I was sad to read on the Town Dock news site that lightning struck the 2007 Coastal Living Idea House at River Dunes in North Carolina late last month, burning it to the ground.
It was such a beautiful house! Photos on their website show that little if anything of the house was left.
The house was reportedly on the market at the time of the fire for $3 million and was empty. Thankfully, no one was hurt, and the surrounding buildings were saved.
It only took about 30 minutes for it to burn entirely to the ground.
Was anyone lucky enough to take the tour when it was open to the public?
See all the rooms and take the virtual tour at Coastal Living.
Read more about the fire and see more photos at Town Dock.
That’s so sad!! What a gorgeous property. It looks to have included every gorgeous piece we Canadians associate with Southern living.
.-= Lauren´s last blog ..It’s nutsicles! =-.
What a shame! I wonder how it burned. It was absolutely beautiful.
.-= Emily A. Clark´s last blog ..FLOR Rug Giveaway =-.
It was struck by lightning. -Julia
How sad!!! It was a lovely home. It was really sad to see the first shot in comparison with that last one. 🙁
.-= Amanda @ Serenity Now´s last blog ..Giveaway from The Shabby Chic Cottage! =-.
Awww, what a crying shame about that! It is one beautiful house.
I don’t think I told you how much I appreciated your comments on the advertising post. You made some really good points too! THanks for chiming in.
.-= Rhoda @ southern Hospitality´s last blog ..Lantern Love =-.
This is so terrible! It’s always horrible to hear about the desctruction of a creative work, and I think the loss of this home is in that catagory. What a beautiful house it was, so glad there are images of it available to remember the great style it had!
.-= Karla {Kerrisdale Design Inc}´s last blog ..Giveaway! Gift basket from The Laundress New York =-.
Nooo! So sad! I wonder if Coastal Living will want to rebuild the house on my property? I should check with them…
.-= Nikki´s last blog ..August makes you older =-.
?!?!!! Ahh! That’s awful, awful, awful! That house was amazing (from the pics you just posted). I love the staircase area. Can’t believe it went down in 30 minutes. Wow.
Ooooh, so very sad. I think houses seem like they have souls and can talk to you, so this is sad indeed, as the Nautical Room above seemed to be shouting loud and clear “Aren’t I Gorgeous?” Thanks for sharing the photos of what it had been.
That makes me so sad…and then I laughed at Nikki’s comment. And then I felt better.
.-= Kimberlee J.´s last blog ..Eat Your Heart Out Pottery Barn =-.
That’s sad. I’m not sure about the swinging beds. I get motion sickness in the best of times.
What a tragedy! It was so beautiful….but I am glad that no other homes or surrounding properties were damaged.
Lou Cinda 🙂
.-= Lou Cinda´s last blog ..A Few New Things… =-.
That is so very sad! It is hard to believe how quickly all of that beauty was gone. Just 30 minutes? Wow! So glad no one was hurt.
Becky K.
.-= Becky K´s last blog ..Roosters 2010 =-.
Seeing the before pictures makes me want to cry. I have such a passion for homes that when a home is treated badly or abandoned, I feel for it. Like Sandy said, it’s as if homes have a soul and can talk to you.
That is sad. It was a such a pretty house! I am shocked though that it took only 30mins to burn to the ground. The house I grew up in burned down when I was 17. That house was built in 1727 and it took a good 4-5hrs for it to burn ‘to the ground’. Makes me wonder what kind of materials they used when they built this house? Kinda scary…
.-= Kasey´s last blog ..A little re-arranging =-.
A beautiful home. Thank goodness no one was hurt, but a shame nonetheless.
.-= Vanessa@decor happy´s last blog ..Fun- Rest and Sadness =-.
Wow, how in the world did it catch on fire? What a shame. Gorgeous home.
.-= Puna´s last blog ..Welcome Home! =-.
This is so heartbreaking…it was a stunning house. We’ve dealt with the tragedy of fire also and it’s devestating, I’m so glad no one was injured.
.-= Jessica´s last blog ..Slight Snafu =-.
Julie, I live about 30 minutes from this house. I am an artist and my artwork was in the house when it was open for tours. When news of this fire spread through town I was heartsick. It was a wonderful home with great views of our beautiful waterscape.The entire Riverdunes community is so quaint and charming however the economy has really kept it from reaching it’s full potential in my opinion. This certainly doesn’t help. A real tragedy for sure.
Where was the fire dept.?
OH well, come se, come sa. It will be rebuilt better than before.
This gorgeous house in town here several years ago burned to the ground sitting across from a fire station! When the fire captain was asked why, he said that the ride to a fire allows time for the firemen to get their heads in the right place to fight the fire, and when it’s so close and no truck ride is needed, they don’t get their heads together in time. Hard to believe, huh?
Holy cow! What a shame – such fabulous architecture and what a perfect location.
That was one heck of a bolt to burn it completely to the ground in 30 minutes.
What an awful waste .
What sad ending for such a beautiful house. At least the house was not occupied at the time. It’s surprising how fast a fire can take down a house, something most people are not aware of.
Nature is a wonderful thing, and lightening can be exciting to watch, but it is devastating when it strikes. We have lost two homes in my city this summer due to lightening strikes. A tragedy for families involved.
What a loss! It was beautiful!
.-= Juju at Tales of Whimsy.com´s last blog ..News Flash- From Wonderland to Chocolat =-.
That photo of the house engulfed in flames is heart breaking. It was a beautiful house.
.-= Janet´s last blog ..My Sweet Savannah =-.
This is a real shame, but at least no one was in it or hurt fighting the fire. I had never seen a picture of it, but I think this might have been the PERFECT house as far as I am concerned–white, with porches and shutters, on the water…it meets all my dream requirements….sigh
.-= Susan´s last blog ..The Art of Gratitude =-.
That is so sad. I almost cried! I have to tell myself that it is just a house and be thankful no one was hurt, but man WHAT A HOUSE! It is sad to see such beauty gone, but I guess at least the photos still remain.
.-= Sarah @ Dream in Domestic´s last blog ..My 8 Favorite Ways to Make the Most of a Teeny-Tiny Bathroom =-.
How horrible! What an amazing house… I saved many of the photos to my design inspiration folder. 🙂 What a loss. Wonder if they’ll rebuild there.
.-= Ashley W´s last blog ..TV-less =-.
Well that’s just plain sickening. What a waste. Such a gorgeous property…at least no one was hurt.
.-= Becky @ Farmgirl Paints´s last blog ..Special delivery =-.
Wow, it was such a beautiful home, that is so sad. All the woodwork and paneling was gorgeous!! It’s a good reminder that everything is fleeting, and even though interior design is important to us it shouldn’t be the most important thing in our lives!!
.-= Nancy@marcusdesign´s last blog ..mirror- mirror- on the mirrored wall =-.
So devastating! What a beautiful house that was. 🙁
Wow! How horrible – it was such a beautiful house! Nothing lasts forever though I guess …
.-= Jess @ Frugal with a Flourish´s last blog ..Great Dorm Ideas to Steal =-.
Thats soooo sad. I mean thankfully no one got hurt, but the house was BEAUTIFUL. I did not get to see it. I am fairly new to NC. It does break my heart to see the burning pictures. The room with the hanging beds looks sooo cool!
.-= Leighann´s last blog ..Country Love =-.
So sad! Have they heard yet what started the fire? Goodness, that’s just sad. I still have the issue that home was featured in. Sigh!
~Angela 🙂
.-= Angela (Cottage Magpie)´s last blog ..The Breakfast Tray Plan =-.
Wow that is so sad. That was such a beautiful house.
.-= Vicki @ In The Sandbox Comic Strip´s last blog ..A Favorite Quote =-.
How sad to lose such a beautiful home! The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
What a devastating loss for all concerned. As is said, thank goodness no one was hurt, but a tragedy none-the-less. Lightening can be a mighty swift enemy. Our house was hit several years ago. Fortunately, there was no fire, but we felt the strike as it awakened us out of our sleep and it took out much of our electrical system in its power. The shingles from our roof were found on the next block. I am now always vigilant when there is lightening.
.-= Penny´s last blog ..Bougatsa! =-.
That’s too bad. What a gorgeous place!
I wonder what the story is behind it being for sale? Was it a giveaway house? I mean, did they give it away after it was built? Or maybe it was purchased and the people were just moving on. I always like to know the back story.
.-= Lesley @ The Design File´s last blog ..Design Star- Courtland Bascon on kids rooms- his design aesthetic- and all those v-neck shirts! =-.
That’s tragic. Agonizing to see such a beautiful piece of work destroyed. I get the same feeling when I see some of the quaint little old houses in my old historic town ruined to make way for a giant McMansion. They’re beautiful too, but I hate to see one piece of art sacrificed for another.
What a shame!! Such a beautiful house!!
Susan and Bentley
.-= Susan´s last blog ..An Interview!! =-.
This is incredibly sad. Luckily the house was empty and no one was hurt but that house was simply stunning. What a loss 🙁
.-= Bre´s last blog ..How To- Be a Good Houseguest =-.
Oh my gosh ~ that’s horrible! What a beautiful house and thankfully no one was hurt. I’m glad there are pictures to look back on, because really, that house was just gorgeously decorated.
.-= Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions´s last blog ..I Can Work With This =-.
Oh Julia how horrible is that…..what a beauty….love those hanging beds and that back porch WOW It’s one of my FAVE magazines I actually run from the mailbox to the tea kettle so I can sit and POUR over it !!!!
We had some wild weather yesterday two people were struck by lightening, one was outside and the other was actually inside…
Have a wonderful week-end…..
Kathy 🙂
One would expect a house like this to have a lightening rod!
.-= Maya @ Completely Coastal´s last blog ..Lisa Givens Sea Shell Finery =-.
Oh, how gulpingly sad. I remember this house and am pretty sure I saved the magazine issue which featured it (a rarity for me).
30 minutes is awfully scary, though….
.-= Struggler´s last blog ..Accent Tables Galore =-.
Oh, I just want to cry! How awful for such a tragic thing to have happened – so glad that no one was hurt.
We helped Coastal Living with several Idea Homes in 2005-2006, and they are incredibly beautiful; so much care goes into the architecture, and into even the smallest details of the interior design. Such a devastation.
What a beautiful house and a sad story. Thanks for the pictures. I’ve never seen this one before.
.-= Nichole´s last blog ..7 Quick Takes Friday =-.
What a beautiful house. Thank goodness there was nobody in it!
.-= Our Nifty Notebook´s last blog ..Links I Like- 16th Edition =-.
Oh no, so sad! My husband and I toured the house and the entire village when it was open to the public. It was a beautifully designed and appointed house. Its grand southern style porches were wonderful. The image of the unique hanging rope beds has circulated all over the blog world. The lot is very central to the development so I hope they rebuild the house soon.
I had never seen this particular project from Coastal Living, but it looked beautiful. So sad that this happened….
I liked alot of features about the house, but really loved the nautical room.
Thanks for sharing & have a good weekend…..
.-= Jeanette´s last blog ..Southern Coastal =-.
The fire may have taken the house, but the memories shared in it will live on in the hearts of those who were there.
Yes, it’s awful the house burned down. But definitely not worth crying about. It was just a building that no one lived in. Cry for the homeless that live on the streets not that far away. Makes me wonder what the Good Lord is trying to tell us.
Julie, my family was actually the last visitors to the home on closing day. The house was magnificent. I took lots of pictures. Back then, it was on the market, furnished for over 4million. What a shame!
Such a shame, for sure. That staircase and accompanying woodwork! Took my breath away. Sorry to hear it.
.-= Sheila´s last blog ..101 and counting- non sequitur =-.
how sad…that was one lovely house!
just stumbled upon your blog and i have to say its LOVELY! do drop by mine too when you have some time. perhaps we can follow each other. =)
So sad! It was such a lovely house. I forgot how wonderful the decorating was. At least we still have the photos.
Thanks so much!
.-= Willow Decor´s last blog ..Decorating with Giant Clam Shells =-.
I am so sad to hear this! I have the tour of this house saved on my “favorites”. I also used the living room as inspiration for my own living room. I have looked at those pictures so many times. Seeing the picture of the house burning truly makes me want to cry 🙁
How sad to see such a beautiful home destroyed…… and frightening at the same time….. I’ve read the comments and am a little dismayed with some that choose to blame the fire department….. There are a few things you should ask before passing blame: 1) Is there a manned fire station located nearby?? Or is it a volunteer fire department that relies on volunteers to respond to the call? If you have no manned fire station, then you have to allow time for the volunteers to leave their homes, or whatever they may be doing, get to the station, and drive the engine to the call…. which takes time. 2) When was the initial call to 911 placed?? It’s amazing how many people don’t call 911 because they assume someone else has. This is crucial to response time. And if the 30 minute duration of the fire from start to finish is accurate, then you can hardly blame the fire department if they didn’t receive notice the first moment the fire began.
Stepping down from the soapbox now! 🙂
The first thing I noticed when looking at the picture was the metal roof. I wonder if that could attract lightning.
I’ll add an interesting note to the responses above. My wife and I had toured this gorgeous home several years ago while looking for waterfront property in the Oriental area. We stayed for several days in one of the nearby little cottages that River Dunes rents out. We ultimately purchased a waterfront lot in another gated community about ten minutes from River Dunes, and are waiting to build our retirement home on it in a few years. This summer, the day before the horrific lightening strike, we were vacationing in Emerald Isle with a group of relatives. We brought our family group to River Dunes, and walked around many of the beautiful properties, taking pictures, and marveling at the beauty of the houses. We especially raved over the “Idea House” and its unique charm, and elegance. The next evening, back in Emerald Isle, we were all enjoying drinks and desserts in our condo, as a huge storm approached from the north, with a bolt of lightening that almost made us jump out of our shoes. The very next morning we read with great sadness about the tragic fire in River Dunes, and about the powerful lightening strike that almost instantly incinerated the Idea House. We thought about the power of the storm we had just experienced the previous night (no doubt the same storm), and understood instantly how powerful and dangerous lightening can really be. We were all literally sickened at the loss of a house that we had all just ‘stood in awe of’ a day before! It was one of the most creepy, horrible feelings that I have had in a long time. We all hope that the home is rebuilt exactly as it was. We drove up to River Dunes a few days after the fire, and saw the devastation. It was just a miracle that the fire was contained, and did not damage any nearby structures. That lonely, ash-charred lot needs to be rebuilt soon, to erase the image that we were all left with. I hope to see the “Idea House” once again in River Dunes! And we hope to be living right down the road from it, in a few short years!
This home (pre-fire) reminds me a little of my all time favorite house — HGTV’s 2006 Dream House at Lake Lure in North Carolina. THAT house is my ultimate dream house.
I just came across this link. I am still heartbroken that my sail cloth drapes, roman shades, and pillows were destroyed in the fire. They were crafted from 30-year old Dacron and 60-year old Egyptian cotton sails. Before they graced Coastal Living’s Idea house, those lovely sails enjoyed the waters in and around New England. My heart goes out to the talented architects and designers who made the house possible. Thank you Hooked On Houses for preserving the images. Warm regards, Cheryl