The new Netflix show "Locke & Key" revolves around the mysteries hidden inside this grand old mansion. The magical ancestral family home is known as Keyhouse, and today I'm giving you the tour with all the scoop on how they created it ... Keep Reading
A Tour of Brandi’s Beach House on Big Lagoon For Sale in Pensacola
January is always so cold and dreary here in Ohio that I inevitably start fantasizing about moving somewhere sunnier this time of year. When a reader named Brandi wrote me about the dream home she built in Pensacola, Florida, I couldn't ... Keep Reading
The “Money Pit” Movie Mansion Is For Sale in New York
The 1986 movie The Money Pit was a comedy of house errors, showing just about everything that could possibly go wrong with a fixer upper. Tom Hanks and Shelley Long played a young couple that bought a house that seemed too good to be ... Keep Reading