#1: They sing! They dance! They trash your house! (Answer)
#2: Panic in Paris. (Answer)
#3: Life Swap. (Answer)
#4: The old man gets a major award. (Answer)
#5: Christmas in Chicago. (Answer)
#6: This family is solid as a rock. (Answer)
#7: Faking it for Christmas. (Answer)
#8: Christmas gone wrong. (Answer.)
#9: Are You My Mother? (Answer)
#10: In love with the boy next door. (Answer)
Visit my Houses Onscreen page to see the other movies I’ve featured, listed A-Z.
I know most of them, but I just had to comment on number 10, “Meet Me in St Louis”!! I enjoyed the movie long before I ever moved to the area. There is actually a house in St Louis with the address she sings about (can’t remember it right now) but it looks nothing like the movie house. If I can find a photo of it, I’ll send you a link.
.-= Holly´s last blog ..Etsy and Thrifty Gifty #4—Framed Artwork =-.
Okay, the address is 5135 Kensington Ave., and there used to be a house, but it’s since been torn down. I know there’s an old photo somewhere, because I’ve seen it (granted, it was at our history museum), but the closest thing I could find online is from a blog, and a picture of the lot the house stood on. You can tell from the neighborhood that the real house wasn’t a grand victorian.
I believe it was the real address of the author of the book “Meet Me in St Louis” by Sally Benson. It’s a fun story to read too, although not exactly like the movie.
.-= Holly´s last blog ..Etsy and Thrifty Gifty #4—Framed Artwork =-.
#4 is one of DH’s favorite movies. We watch it every Christmas and still get a good laugh year after year.
.-= Melody @ Party Cupcake Ideas´s last blog ..Happy Thanksgiving: Fall Leaf Cupcakes =-.
I knew what most of the movies were except for a couple. Can’t wait until December, to see these homes featured on movie Monday.
I knew them all! I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. 🙂
BTW, I have a giveaway on my blog!
.-= Mom in High Heels´s last blog ..And now a word from our sponsor. And a GIVEAWAY!!!! =-.
I’m so excited you took my suggestion to do the National Lampoons Christmas Vacation house! I can’t wait to see it. I watch that movie year round because it’s just such an awesome movie. Thanks for taking the time to freeze frame the gorgeous house for us. I’m looking forward to it!
I got 6/10. I missed Alvin and Chipmunks, Stepmom, Meet Me In St Louis and While You Were Sleeping. Not too bad. What a fun quiz.
.-= Jessica at Lavender & Lilies´s last blog ..Mint & Gray =-.
I recognized all but house #5.
Tomorrow I start 3 weeks of craft and gift tutorials.
Come by and enter my GIVEAWAY.
.-= Laura Ingalls Gunn´s last blog ..GIVEAWAY~ Second Annual Black Friday Freebie =-.
Oooh I didn’t do so good. I only got a few:)
I love the show Castle. Have you seen it yet?? You should show off his New York City Loft. It’s gorgeous:) Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Julia:)
.-= Becky @ Farmgirl Paints´s last blog ..A wishful day =-.
What a fun post idea! I love the new look of your blog!
I only knew a couple of them – clearly I have some Christmas movie catching up to do.
.-= Struggler´s last blog ..The most amazing shoes I’ve ever seen =-.
I knew exactly half, but in my own defense I’d never seen the other 5. This was fun! Love your new look here.
Christmas In Con. has been a real fave because of the house. Have you viewed Bette Davis’s last country home in Dark Victory? The house, the furnishings, the ambience is an all-time favorite. Hollywood has done some great houses.
I knew six! This was fun and I am looking forward to seeing the pictures of the featured homes.
(Several of the movies were on just this week… so it made it a bit easier:)
I hope you enjoyed your trip!~?
.-= Beth at Aunties´s last blog ..Happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours! =-.
This was fun – I got some of them right. I like the Christmas movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1940s version) and the scene at the end when the little girl sees the house she asked Santa for. It was so pretty sitting up on the hill. That’s my most favorite Christmas movie.
Teacup Lane (Sandy)
.-= Sandy´s last blog ..Hare Wall Decoration =-.
That was so much fun! My hubby stood behind my chair and we guessed together…with his help, we did pretty good! You have a wonderful blog!
.-= Lavender Dreams´s last blog ..I am always on the lookout….. =-.
FUN! I love how so many of these houses are in CHICAGO! This will be my first Christmas in the windy city and I think it might be fun to get a bus and some peppermint schnaps and go see if any of these houses decorate for Christmas. I heard that the Home Alone house does it up real big!
.-= Bailey´s last blog ..This Year I am Thankful For… =-.
I only got three. “The Holiday” (#3), “A Christmas Story” (#4, and my FAVORITE holiday movie), and “Meet Me in St. Louis” (#10). Though, I’m not sure I would have recognized #10 without your hint! 😉
.-= Amber´s last blog ..the aftermath =-.
I am not much of a movie person, but WOW some of those homes are impressive!!! I love the italianate!! Beautiful homes!
.-= Trish@TheOldPostRoad´s last blog ..Gifts for Crafty Friends =-.
I have to say my favorite of these are the homes from The Holiday which I just watched again with Isabella last night!
.-= Art by Karena´s last blog ..A Room of Her Own =-.
Hi Julia hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving – I knew a few of the movies – my son made me watch Alvin a couple of years ago well thats my story and I’m sticking to it – but serious I love the way the Americans have such great traditions in the way you guys decorate and celebrate these special days. I am waiting to see how the 1st lady decorates the White House for Christmas I’m sure it will be beautiful. I watch these two shows Castle I just noticed how great his appartment is and also NCIS Los Angeles their headquarters very Spanish lots of wroughtiron WOW… Regards Esther…
This should be fun. I can only guess on a few of the houses, so I’m anxiously awaiting the answers.
.-= Rita´s last blog ..Time Table =-.
I couldn’t get two of them, but the rest are all favorites. I’m looking forward to the posts!
Hi Julia,
I love your new blog design, very nice! I could name most of these holiday homes, but a couple stumped me. I’m looking forward to your Holiday House tour, it’s going to be a fun event.
.-= The Stylish House´s last blog ..Christmas Mantle Swag Tutorial =-.
I love Dave’s home in Alvin and the Chipmunks.
.-= Janet´s last blog ..Happy Thanksgiving!! =-.
Just click the word “answer” next to each house and you’ll find out which movie it came from! -Julia 🙂
Well, that answers my question LOL I guessed all but 3.
Oh and I love the new blog look Julia!
.-= rue´s last blog ..My mom’s Thanksgiving tablescape =-.
#8 is my favorite movie of all time! Fun quiz!
.-= Jenny´s last blog ..We’ve Been Busy! =-.
Dah! Yes, I’m blonde. I have been absent from the blog world for several weeks. In my rush to catch up and see all the good stuff I’ve missed, I just didn’t see the obvious…the ‘answer’. Thanks for the note.
.-= Rita´s last blog ..Time Table =-.
I had to comment on #4 because A Christmas Story is one of my favorite movies. One of these days, I’m going to visit the house. The Higbees store that they shot the Santa scene in is closed. The building now houses the Department of Tourism.
.-= Condo Blues´s last blog ..Recycled Buttons? Oh Yes Please! =-.