even more likable and human. 🙂
Congratulations – you and your blog are both awesome!
Julia, I’m sure 4 years flew by. Congrats! I only discovered blogs about 6 months ago – crazy right? And yours is one I check out regularly and love. So it looked like fun and I began my blog in December and it’s just something I want to do for me and my family. I figure if the content is good and I talk about what I love, some people will find it and then who knows what the future may bring. Right now it’s a private blog, because I really feel like I don’t know what I’m doing. But after reading your thoughts, maybe that’s ok to not know everything and to learn as I go. Maybe I should just jump in the water and swim. Thanks for such a terrific reading experience. I really enjoy it and look forward to seeing what’s new.
That’s great, Michele! I say go for it. 🙂
That’s wonderful, congratulations…looking forward to reading so many more of your blogs.
I just found your terrific space! Congrats on 4 years of blogging. I am sure that you’ve had a wonderful time, house hunting and gathering. I am your newest follower. Looking forward to many more great posts. Have a wonderful weekend. -Al
Oh my! Has it been 4 years? Congratulations! It’s so wonderful to get to do something that you love every day. I hope you have many, many more blogiversaries to come.
Your blog was my first as well . I was also late to the blogging game. I’m late to everything (just ask my family) and I still don’t tweet but I come here every day to check in. I love all the movie posts. I thought I was the only one that liked a movie for it’s house!
Happy Bloggy Birthday! Your blog was the first blog I ever read! Now, I check in on a weekly, ok daily basis! Thank you so much for all the work you put in and for being such a supportive blogger!
Kerry at HouseTalkN
I love your blog! I check in on it every evening. I love, love, love the movie house posts, seeing those houses is like seeing an old friend! Thank you for all of your work on this blog, best wishes & congrats to you on your success!
Congrats Julia you ROCK…. I do check in every day and sometimes at night can’t help myself …. Thank you for being there in blogland for all the beautiful homes you have shown us it’s been wonderful. Best Wishes and Regards Esther from Sydney.
Hi. I can’t believe it’s been four years since I searched the internet for info about movie sets and found your blog. I am most certainly hooked on houses (and gardens) and so enjoy it. Movies are so magical, imagine being responsible for the set?! –and money is no object! I loved your one post about how you are living one of your relative’s dreams by being a writer and photographer. The internet is a miracle. Julia , thank you for your hard work and inspiration. Congrats!
Awesome. What an awesome post. You’ve come a long way baby!
I LOVE your header. It’s perfect.
Congratulations Julia! Glad to know that there is no mapped out way to do this! You are one of the first blogs I started reading. I loved it all so much that I finally started my own a couple weeks ago. I even linked one of my post to your site,
Thanks for the advice and encouragement!
Job well done! Your blog was the first one I ever read and I show up daily. Never commented before, but thought I’d share today..I fall asleep every night designing an apartment in Paris, a home in Key West, a Brownstone in NYC..and an assortment of others all over the world..You feed my imagination and I thank you..I sleep a contented sleep.
Happy Anniversary! Love your blog!!! You inspire me to do better on my own blog.
squeeee I didn’t know you quit your job in 2010! Congratulations!!!
I totally remember you back “when” and YES those bloggy awards and memes and yada yada. I’m so glad you love your job!!!
Well, congratulations! Definitely count my among your loyal fans! Your story is so inspiring and fun to read. You followed your heart and true interests and look where it has lead you! Just amazing – great job as always – and a big, big THANK YOU! I always say your blog is a gift to all of us – nothing could be more true.
Best wishes! Cheers *clink* here is to many, many more years of blogging! -Melissa
*Clink!* 🙂
Congratulations Julia! I absolutely love your blog and look forward to it every day. I am in awe of your success…I would love to start a blog, but have no clue how to even begin. I wish you many more years of success.
Julia, your blog is my favorite – I read it daily. Keep up the great work and congrats to you!
congrats, julia!!
this post is very indicative of why hooked on houses is such a success. you put out a product that you were passionate about and wanted to share & exchange ideas with other crazy house peepers. i don’t know you irl, but you always come across as just a real, normal mom/wife/blogger/person who loves design and readers do appreciate that and connect with it.
one of the best things about your blog is the lack of snark and judgementalism (did i make that word up?). you just put the pics out there, post a little editorial & sometimes a little bit of personal opinion…then just leave it for your readers to judge/comment/critique.
i have watched you evolve hooked on houses. you have done it in such a lovely way. it has never appeared that you made a big money grab( nothing wrong with that, all bloggers who put this much time in deserve to be compensated for it), but to just make hoh a more fun place, both for you & your readers. i, as a reader, so appreciate this. (btw, have you ever thought about having a reader forum?).
this post has really inspired me to think about blogging…a scarey thought.
anyway, thank you so much for this great place to just see pretty/not so pretty houses. it is unique.
nanne in columbus, indiana
You are too kind, Nanne. What would I do without readers like you? Blogging wouldn’t be nearly as rewarding, that’s for sure. Thanks for your continuing support and encouragement–it means a lot to me! 🙂
Congratulations Julia – I have only just discovered your site and I love it – I get a fix everyday and I am so happy you started your blog…….many more enjoyable years to come I hope !!!
“Stupid mistakes”? That’s just silly, Julia. The only real mistake you made was not cloning yourself so we could read TWO Hooked on Houses blogs.
Thanks for making this a wonderful place for us to indulge our obsessions about houses!
Hi Julia! So cool to get to read your 4 year anniversary post. You were an inspiration to Kim and I when we first started and still are. Thanks!
Wow! 🙂 I’m so happy for you.
I don’t want to be too corny, but I see you as my mentor. I remember asking you so many questions when I first started and I remember getting more than 1000 people for the 1st time because you linked my blog here. I was in shock and sooooo happy! That was the very beginning of it all.
You really should know that I appreciate everything and your success is so well deserved, my friend.
The beauty of it all? You keep sharing your knowledge w/ others. Thank you!
Luciane at
Thanks, Luciane! You’re such a sweetheart. 🙂
Happy Anniversary, Julia! We’re hooked on YOU!
As one of your early blog readers Julia, I want to send you a heartfelt congratulations! You deserve every success that has come your way. I know how much effort and research you have put into your posts and doing it as well as you have done for the last four years is an accomplishment. Wishing you many millions more readers and bloggiversaries!
Happy 4 Years! I was just thinking about blog awards the other day, I haven’t seen them for awhile. I guess they all got passed around. LOL!
Julia, I don’t remember how I first found your blog but the first thing I thought when I saw it was “that woman has my dream job!” I’m sure I would n’t have done as good a job as you have, though. Like so many other posters, I grew up loving houses (I blame my parents – they used to take us on drives to look at houses every Sunday when we were growing up.) I always dreamed of living in my imaginary “perfect” one. Of course, like so many, I’ve learned through the years that the perfect house is the one filled with your loved ones and their laughter, their tears, their dog hair…..
Your wonderful blog is, for so many of us, like a little home away from home and your down-to-earth likeability and kindness is, I think, its biggest attraction. Congratulations – looking forward to following for a long, long time.
That’s so nice! Thanks, Katherine. I love what you said about learning that the “perfect house” comes with laughter, tears, and dog hair. So true. 🙂
I just found you and I LOVE your blog. This is such a great topic! Congrats on your success and know that I will be reading through your archives over the coming weeks. So far, I am in love with you post on Sears houses. I have always wondered about them and seeing the pics is really cool!
Congratulations on your anniversary, I love your blog and read it all the time. I’m a new blogger myself and you’re very inspiring.
Do you know why your blog is so good…because you are obviously a really nice person, who is doing something they enjoy and not for praise or approval. So it makes it easy to read and there’s no pretension. I’m someone who loves everything about houses, just like you do, and that’s what I go there to read about, and that’s what I get. It’s the only thing I go on the computer to look at on a daily basis.
Hooked on Houses was the first blog I ever bookmarked. I love that you post frequently and have such great content. (Such a class act!)
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Blogiversary!
Thank you so much for your house turned into a home blog, it’s truly such a treat. When I was little my sneak-away getaway with just mom and I was to go off and look at houses/model homes. You’ve recreated that little getaway feel here, and it’s very special, truly wonderful. One of my very favorite things after being busy and off my normal internet routine is to inwardly squeal with delight when I realize I’ve got more than one HonH post to read! Thank you so much for all you do, and letting us all sneak away to peek in windows with you. 🙂
Happy 4 years! Im glad you stuck with it . I love your blog and all the time you share with us. Love your pictures, love your film knowledge, love your passion with your blog and houses. Thanks Julia. Hope you have many more years to come.!
Congrats on your anniversary!
I remember finding your site when I did a search for “Something’s Got to Give” about three years ago. I was amazed that someone else seemed to have the same interest as me–how could this be? Guess we’re part of a pretty big niche! How clever you were to capture this interest and capitalize on it. Lucky us!
When I found your site, I had a very sick child. Your blog served as a window into a light, cheerful world, so different than the one I lived in day by day. Thank you for that.
I also appreciate that you have shared that you didn’t know what you were doing when you started this blog. Very generous. I think many of us get paralyzed with fear before embarking on a new project because we’re worried that we don’t *know* everything. You’ve confirmed that *sometimes* persistence and passion ARE enough for those daring enough to try.
I’m getting closer to trying something new, (my beautiful boy is all better) so I’m more grateful than ever for your honesty and the inspiration you’ve provided us.
Thanks, Julia!
I am fairly new to your site.. but I love it. And I love calling the girls over to my computer to show then something on your site. I am a HUGE architectural and movie buff, so love being able to combine both on your site. Thanks for being creative and starting this, and please keep it up! Happy Birthday!! 🙂
Hi Julia. What a lovely post to read! I love how this blog has come about because of passion. It is so often the key to true success isn’t it? Keep going, keep happy, keep on your chosen path. All the very best!
thanks for the inspiring post!
– from an aspiring blogger 🙂
Hi Julia–I’ve hardly been online at all in the past couple of weeks, so tonight I was just catching up a little.
Happy Blog Anniversary! I’m so proud and happy for your success. You may have made lots of mistakes early on, but you’ve done so many things RIGHT–including being kind and generous. I’m glad that you’ve been able to make blogging a full-time job. You’re a wonderful example, even if you never set out to be an example! 🙂
I just started a blog this last week! I can’t believe it, because I am anything but tech savvy. But I wanted to have a place for our friends and family to visit whenever they want – we moved 1,200 miles away from everyone 2 years ago. It just dawned on me “why not start a blog?” Of course I had no idea how to do it. I visited a few of my favorite blogs, including yours, for inspiration and direction. Thank you for your posts to help new bloggers. I’m still trying to work out all the kinks, and my biggest question right now is how often to post….I have so many things I want to share! It’s fun so far! You can visit my blog:
~Angela (ShabbyChick) 😉
That’s great, Angela! Have fun with it! 🙂
I noticed that you visited the blog earlier, thank you! I have been in the process of editing and fine-tuning all day….I think I’m FINALLY done (for now-lol)! There is so much to learn. 😉
It looks like you’re off to a great start! 🙂