Have you seen the January 2013 issue of Better Homes and Gardens? I was excited to get my copy this week because one of my favorite bloggers — Edie from Life in Grace — was featured.
After her house burned down two Christmases ago, they built this new one on the property.
The title of the of the article is perfect for her story: “Mother of Reinvention.”
I had the chance to meet Edie at a blogging conference and she’s as warm and lovely in person as she is on her blog.
Edie gives the behind-the-scenes scoop about the magazine shoot (ever wonder what it’s like to have your house photographed for one?) on her blog Life in Grace.
Pick up the new issue of Better Homes and Gardens to read the story
by Gretchen Roberts and see all the photos by Beall + Thomas.
Kelly - Talk of the House says
Oh I love love love Edie and her house! Her style is one that makes me want to be brave – she is fearless! (and I am so NOT!) Thanks for sharing the pictures. I need to get me an issue today. I hope your family is all well.
65andcounting says
I am always in awe of people who can create such warm environments for their families. Great job Edie.
PS: I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t even know the magazine Better Homes and Gardens was still in circulation! I should get out more. 🙂
House Crazy Sarah says
I’m with you there – I have some vintage issues of Better Homes & Gardens, but I didn’t know they were still publishing!
Amanda @ Serenity Now says
Love Edie’s style! She is fearless…and I admire her courage and spirit so much!!
Baileywife says
I also follow Edie’s blog….and am still waiting on pins and needles for my BH&G issue to arrive!!! ~Kim
Kathy :) says
I just got my issue, can’t wait to read it !!!
I hope you had a woderful Christmas Julia 🙂
Happy New Year
Kathy 🙂
ShabbyChick says
Pretty gorgeous! My sister and her family lost their house to fire last Christmas – so wonderful to see Edie in her new home. Blessings….. 😉
House Crazy Sarah says
what an inspirational story of starting over! Thanks for introducing me to a new blog Julia!
amanda says
That kitchen is gorgeous! And of course my BHG subscription just ran out, grr.
amanda says
Julia, not sure if anyone else is having this issue, but for the last week or so, every time I come to your site I get taken to some other spam site, a different one each time. It’s not always right away, for example, I just commented on this post and when I hit submit, it took me to a spam site. Sometimes it is from the main page, but not always. Thought you might want to check into that, hopefully it’s not a virus.
Rosie S says
Amanda, the same with me, I get redirected and spammed and then my virus scanner indicates a problem. Julia, it may be a problem worth looking into, I was about to delete your site from my list of blogs, I have had to do that on another site, I couldn’t get to the original site after a while. Hope you can find out what the deal is!
hookedonhouses says
That’s really strange. I’ve read similar comments on other blogs this week, so something is going around. I notified my tech person to check into it. I’m getting the all-clear from my end and can’t see any issues, so I’m stumped. My husband works with computers and says you should definitely clear your cache and see if that helps. Sorry for the trouble–thanks for letting me know!
Lisa says
About the spam thing…I subscrib and get your new post notices in my email box and in the past couple of weeks there were random times when I clicked the link to take me to your sight, I would get a warning that continuing on would put my computer at risk for malware. I always choose the quit option and then have felt I should avoid coming altogether. I definitely think something funny is going on and hope that you can get to the bottom of it because I don’t like the idea of never coming here again – I love your website! 🙂
hookedonhouses says
Lisa–that sounds like a different issue we were having last week that should be resolved by now. Be sure to clear your cache. This thing about redirecting to a different site is a new one that is puzzling me. My tech person is on the case and will hopefully get to the bottom of it soon!
Ellen Olenska says
hate to say it julia but i had the same problem, especially if I used internet explorer to access, and particularly when it autofilled my typing of the address. It would land on your site, then flip over to some crazy site. I’d then have to shut my computer all the way down.
I do know that the women at astrostyle.com had something similar happen at their site as well…not sure what it was. but its a bit scary.
Jen says
That kitchen is gorgeous
Thanks for sharing the pictures
martha says
Julia, I stumbled on Edie’s blog through yours. She is an amazing woman and I always look forward to her words of encouragement and wisdom. Her house is beautiful, warm and inviting. I am so pleased she is featured in BH&G , the article is great, but she could fill up an entire issue. Thank you for such an enjoyable blog. Happy New Year!
Laurel@SopoCottage says
My new issue of BH&G didn’t get opened with all the holiday craziness. But now that I’v seen this, I can’t wait to dive in. The kitchen is so beautiful!!! Thanks so much for sharing both the story and the link to her blog!
Terry says
I remember when her house burned down, I spent hours looking at her blog and mourning with everyone of what was lost. Thankfully no one was hurt and her new home is AMAZING! I got my BH&G magazine yesterday, guess I better take a look today! Love your blog! Happy 2013!
hookedonhouses says
I know, it was heartbreaking, especially since they had just finished that major remodel. But such a relief that none of them was hurt. Thanks, Terry! 🙂
Amanda says
Oooo. I need to see if my issue is in. What a beautiful living room!
Julia, hope your family is feeling better!
Zalary says
This is Zalary, testing the redirect issue.
Zalary says
testing again.
Rosie S says
Julia, I did not get redirected today…. I will take your advice and clear my cache, Thanks for helping. I can’t wait to read this article, btw.
nee says
I was just sent to a spam site as well.
Exited out and came back.
Her home certainly represents her style!
Becky @ Farmgirl Paints says
i need to remember to stop and get this issue. i was heart broken for her when the house burnt. God definitely restored that which was lost. gorgeous…every inch!
Steve@UrbanCottage says
Just stumbled upon your blog by accident and signed up by e-mail so I can be sure to find my way back. What a great job you’ve done!
edie says
Oh you dear sweet Julia!!!! Thank you so much for this. I’m so excited and humbled to be featured on your blog. I’ve gotten so many awesome emails this weekend because of it. You’re a dear and have the best readers:)))
I’m so glad we met at Blissdom way back when.
Sending you hugs and blessings for a joy-filled 2013.
Rebecca@MidcenturyModernRemodel says
I did see the issue and jumped right over to her blog to see the Behind the Scenes notes. I love that! Great story and wonderful pictures as well.
Emilie says
“the same with me, I get redirected and spammed and then my virus scanner indicates a problem. ”
Ditto! This has happened to me several times in the past few days.
hookedonhouses says
Sorry for the trouble! Wish we could figure out what’s causing it. Every test has shown that there aren’t any problems on my blog, but comments like this indicate otherwise. Grrr. It’s the tech stuff that gives me fits. If anyone ever notices what site you’re getting directed to, please let me know so I can block it. Thanks!!
Signe says
I adore Edie AND her house! Thanks for introducing us, Julia.
Kristina Gulino says
Thanks for introducing us to Edie! I’m checking out her blog now. Have a happy New Year!
Nook & Sea
Susan says
I’ve been traveling so I’m just now catching up with Hooked on Houses. I too love Edie and will have to pick up a news stand copy of BH&G.
Funny you should ask about being photographed for BH&G. When I finally started trying to “unlearn” my perfectionistic tendencies I would say to myself “Oh well, it’s not like BH&G is on their way over for a photo shoot!”
Happy New Year. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us this year!
Leim says
Nice pictures, very inspiring.