Welcome to Hooked on Fridays, when I share things I love.
Here’s what got my heart pounding a little harder today: this sweet cottage in Carmel, California.
It was built in the 1920s as a caretaker’s cottage.
It’s on the market for $5 million.
Thanks to my sponsor Lookiloos for sharing this listing with us.
Head to their site to see more!
Hi Julia. What a charming cottage! I think I’ll buy two. 😉 ~Arleen
.-= Arleen @ Seasons for All at Home´s last blog ..Color Combination ~ Brick Red & Cheerful Yellow =-.
What a sweet house — and what a big price tag!! Yikes!! I’m so into black-framed windows right now — some of these pics are going straight into my inspiration folder!!
.-= DesignTies´s last blog ..Colourful Nova Scotia =-.
It looks like something from a fairytale. Love all of the windows and the roof line! Fantastic!
.-= Christi at A Southern Life´s last blog ..Hooked on Southern Laughter =-.
I am so sorry. My first link is incorrect. The correct link is the one mentioning “old garden tools”.
.-= Joan@anythinggoeshere´s last blog ..Tools of the Trade =-.
I love that expensive cottage!! Especially that lovely pine floor and Irish pine furniture!! Love Lookiloos too!!
.-= Suzy´s last blog ..Hooked on FAME…. =-.
There are so many fairytale cottages in Carmel…, so adorable. They’re rather small too, which I happen to love.
.-= Maya@Completely-Coastal´s last blog ..Vessels from the Beach =-.
Oh my, I love that cottage! That kitchen sink is to die for!
.-= Twice Remembered´s last blog ..Red Cottage Kitchen Vignettes and Hardwood Photos =-.
The cottage is absolutely charming…. but the price tag! Phew! Love the front door, it’s gorgeous!
.-= Linda aka Heartfire At Home´s last blog ..13 Questions To Reveal Your Own Design ‘Must Haves’…Part Two =-.
What a cute cottage. Looks like the garden is beautiful and tranquil too.
.-= Melody @ Party Cupcake Ideas´s last blog ..Runts Fruit Candy Cupcake =-.
I’ll be that “caretaker”!!!! How adorable!!!!
m ^..^
.-= m´s last blog ..Steeple In The Storm… =-.
Julia, if you EVER get the chance to visit California, Carmel is a must-see destination. The town is filled with adorable cottages like the one you pictured. So much to see and a true romantic getaway! In addition to spending weekends there, I used to drive down for the day to go to the beach because the scenery and quaint downtown was just that beautiful. Jane T.
.-= Atticmag´s last blog ..My Favorite Pasta Secrets =-.
That’s a little costly! It’s cute though!
.-= Jenny´s last blog ..Homeschooling: Week 6 =-.
I love it!! But yes…the price tag is quite hefty. I love the windows…and the landscaping. 🙂
.-= Lindsay @ Likely Design´s last blog ..Adventures in Saving the Planet =-.
That is the cutest cottage!
.-= Jenny K´s last blog ..The Staffordshire Hoard =-.
That is my favorite house yet!!!
AMAZING…love the roof and floors…and ..I am drooling!
I just love all those windows! Very dreamy!
How charming! Can $5 million be charming?
That kitchen! Love the cabinet color. And the outside garden! Wow!
All Things Heart and Home
.-= Robin All Things Heart and Home´s last blog ..Figure Friendly Recipe ~ Chocolate Chip Cookies =-.
What a charming little cottage! I may be able to spare a few pennies to help with the purchase ! 🙂
.-= Jenny @ Words On Wendhurst´s last blog ..Flash Forward =-.
Hi Julia,
I am hooked on so many things this week, “it’s spring” and everywhere I look and everything I do I just get hooked on it. So…. I have linked two of my blogs with you today, my main blog with collecting pale blue china and my garden’s blog on Wisteria, which is totally amazing in my little town at the moment.
I love your posts this week, especially the loft in London, I really could live there.
Have a great weekend,
xx Coty
THose cottages are ADORABLE!!! I would love to see them in person some day! Bon week-end!
.-= Fifi Flowers´s last blog ..Football Season… Fashionable time… =-.
Lovely! I spend my honeymoon there. It seems like each cottage is more adorable than the next!
.-= Heather´s last blog ..Bubbles =-.
Well that sure is a cottage I could get hooked on! Sigh! Bigger sigh!
.-= Marianne@songbirdisnesting´s last blog ..Celebrate your life =-.
What an adorable cottage!
Wouldn’t it be nice if some Fairy Real Estate Godmother gave you a freebie house by the sea as a commission bonus, Julia, for getting us drooling over homes we wish we could buy! The great thing about visiting here, though, is I never feel envious, just inspired to make my own homelife better. This is a wee beauty. I do prefer the smaller, cosier ones like this; they’re always full of wee details we can take away with us and apply.
.-= janice´s last blog ..101 Slightly Unpredictable Tips for Novelists and Screenwriters =-.
OH MY! how stinkin’ adorable is that cottage!!?
Have a GREAT weekend Julia!
.-= TidyMom´s last blog ..Things are Getting Exciting!! =-.
That cottage is so adorable. Would love to buy it! LOL! Thanks for hosting Hooked on Fridays. It’s a fun place to spend the day!!!
.-= Kelli´s last blog ..Silly =-.
Beautiful house… thanks for sharing!
The Architectural Antique Review
Oh that is soooo cute! I can see why you would get hooked on this one!
Becky K.
Hospitality lane
.-= Becky K.´s last blog ..Beautiful Life Friday… =-.
Very cute!! I can buy it if I can come up with 5 million dollars, and if we could figure out how to pay them pesky property taxes!! 🙂
.-= beth´s last blog ..Back in project mode with a furniture makeover =-.
Oh Julia, I adore that cottage. There is a similar house (fro the outside at least) in Beverly Hills, where I grew up. We always called it the munchkin house. It reminded us of something from a Hollywood movie. This one does too!
.-= Jane F´s last blog ..My Favorite Pasta Secrets =-.
I love this house!
.-= Rhianna´s last blog ..Remembering Patrick / Part 4 =-.
Charming home. Doesn’t fit with Carmel though … I think it would have been more appropriate in the New England area. Have a wonderful weekend!
.-= MissCaron´s last blog ..Hooked on … a beautiful beach house =-.
Lovely. Great house in a great spot. So charming:)
.-= Becky @ Farmgirl Paints´s last blog ..Two weeks in and a Surprise! =-.
Beautiful cottage. I might be able to afford a small barbie size. I love the windows. Thanks for sharing and hosting. It’s great before the weekend!
.-= Leanne´s last blog ..Gardens & Farmer’s Markets and a Recipe =-.
Would not think you’d see an English cottage in Carmel. It looks like it was transported from Stratford Upon Avon. I love the stone.
So sweet…I LOVE Carmel and the variety of storybook cottages that gives Carmel such charm!
.-= Christy´s last blog ..Welcome Autumn… =-.
Ooooooh, I would LOVE to own a cottage in Carmel. My parents honeymooned there and recently went back for their 30th anniversary. So romantic!!!
.-= the BLAH BLAH BLAHger´s last blog ..Hooked on Farmhouse Sinks =-.
Julia, I actually prefer this house to the estate in the Hamptons on your other blog today! Crazy, right?
Do you know about the Storybook Cottages in Carmel? I haven’t seen them in person yet… that town is usually just a pit stop on our way further up the coast… but I told my husband recently that Carmel will have to be the actual destination one weekend very soon.
Thanks for this pretty post!
.-= Tracy´s last blog ..Falling for Purple =-.
Sorry Julia…just can’t get the trick of a correct listing! So I’m on 2x. I really enjoy finding new blogs to read.
.-= Pat Smith´s last blog ..Hooked on Boats =-.
adorable cottage. my parents live in Carmel and i visit for a month every summer. it’s a magical place. this cottage (shown) is one of hundreds of adorable, amazing homes in “in town” Carmel… also known as Carmel By The Sea. if given the opportunity, you must visit! also, there is fantastic shopping on and around Ocean Ave.
.-= scoots and cuddles´s last blog ..feeling fall-y =-.
Beutiful! Love it!
.-= Allison´s last blog ..Sports and Halloween! =-.
gorgeous! and thanks for introducing me to Lookiloos!
.-= rachel´s last blog ..the BEFORE pictures… =-.
What a charming house…thanks for posting it!!
.-= Stephanie´s last blog ..SoBright Designs Custom Babywear winner! =-.
Precious cottage! The wood (furniture, included) makes it so warm. Love the yard, too. I just like it ALL!
.-= Trish@TheOldPostRoad´s last blog ..Will We See More of This? =-.
I’m a total dork and completely linked to the wrong post the first time. Please forgive me and erase it please…if you can. I liked it better when you got the little smiley face on your own link and could delete it. Sorry!
.-= Alisa´s last blog ..Gettin’ ready =-.
What an incredible cottage! There is so much charm! I love the windows and all the stone and wood! It seems like a place a writer would getaway to or something, or a house from a child’s imagination. Gorgeous!
.-= Sarah @ In A Dream´s last blog ..Linmar Gardens =-.
Hallo Julia,
This is a charming cottage! And because today I wrote about Walda Pairon, a Belgian Interior Designer, who lives in a beautiful cottage near Antwerp, I thought it would be nice to add my post Hooked on Fridays.
Greet from Belgian Pearls
.-= Greet´s last blog ..A passionated woman =-.
Be still my heart!
.-= Robin´s last blog ..Music Appreciation (or, how I am amusing myself at your expense) =-.
What an adorable cottage! Love the first photo especially. Have a great weekend!
.-= pk´s last blog ..Chocolate Anyone? =-.
Wow, I know Carmel is expensive (and a lovely town) but this seems like a crazy price, even for there! Unlike some of your other multi-million dollar postings, I somehow think there wouldn’t be room for all your commenters to chip in and live there together 🙂
That’s a gorgeous place and I’m not even particularly fond of cottages!
Love that kitchen. Maybe if we all chip in we can share it!!!
.-= Jeanne´s last blog ..Renew, Reuse, Recycle =-.
I have always wanted to visit Carmel, it looks enchanting. This cottage is so charming, warm and inviting it makes me want to move in! Thank you for hosting Hooked on Friday.
.-= The Stylish House´s last blog ..Tieback Tricks! =-.
Sorry we missed your “hooked on . . .” yesterday. (We’re actually hooked on Christina Ricci’s house, which we posted on Friday.) Anyway, we LOVE this Carmel cottage! Be sure to let us know if it belongs to someone famous!
.-= Celebrity Digs HQ´s last blog ..Christina Ricci’s L.A. Home Up for Sale, Celebrity Home of the Week =-.
Hi Julia
This home if just lovely.. very warm and inviting. Carmel is one place that I would love to visit if I ever get over to the US again.
I have joined your party this week.. thanks for the opportunity.. I am ‘Hooked on Venezia’
.-= Julie´s last blog ..VINTAGE Venezia: Faded Beauty =-.
I love those floors…amazing. 🙂 I’ve never been to Lookiloos before, but it sounds like a site I would enjoy, me being so nosy and all. 😉 Wish I could have joined the party last week!
.-= Amanda @ Serenity Now´s last blog ..Veni, Vidi, Vici…Or…They Came, They Saw, They Took the Scenic Route =-.
Super swoon!
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Monday Giveaway! =-.
I love lookiloos, too! I am fairly sure I first found them through you, so thank you. 🙂 And if I could rip that caretaker’s apron-front kitchen sink out…my day would be made.
.-= Laura @ the shore house´s last blog ..Bay Head Bargains =-.
So charming. . . I could be a caretaker if my little cottage looked like that!
Thanks for hosting the party.
.-= Angela @ Imaginecozy´s last blog ..Arranging Your Photos on the Wall =-.
I love those houses! When I lived in Pebble which is right next to it we used to cruise them. My mom looked at a few of them to buy, but they are so small! She just couldn’t bring herself to live in such a tiny house. Did you know that they don’t have addresses (at least they didn’t 10 years ago when we lived there)? They only have house names and use a post office for mail 🙂
.-= rue´s last blog ..Love is… =-.
Adorable…..I think Clint Eastwood was Mayor of Carmel ????
Kathy 🙂
Hi Julia, I love that big mansion on Beach Cottage Love but this is more my style. Liking it a lot today, cheers. Simone xx
.-= Beach Vintage´s last blog ..Happy Monday & Coastal Living =-.
If you’ve never been to Carmel, its worth visiting just to walk around and look at all of the charming cottage style houses!
I was blessed to grow up in Carmel Valley. Carmel is charming: O the shopping, the ocean, the fresh air, the cottages! But to escape the fog and the crowds, and to experience a slice of life my great grandmother lived in 1930, check out our secret hideaway. One guest dubbed The Ranch House, Carmel Valley’s “Little Ahwahnee”, and we think the name fits! I dare say this place corners the word “charming” – just check out the guest book to read what others have said! Thanks for letting me share our secret home with you! Take a peek, and let us give you a warm Carmel Valley welcome.