The new Christmas movie "Happiest Season" stars Mackenzie Davis as Harper, a woman who invites her girlfriend Abby (Kristen Stewart) to come home with her for the holidays. The hitch? She hasn't come out to her family yet, so they'll have ... Keep Reading
The Enchanted Cottage from “The One I Love”
In the 2014 movie The One I Love, Mark Duplass and Elisabeth Moss play a couple whose marriage is falling apart. Their marriage counselor (Ted Danson) prescribes a weekend getaway in a charming white house where everything looks picture ... Keep Reading
The House from the Sandra Bullock Movie “The Proposal”
The Sandra Bullock-Ryan Reynolds movie The Proposal featured a fabulous cedar shingle and stone house in (what was supposed to be) Sitka, Alaska, but the real thing is actually located in Manchester, Massachusetts. Let's take a look at ... Keep Reading