Did you see the inspirational Jennifer Garner movie Miracles from Heaven and fall in love with the Beam family's charming white farmhouse like I did? Then you'll understand why I was so excited to hear from its real-life owners, who told ... Keep Reading
The House from the Movie “Kindergarten Cop” in Oregon
When a reader told me this house from the movie Kindergarten Cop was on the market in Astoria, Oregon, I had to watch it again to jog my memory. Arnold Schwarzenegger's love interest, a young teacher named Joyce, lived in this charming ... Keep Reading
“Funny Farm:” Chevy Chase’s Cape Cod in the Country
In the comedy Funny Farm, Chevy Chase plays Andy Farmer, a sportswriter who quits his job and buys a house in the country, where he plans to write a novel. The movie takes us through all four seasons in the small town of Redbud, Vermont, ... Keep Reading