The new Netflix show "Locke & Key" revolves around the mysteries hidden inside this grand old mansion. The magical ancestral family home is known as Keyhouse, and today I'm giving you the tour with all the scoop on how they created it ... Keep Reading
North-by-Northeast: A Classic Cape Cod Beach House For Sale
Looking for your dream home on the water? This might be it! This classic, shingle-style Nauset Heights beach house called "North-by-Northeast" was designed by the award-winning architectural firm Polhemus Savery DaSilva to take advantage ... Keep Reading
“It Was a Disaster:” Bringing a Beat-Up Bungalow Back to Life
Cathy and Tom of CT Properties Southcoast took on the challenge of bringing this beat-up bungalow in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, back to life. When he first saw it, all Tom could say was "What a disaster." Cathy agreed, but she could see ... Keep Reading